Quality of life changes I would like

What several other problems will dual-spec cause in your opinion?

Increased pressure on people to play specs they don’t enjoy for parts of a raid.
A larger portion of the players in the open world running around in meta pvp/farm specs.
Removal of a reason to move around in the open world.

Those are not worth saving the few minutes it takes to farm gold for a respec.


 the crying out for “Quality of Life” is what turned a great game into what retail is today. You say it will not impact class balance. It will. it will impact the whole game actually. Dual spec should never have been in the game at all.


As opposed to the pressure to play the one spec they don’t enjoy to be a part of the raid? It’s an improvement with no downside.

And how is that possibly a bad thing? More people doing the things they do in a spec optimal for the task. It’s an improvement with no downside.

You mean to farm for the respec money? Yeah, I guess the time spend farming for respecs will be replaced by time spent farming for dual spec gold dump. Make the dual spec cost 5k gold like the epic flying. They will farm (or more likely buy) the gold for it, and it will be more gold spent than 95% of them would ever spend on respecs. I mena 5k is a year of weekly respecs.

Sounds to me like you listed more reasons to get dual-spec. Thanks for supporting my position :wink:

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Daily Reminder we want adjustable neck length.

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Dual spec doesn’t solve the tank problem. Stop saying this rubbish. In WoTLK, we had dual spec, more options for tanks and easier group content. We STILL had a tank shortage.


I should make a macro for this List

  1. Making the game easier. Dual spec makes it possible to just switch your spec to one that fits the current encounter in the raid, therefore making easy and known content even easier. Maiden of Virtue? Feral becomes an Owl for less melee in the raid, Heal priest becomes shadow because the Tankpaladin becomes a healer to more easily get himself out of repentance via blessing of sacrifice. Similar things are possible for almost any encounter.
  2. Devaluing of hybrid classes and specs. Just be the specialist the situation calls for. No compromise needed. Anything that isn’t cookie cutter meta has no use anymore.
  3. Lood drama. My second spec is Fury. So sorry, mr Rogue, but I’m going to take that sword that you have farmed for for a week, even though I’ll probably don’t even have a chance of using it much.
  4. More of an RP reason. But I don’t like it if my character “specializes” in everything. Diablo 2 resurrected has shown the value of that again. It’s much more exciting to have some difficulties every now and then, because my Fire-Paladin isn’t exactly the best choice when it comes to killing the demons of hell. But those little buggers in the jungle are a walk in the park. A bit of character Identity so to speak.
  5. It’s another change towards retail and will attract the instant-gratification-crowd, therefore changing the face of the community and probably adding more voices to the choir of those that don’t appreciate what TBCC is, that would be much better suited playing retail. And with those voices louder and those of people that actually want to play TBC (again) more quiet, the game is more likely to change into retro-retail instead of being “classic”. Something it is struggling with already.
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Do you agree that dual spec reduces the tank shortage somewhat?

OG TBC is gone, it will never be as it once was.
Embrace changes that will make this game last longer or see its population decline rapidly.

Its your choice

It’d probably add 2-5 tanks per server; the number would be so low that it wouldn’t be noticeable. People would quickly realise that tanking dungeons at this point in the game simply isn’t worth the effort. There’s no real replayability in dungeons and won’t be until the badge of justice vendors get updated.

Dual spec would just make the same easier for PVP players and AoE grinders/dungeon boosters.

If the changes bring in players that I don’t want to play with, because their mindset is that of an instant-gratification-gogogo-type, then I GLADLY take the decline in population. Because guess what
 it might not be as many players, but it’s the quality, not the quantity.


You might’ve forgotten that its a MMO you’re playing. You cant be 23 players in sunwell.

And you seem to have forgotten, that not everyone thinks like you. In fact, I am pretty sure it’s more than 23 players on my “dead” server that are thinking like me. And on top of that there are the people who don’t mind the changes, but won’t stop playing if these changes won’t come.

So stop misrepresenting things please.

I’m not. I cant even play this game without people saying they want more QoL.
Can’t find groups to do dungeons unless you’re a tank and healer together starting it.
I play a tank, but i cant even roll a alt for DPS cause there are no players.

This isnt a isolated case, this is ALL servers that does not have FULL FACTION DOMINATED status.

Stop with the “I’m doing fine, so everyone else must be doing fine” talk.

I’ve played on 4 different servers, its all the same everywhere

If that is the case then you are doing something wrong. With you playing on 4 different servers, I assume you don’t have a decent guild. Find one. It’s an essential part of the game to become part of a community.

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I’d count that still as a bonus.
Even 5 tanks on the server could work miracles on a server, even though I would argue its more like +10-30% to the amount of warrs/druids/pallies being available for dungs as tanks.
Also healers.
Also there is the factor of easier way of filling pug raids or make maintaining reasonable guild raids more convenient.

You do know that you are sounding like something like an elitist, gatekeeper and such, and that is ignoring that the game already is filled people who just want to find groups or spend their time farming and not just sitting in IF for hours. You are paying for the time you can play the game, its

And devaluing of hybrid specs? Oh please, even back in 2007 we laughed at people who were hybrid speccing in raids. That stuff happens in before you hit max level (back then), and then you get wiser and spec properly.
I agree that some people might not want to be optimal, but this is an MMO we are talking about, the genre has been minmaxing since the days of everquest, and this is 2021, its even more so now.
And honestly, there isn’t any RP that can be classified as true RP (as in roleplay) as a D&D player I would talk about it. I play on an “RP” server and haven’t seen any RP beyond 3-4 guys being at some inn sometimes.
I also don’t agree with the argument that it is improved LFG, dualspec or LFR that killed wow. I would argue it was the fact that it was starting to be the 5th / 6th expansion and people just started to get bored with it, never mind lore dislike and such, and some things like the stat changes that happened which eliminated gearing being anything interesting, and dungeons and raids seemingly just being more of the same repeated.

I said it before and I said it again, if you wanted the pure tbc experience as way back when, it was dead on arrival. You think you got it, but you didn’t. :nerd_face:
Partially that could be said for me, my full 2.4.3 addon collection was completely disfunctional for the game. Not that it would be a dealbreaker, but its a complete bummer.

Then wow was doomed to turn out into what it is now from the moment it was first released? As for impacting class balance, I won’t say it wont impact raid class balance or in any “damage dealing or combat way”, but only ease the non-dps shortages that are ever present, which the game by/because of its design contains. I wonder, were there people who quit during something like MOP having any regret over posting that they wanted something like getting a dungeon group easier. It might be funny, that way one can think that the retail was ruined by its own players.

As a final thing, the reason why I would like the improved proper amount of grouping potential, as something that could be seen as something like there being issues with a lack of low to mid level schools, so people cannot get into the higher levels just because there aren’t enough schools. Not a perfect comparison but its similar enough, with some people feeling like if anybody could get to something comparable to oxford, it would diminish their oxford just because they aren’t a special snowflake anymore, even though graduating difficulty is not diminished in the sense of difficulty of learning or succeding in non-grade entry ways.
For some of you people, you might count it as a plus that finding groups is a pain, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

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Have you tried any PvE or RP servers? It’s not the same everywhere.


Are you arguing that adding double spec would actually impact the game LESS than the (admitedly idiotic) changes to emote and paintings ?


Those warriors, druid and paladins are ALREADY available to tank, they just don’t want to. Dual spec isn’t going to encourage people to tank.

People don’t want in TBC not because they can’t because “omfg 50g respec!!!?!!?!”, they don’t tank because they don’t want to, because it isn’t worth the effort. There’s no replayability value in dungeons.

You’ll get more tanks when badge rewards get improved, probably around phase 4-5.

Pretty sure this is an exact copy-paste of the arguments we saw at the time.
Seems that some people are so blind they can’t notice they are asking for remaking the exact same errors.

Because all this “QoL” bullcrap happened, and it certainly didn’t seem it actually made the game more popular. Remember what are the forums we’re posting in right now ?

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