Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

It makes me wonder what the Sunreaver and Blood Elf Mages will look like…

Are they going to be sharing the Void Elf hair styles as well…

Blood elf NPCs only have blood elf hairstyles.

Only High Elf NPCs have BE/VE hairstyles.


Ahh - I won’t lie, I wish the Sunreaver NPC’s were Warlocks - simply because I would like the clear distinction between High Elves and Blood Elves.

Have High Elves as the Arcane Mages whereas Blood Elves are the Fel-casting Warlocks.

Also wish, if High Elves can’t be playable, then the Void Elf passive racial could be glyph changed to an arcane-like effect.


why are there high elves with dark skin tone on your pictures you linked?

is that a private server or something else?

Cause High Elves can’t be dark skin

Or maybe is that another woke balistic missile for destroying lore, again?


These are high elf NPCs with VE/BE customizations, they are in the new neutral capital of TWW.

I remember you posting something like this before, can also remember telling you that blood elves are high elves, they just changed the name it even says it on the wowwiki, " The Blood Elves or (“children of the blood”), are a race composed of former High Elves who renamed themselves in honor of their people who were killed during the siege of Quel’Thalas,

Void elves are the same thing
Void elves or ren’dorei, “children of the Void” in Thalassian are a race of Void-infused elves affiliated with the Alliance. Their origins lie with a group of blood elves following Magister Umbric who were exiled from Silvermoon City.

Void elves are high elves
Blood elves are high elves

The only way blizzard would put high elves as a race in the game would be to put them in a middle faction, but then what would be the point of void elves and blood elves.

High elves have white, red, orange brown, black, and blonde colored hair and fair skin, most have brilliantly intense sapphire coloured eyes that glow (at least in World of Warcraft). In World of Warcraft high elves have blue, sapphire glowing eyes (but have more variation according to lore, including green eyes[5][15]). The blood elves have only green, emerald glowing eyes to show their magic addiction and their newly acquired addiction to fel magic

why there are black ones?


skin cancer?


I know they aren’t relevant, but do we have any pictures of the Sunreavers / Blood Elf Mages? Just to see if they use the new Blood Elf Shadowlands features

I do say - the Silver Covenant Mages have great looking staves. Silver and Blue versions of the Golden Staff of the Sin’dorei.




Can’t be a coincidence that the High Elves use more Thalassian based staves whilst Blood Elves use more Crystal/Outland based staves.

I think it’s just to differentiate between high elves (blue) and blood elves (red).

True, but just look at them.

The High Elves use proper Thalassian looking weapons, symbolic of the old phoenix symbols, coloured in blue and silver, whilst Blood Elves are more reminiscent of the Outland.

The HE NPC staff is unfortunately not available for players… :cry:

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Exactly - I reckon it should be, where both a Silver Covenant Quartermaster and Sunreaver Quartermaster dish out juicy transmog looking items.

Sunreavers sell some very “Sunfury/Outland Blood Elf” style gear.
Silver Covenant sell some very “High Elf” style gear.

EDIT: Maybe - take the Scarlet Sin’dorei Robe;
The Silver Covenant Vendor sells that model, but in a light blue version.
The Sunreavers sell that, but in a dark purple/netherstorm-like version.

Do you know that we cuted off with outland stuff, fel crystal, demons etc since LONG time ago?

Only things we can justify “red” color and other references with the past genocide in the 3rd war, that’s all.

Why “outland stuff” ?

So what…doesn’t mean it can’t make an Easter Egg return for Blood Elf players.

“Sunfury” is the name of a Mage Hero Spec; so why not give the Horde players some “Sunfury” like armour?

i dont think it refers to Sunfury of what are you talking about.

Because a Tauren mage who choose Sunfury spec cannot be… a sunfury…

Doesn’t matter - more choices for Blood Elf/Horde players and the general meaning behind “Sunfury” is enough.

Alliance get more High Elf styled stuff, whereas Horde get more Blood Elf/Sunfury styled stuff.

there is a major difference.

High elves are part of the alliance

Sunfury are not part in the horde and not part in the actual blood elves.

Sunfury was the enemy who followed the traitor Prince.

Few sunfuries backed to Silvermoon but they merged with blood elves.

There is no more sunfury.

Sunfury are part of the Horde, actually.


You’ll actually see that they joined with the Silvermoon Blood Elves.
You’d know that if you actually knew the lore and kept up to date with it, like I do.