Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

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Tell us all… Sing us your song again <.< Why the void elves… Even with High elf customization… Still doesn’t satisfy your high elf needs Moontear.


because of the ugly blue racial sprite and “void elf” tooltip

They look like High Elves, They Taste like High Elves, but they arent.


You want an entire new race… just because you can’t ignore that one racial ability?

They can give you new and cool high elf hair styles. And nobody could tell the difference.

And you could have an awesome two for the price of one race?<.<

What about! A glyph! that hides the void elf racial shadow stuff. And! awesome high elf hairstyles! Everybody wins! \o/ ?


i want nothing, the good high elve’s place is Blood elves side, not alliance side with
mixed couple HE-Human and bastard half elves babies

I m sorry sir but Void elves are litteraly a little small elite group of hundred(s)

High elve in alliance are more than thousand.

They are more legit than smurfelves

You want an entire new race… just because you can’t ignore that one racial ability?

You ignore at the beginning, but after moment you see only this sh** and its ruining RP, Totally

What about! A glyph! that hides the void elf racial shadow stuff. And! awesome high elf hairstyles! Everybody wins! \o/ ?

if the glyph changes the tooltip, yes.

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Its better than nothing but “void elf tooltip” + smurf racial = nothing

Ill bump this thread to get rid of “system”

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You’re doing it wrong. It has to be quel’dorei high elves. High elf high elves. Just like you of course always say sin’dorei blood elves and kaldorei night elves etc. Alsos everythings shoulds bes ins multiples, hes has beens verys clears thats yous cans addses ses tos anythings.



The Golden Staff of Sindorei in Silver recolor !

give it to me ! :melting_face:

Nice. Question is , are we getting third faction for elves, or just queldorei playable.

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The Silver version has been in the game as long as the Sin’dorai version, just not accessible by the players. Should have been available to the players at the same time as the Sindorai version. I hope it will now, I want that staff too. Better late then ever I quess. The mage armor comes in different colors.

Well now, what’s this?

Sunreavers and Silver covenant setting a side their differences. And maybe, maybe becoming friends.

Erevien goes.

…I just want to play war within right now and have Quel’dorei playable on the Alliance.


Sad this PVP elite mage armor could not be obtainale through other means. With the silver version of the staff would look cool. A Hoodless version of the mage armor would been cool too.


Looking at this screenshot seems like a heresy. Especially after being fresh from doing Landfall campaign in MoP Remix, Dalaran Purge in particular, where Silver Covenant went full Kristal Nacht on Sunreavers out there.

And we players also participated in both sides of the slaughter. Lo’themar in Sylvanas book called Dalaran a city of execution of his people when negotiations about how deal with the Legion were to take there.

As for High Elves being playable…well they are about to score another major hit with the fate that shall befall on Dalaran.

While Blood Elves have moved on and developed further.

Take note guys that splintering of Thalassian Elves took place in the year 22 after Third War concluded. TWW is taking place in the year 42. Full 20 years have passed in game since that time as will in real world as WoW will celebrate it’s 20th anniversary.

A normal person would come into terms that no Quel’dorei will be added as time is not in your favour.

As a last argument I will bring the most recent revelation.

TBC took place in the year 26. That means 14 years before TWW. Midnight will take place at least one if not two years. That makes it about 16 years after Sunwell’s restoration.

Every Blood Elf born at that time will be in full adolescent mode. At the very precipice of becoming adults.

To be blunt. While Dalaran falls and many High Elves score the state of total deadness, Blood Elves lead into adulthood a full post restoration Elven generation.

Blood Elves that remember nothing of the Scourge, Downfall, Destroyed Sunwell, Sunstriders or the fact why some salty from the Alliance cousins abhorre their very existence for no apparent reason, as they have done nothing to them

A full generation of people who only saw how their kingdom grows and rebuilds.

Blood Elves won. They are the future of Quel’thalas.

Guys let it go High Elves are thing of the past.


Since you play an elf yourself you should know that their life span is much longer than humans’; then what makes you say that a 16 year-old would be a teenager? :thinking:

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Because of Sylvanas Book? We got a pretty detailed cross section of an entire Thalassian society and a bit of a their physiology as well.

Elves do mature at the same pace as Humans do. They age at a much slower pace.

I will give a few examples of some racial and societal traits of Thalassian Elves.

  1. They have mostly golden or white hair. Black and red are quite rare sight in what Sylvanas described as “sea of gold and white”

  2. They have predetermined appearance once they grow up. One Elf may look like experienced 40 year old but just barely hit adulthood.
    While other may look like a brat that just had 18th birthday few days ago, but actually is hundreds of years old.
    Lor’themar have always had an old look. Sylvanas commented on it on two occasions. One where she saw him for the first time as a little girl and second when she was an adult.
    While Halduron have always had boyish look. By the time all 3 Windrunner sisters became adults, he looked younger than them. Even Lirath had more mature look.

  3. Elves are not agists. Many pairs have tremendous age difference between them that can span centuries. One Elf may walk alone for ages until their destined one is born.
    The best example was when Sylvanas teamed up with Lor’themar and Halduron. Two Elves being much older than her. But they welcomed her as if she has always been their friend, as if they were waiting for her.

  4. Thalassians have a very homogenous society. By looking at one Elf you can get a general view of an entire race. Most of them are content living in Quel’thalas.
    Very few are of them step out of the line. Alleria was one of them. And was quite vocal about it.

  5. Their general view on Humanity was a form of “done deal”. They believed that shared past during Troll wars was a business that got concluded and there is no need to develop any relations further beyond that.

  6. Hawkstriders were base ground mounts for Thalassians. But King Anasterian kept exclusive and luxurious stables of Coursers that were being awarded to the esteemed Elves.

  7. Thalassian society was very strict and very stiff in terms of training their young. The term of a “late bloomer” didn’t exist to them. Young Elf either showed a talent for something or at least was average enough to be accepted into Rangers for example.
    If they were utterly hopeless then it was decided they would become someone else even if they did start to show signs of said talent in later years.
    The only exception to this rule were hereditary ranks like Ranger General. The direct heir was being groomed into one regardless of their talent and skill.

Best examples are Windrunners. Alleria who was an average Ranger, far inferior to Sylvanas was still being destined to become a Ranger General because that was the tradition.

While Lirath Windrunner was denied to become a Ranger because he was totally hopeless and became a musician. Though as an adult he showed surprising display of long dormant talent and could become a successful Ranger if not for some tragic events.

  1. Thalassians are very dedicated to their tradition and to Quel’thalas. Anyone who doesn’t fit in is viewed as a freak and anomaly. Alleria never truly had any connection with her homeland and mostly sticked to her own likeminded gang. One that followed her into Draenor and now are sitting ducks at Allerian Stronghold.

  2. Most of self imposed exiles from Quel’thalas that we see in Human ranks by the time of Warcraft 3 were Elves that lost everything during Second War. Their entire families being slaugthered, filled them with vengeance. Once the war was over and Orcs were defeated, those Elves didn’t have a home and family to return to.
    Though some of them did after Third War when universal sense of loss and despair in Quel’thalas allowed those vagabond Elves return and connect with their people and work on the shared future.

  3. Every dark choice,every risky move, any mistake that Blood Elves did during the period od destroyed Sunwell was but a mean to an end. And the end goal was always to restore their kingdom and former glory. No radical move was branded as permanent. Once Sunwell was back entire nation began to swiftly remove them like Burning Crustals for example.

To put it simply Blood Elves are the High Elves because they display every trait that do defines them as such. While the “Quel’dorei” of the Alliance are everything that true Quel’dorei even before the downfall utterly despised.

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Now (TWW) High Elf and Void Elf NPCs share their hairstyles.
This sharing of hairstyles should also be available to players…


The recent questline does show void elves using the high elf features; but they have void elf voice-lines.

So, I guess the debate can remain open because void elves with the high elf features are, by canon standards, void elves.
Look at the new NPCs, which cover a Void Elf Hunter (Lyria Skystrider), Void Elf Monk (Ennas the Faithfallen) as well as a Void Elf Priestess (I forgot her name) but she does look like a High Elf, but clearly uses void magic.


It makes me wonder what the Sunreaver and Blood Elf Mages will look like…

Are they going to be sharing the Void Elf hair styles as well…