Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Now that the high elves of the Kirin Tor and the Silver Covenant are homeless, they need a new city.
Silvermoon will probably be their new home (elven union), the horde and alliance will need to unite to defend Quel’Thalas (neutrality).

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The Alliance has nothing to do with the events that some call the “purge of Dalaran”.
Remember that the Zandalari Trolls were not part of the Horse under King Rhastakhan only under Talanji.

Jaina Proudmoore was not a member of the Alliance until the Kul Titans rejoined the Alliance. She was always a Kul Tiran mage.

Silver Covenant are to the Alliance what Ogrea are to the Horde. They may have assisted in Alliance military efforts but are not members of the Alliance.

Look at retaking Surumar during Legion expansion. The Alliance did participate through Tyrande and the Night Elves but the High Elves also cooperated in retaking the city.

Not true.

High Elves existed in Theramore. High Elves exist alongside nature and share the wild hammers love of nature.
The Silver Covenant is the most visible High Elf force but they have always been there.

The Tauren are few in numbers and their population have not increased much since the Horde saved them from extinction by the Centaur.

The Alliance of Lordaeron and the Grand Alliance were always two seperate organisations.

It could be argues that Velen moved out of self interest. The Blood Elves are magic junkies and always will be. Without their main source the Sunwell they will get their fix from anything including Naaru.

Once the Blood Elves magic addiction murdered Muuru they will have just fed on another Naaru and another and another. So purifying the corpse of Muuru and using his remains to restart the Sunwell gives the Blood Elves magic junkies a reliable source of magic again.

Unlike the Nightborne that are no longer dependent on the Nightwell. The Blood Elves are still entirely dependent on the Sunwell.

High Elves need a leader. Lorthemar Theron is a Blood Elf. The ruler can not be another Wind runner. New monarchs can be chosen.

The most dangerous type of magic that any elves got addicted to were the Shen’dralar Elves of Eldre’Thalas. The Shen’dralar were actually the first true arcane and fel junkies.

The Highborne of Quel’Thalas were addicted to arcane sources of magic…the Shen’dralar were actually the first to become addicted to the fel magic of Immol’thar and the first fel-based Elves, again came from the Highborne Night Elves whom were transformed into Satyr.

But the Blood Elves only had roughly 6 years of fel magic, for those on Outland and about 4 and a half to 5 years for those still in Quel’Thalas and for those in Quel’Thalas, since a large portion were Farstriders and Rangers, they didn’t feel the arcane addiction like those on Outland.


I’m hoping that this does mean playable High Elves, but we have to know that it can’t be one way - where Alliance gets one thing and the Horde doesn’t.

I think Felblood Elf features for Blood Elves only is a fair way to go.

It feels like developers are taking a stance on this because they once said that Sin’dorei are High Elves, and now won’t back down out of fear of looking stupid.

Sin’dorei are not Quel’dorei. Biologically, yes, just like Kaldorei and Shal’dorei. Or Dwarves and Dark Iron Dwarves. Or Zandalari Trolls and Darkspear Trolls. They clearly have no problem adding different “versions” of a race.

Quel/Sin, like the other examples, are two separate factions, separated by choices, culture, locations, alliances. One of them used Fel magic to sustain themselves, and allied with the Horde. The other did no such thing, and are part of the Alliance, as they were originally. “They’re the same so why add them” - on top of the above examples, Void Elves are more Blood Elves than High Elves… They just embraced some Void magic and were shunned for it. Their arguments make no sense.

C’mon Blizz, we won’t make fun of you. Just do it. Add one of the core races (/factions) to the game and admit that adding Blueberry’orei was a bad idea.