Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - 2024

Might as well call them Thalassian elves on both sides using your idea of adding additional choices past the base race’s choice.

No, there can never be enough elves. Especially not when they are deeply tied to all the genuinely interesting aspects of the lore and world-building.

They haven’t even scratched the surface in regards to potential elven races/off-shoots.

Naga, Satyr, San’layn, High Elves, Felblood Elves. All would be fairly popular I imagine. Much more so than the likes of Earthen and Kul Tirans who I rarely see.

Good point!

I feel like all recent additions by Blizzard are meant to be neutral and defy expectations a bit.

Instead of just “Dragonkin” or even “Dragonsworn”, we got Dracthyr. When they gave us a new race in TWW, it was the Earthen. But not only that, Earthen that had developed a culture and are now infused by Azeroth. So not really Earthen as we know them from WotLK and other expansions. Notably, both of these races are also “legendary” in a sense. A special people from the past, carrying out a super important duty but then left to their own devices, and now able to forge a new future.

If we’ll ever get an additional Quel’dorei race, I bet it will follow in the same path. I’m thinking one of these two possibilities:

  • ‘Wood Elf’-type High Elves. These High Elves represent the scattered remnants of all High Elves that have lived out in the world, away from Silvermoon, Dalaran, and other major settlements in recent years. They represent some of the best rangers from Quel’thalas, but their time away from home has taken this one step further. They’re bulkier than regular elves, and as such have a brand new model. They’re a bit rougher and coarser. They use war paints, have cool scars (scarification) and feathers in their hair. Very tribalistic and close to nature. Their available classes are Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Monk. Maybe even Druid.
  • ‘Light-infused’ and heroic type High Elves. These High Elves would be quite inspired by Metzen’s affection for the Light, the Avengers, and all things badass. Think of these almost as superheroes. Eyes that can glow, hair styles that feel quite edgy or heroic. Very iconic silhouette. Merge Overwatch with the Avengers and you’re getting close, but then also throw a bit of the Holy Light in there. Maybe Thor, Iron Man and Captain America are good examples. These would be some type of squad that has been infused by the Sunwell’s light to counteract the Void and its assault on Quel’thalas. They move fast, they’re strong, and they have a certain vibe to them that says: “whoa”. Super marketable, probably. Available classes would likely be Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Priest, Mage, Monk.

Each of these scenarios would likely alienate a lot of players who just want a simple additional race added, one that takes some elements from Blood Elves but feels more “Alliance-y” and rootes in traditional fantasy lore. Hunters, Paladins, Mages, and so on. I’d be all for that, but it feels less likely somehow.

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No. How about we don’t steal more crap from belfs, huh? Just this once?

Not sure if I’d count it as “stealing”.

Silvermoon originally was a neutral city, for thousands of years. The fact that it’s been on the Horde for 20-30 years, lorewise, is actually a blip in their history and not what’s in the best interest for their people.

They’re a civilization on the northern tip of Lordaeron, a sub-continent filled with Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves. Culturally, economically, religiously… they not only have more in common with their neighbours in the south, but they also depend on them in order to maintain their way of life.

The Horde doesn’t have much to offer the Blood Elves but huts, fresh fruit and leather hides. Technologically, the rest of the Horde is like 2 000 years behind the Blood Elves. Silvermoon is like Atlantis while Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, and all the other Horde capitals are more like little villages by comparison (again, in terms of technological development).

I’m almost certain that Blizzard opted to give Suramar to the Horde merely to solidify the Blood Elves as a Horde race for the future. Now, all of a sudden, these two nations have an equal within the Horde, which was even epitomised by the marriage of Lor’themar Theron and Thalyssra.

Then we also have the fact that the Night Elves recently lost Teldrassil. Mount Hyjal, meanwhile, has been more or less neutral throughout the game’s history, and their new home in Amirdrassil is more or less a neutral hub as well. With this in mind, I think it’s only fair that the Blood Elves and Void Elves have access to their own distinct spaces within Silvermoon, while the kingdom itself becomes neutral.

Slightly off-topic, but just for some added context to the discussion, these are the races I feel belong in the two factions (officially speaking, as nations):


  • Stormwind
  • Gilneas
  • Kul Tiras
  • Ironforge + Shadowforge City + Aerie Peak
  • Gnomeregan + Mechagon


  • Durotar
  • Mulgore + Highmountain
  • Darkspear Isle
  • Zandalar
  • Wherever Goblins live now

That’s it. Quel’thalas, Amirdrassil/Mount Hyjal, Undermine, Suramar, Pandaria, the Exodar, Khaz Algar and arguably even the Undercity would all make more sense as neutral. One could argue it is bizarre the Nightborne and Earthen were given to the Horde or made neutral, given how they fit so much better on the Alliance (just as the Blood Elves). But Blizzard is likely looking into telemetry here, and is seeking to fill different holes on either faction in order to maintain balanced player numbers.

Playable races is different of course, as an individual High Elf could still choose to identify as a Blood Elf and feel more at home within the Horde.

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Would it be really that hard for Blizzard to do some fanservice and give people what they have been asking for decades? :slightly_smiling_face: A happy customer is a paying customer.

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Isn’t the next expansion about all of the elves uniting again under one banner? I would expect by the end of it each side can play all variants of elves.

Yes, and I’m looking forward to see what Blizzard has in store for us.

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That’s ok. Cause I’m sure. It’s stealing. Trying to take away from belfs bit by bit, further ruining another race aside velfs, which you helf types virtually put in a coma.

First of all, Silvermoon is a Horde city. For as long WoW existed, it’s been a Horde city. Now you helfers decided it shouldn’t be. Why? Why would Blizzard listen to you? Cause you are used to having your demands given in to? Or is it cause you got used to Blizzard shafting the Horde constantly?

And Silvermoon was never neutral. It was part of the Lordaeron Alliance which is gone.

So no, I don’t want Alliance in a Horde city any more than I want Horde in an Alliance city. Thing is the Horde people aren’t entitled enough to demand Alliance cities.

I wouldn’t be happy and I’m a paying customer.

I suppose we can agree that Blizzard cannot make everyone happy then. :slightly_smiling_face:

Like you people. You are never happy. First they gave you the belf model, still not happy, then the customizations, not happy. Now you want their city. Probably won’t be happy still. So yeah, agreed.

Because this was not what people asked for. :slightly_smiling_face:

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We already have blood elves, night elves, void elves & nightbornes. Do we really need yet another elf race when there is plenty of more unique ones we could get instead? :confused:

Might as well rename this game to World of Elfcraft then.

What people ask for is to replace belfs. That’s not reasonable.

I’m not asking for replacing Blood Elves, or the Void Elves. There are people who enjoy them. I’m asking for adding High Elves on their own right. I love the Silver Covenant. High Elves have been present in the game on various locations as individuals and in neutral factions too, like the Argent Crusade.

What Blizzard has done to add high elf customizations to Void Elves have been a great compromise for role players and there are a lot of (role) players who are truly happy with it. But it was a short term, fast solution. I hope that the Midnight expansion will remedy that.

High Elves are really a very popular and much loved part of WoW. No wonder that people are very passionate about them (and salty to see them in the game as NPCs while they are unable to actually play them as playable characters).


Yet here you are whit your buddies thinking that next expansion you’ll get to prace around in the belf city. It’s funny how you people heard “elf reunion” and somehow that translated into Neutral Slivermoon. Says quite a bit. So please, don’t try to sell me that crap. I’ve been hearing you people making demands since TBC. I know better.

Blood Elves were unfortunately already replaced. They were at their most intriguing back when they were led by Kael’thas and willing to do whatever necessary in order to protect their homeland and people, both of which had basically been wiped out to scattered, desperate remnants.

Kael’thas was stupidly corrupted and unceremoniously killed off alongside Illidan and Lady Vashj. All three of them should’ve been tied together as part of the ongoing Blood Elf storyline instead of throwaway raid bosses. Especially with the potential of the Blood Elves working with the Naga and unlocking their long lost heritage from the days of the Highborne. Which they at least got in the end through the Nightborne instead.

Void Elves toying with dark, dangerous powers and joining the Alliance was further salt in the wound for genuine Blood Elf enthusiasts. That’s exactly the vibe we were promised for Blood Elves.

The Purge of Dalaran saw Vereesa and Jaina get away with attempted genocide, escalating the faction conflict further in the process but of course only the Alliance get their ‘justice’ when its own territory or people are attacked. Gilneas was reclaimed, Teldrassil was replaced with a new giant tree. The Horde as a whole are reduced to barely even cameo roles both in Dragonflight and The War Within.

I despise both factions and see them as being detrimental to pretty much every playable race at this point. Though the damage is done. Even one of the recent short stories had Arator wandering around Silvermoon - which makes no sense given that he’s a half elf and his aunt is responsible for the attempted genocide of innocent Blood Elves.


Late response but, personally I would go as far as to call her more void elf then other void elves

lady was already voidy when she smoothie slurped up a whole fallen naaru
Hell, I would call her more void then elf at this point

High elves for the most part also do not exist anymore in any meaningfull capacity
I’m not joking, the Silver Covenant was really their last holdout, all those lodges you see in the old world and in cata? they’re gone, wiped out, destroyed, dead.

There is a text on the wowwiki that was taken from an original encyclopedia page that unfortionately with the new wow website a while back was removed, but the quote still exists on the wiki;

This was as early as TBC

The continuation of the high elves are the blood elves, with Dalaran gone, the last non blood elf line that had a pressence in the game and story is really just gone.

As for them being alliance, neutral would make more sense, Anestarian pulled the High elves out of the alliance between WC2 and 3 and never officially rejoined, very likely that the WC3 elves you trained and used were Dalaran aligned, not Silvermoon and Dalaran as we know it, is destroyed (tho tbf it does that like every few decades)

See you in Silvermoon in Midnight…Neighbor :slight_smile:

Near the central square fountain in Midnight, Sandor and Erevien taking a stroll around Silvermoon.

Stormwind was also part of the Lordaeron Alliance and they evolved and started the Grand Alliance. So too was the Jaina’s “Western Alliance” in Kalimdor. So Silvermoon and the High elves were part of the Alliance. And the expedition from Outland still had flags of Lordaeron Alliance and have since TBC joined the Grand Alliance.

Not true. In wow vanilla Blood elves was hostile to Both factions and Silvermoon was inaccessible and still in ruins.

It does matter. You see the thing is, Azeroth is the future for all races. For example the Black Dragonflight moved to Azeroth to save their Brood so they could have a future. There was no future on a dead planet like Outland. And strangly enogh the Nether drakes too moved to Azeroth to save their brood becuase Azeroth gives Hope for the Future as it is a living planet. Same for Krokul on argus as Argus is also a dead planet, the Legion made sure of that. Velen managed to convince Chieftain Hatuun to join him in building the new city as it is the Future of all Draenai. The last of the Eredar Draenai that broke away from the Legion have also joined Velen in building this new city.

The Mok’nathal will be joining the Horde and move away from Outland to help them grow and their race to have a future. Yes their ancerstor home is in Outland but there is no future there as the world is crumbling and Azeroth offers much.

The Humans and Dwarves in Honorhold has moved back home to Azeroth after TBC. The Wildhammer dwarves have also moved home from their fort in Shadowmoon valley and also the High elves in Allerian stronghold have moved home, sure they were not welcome at first in Silvermoon because of Grand Magister Rommath but things have changed since then as there is now peace between Horde and Alliance and they moved home. 7 years of peace after Dragon flight. 5 years of peace before Dragon flight.

So they are all moving away from Outland as there is no future there…only death. So im pretty sure Velen will contact the Shattrath City Draenai, for them to join Velen in Azeroth to help build this grand new city for all races of Draenai. Sure the be some who want to stay but im sure the young will move to save their race. If there is no chance of saving their world, its time to move and its not like they done that before. Argus was their real ancient home but they left when Legion invaded and they were betrayed by their own. And when they move to Azeroth, the Draenai will bring with them their Naaru so there won’t be any point for the Scryers to stay as the reason they stayed there in Shattrath City was because of the Naaru.

Im sure you will bring up about the Night elves but their situation is diffrent. Kalimdor is not dead land like Outland so they can return there and rebuild as they did after BFA. Yes stupid of Blizzard to set up the new world tree so far from their ancestral home but Blizzard said it will be moved later to Kalimdor. One can wonder why not just set it in Kalimdor right away but … who knows.

Dude you are describing the Highvale elves (High Elves, part of the Alliance). They found a way to overcome their mana addiction and is free from the addiction.

Been friends for years with the Wildhammer dwarves at Aerie peak → Shaman class

A Draenai priest have moved there since Cata to teach them about the Light.

Im sure that will happen so they have space to add more races. Like when you click on Human you get 2 options. Stormwind or Kultiran. Dwarves you get option of Ironforge and Dark Iron and Earthen etc etc.

Me too Clare.

Yes but Anduin made it Official for the Dark iron to join the Alliance. Thorium Brotherhood joined Moira who also now part of the Alliance so no longer neutral. The Dark iron still worshipping Ragnaros was defeated in Cataclysm and their offical joining should have happend after that but it didn’t happen but The Dark iron kept fighting for the Alliance in the expansions ahead.

Well that was the idea in the Begining that the High elves moved to Crystalsong forest and takes over the Ancient Highborne ruins. And they have a well of arcane, well there is two wells in Northrend and the Alliance High elves could have made a deal with Kalecgos to help proctect the Arcane wells, inexchange to have access to their arcane wells. This have been discussed for years for the Alliance High elves to have their own home.

Yes but Velen saved them in the TBC Sunwell patch. By restoring the Sunwell and added the Light to their arcane well, and the Blood elves have still not thanked him for saving their race from years of fel corruption.

Nah I think he will do well. Well who did you have in mind then for to lead, for both Blood elves and High elves? Sure Alleria could be if she didn’t had the Void thing, if she just was the Warcraft 2 Hero they could have chosen her but she is also a lone wolf so she probly not do her job well as she will not be near the throne. As she wants to be in the action all the time and not sit down in a chair all day. Veeresa…well I think it will be too big of a task for her. Sylvanas well if she wasn’t dead, she could have been a candidate for the Throne as she is a leader as she has lead the Forsaken for years. But I think it fall back to Lor’themar Theron to lead both the Blood elves and the Alliance High elves. Sure each elven tribe would have their selected leader in the Council. Vereesa leading the Silver covenant, Voren’thal the Seer leading the Scryers etc etc.

Sure we will, when we get what we have asked for since wow beta and no more compromises.

Means nothing and also that lore has not updated even if more and more Alliance High elves have showed up, “Named” High elves. The “OLD” city of Dalaran is destroyed yes but not the High elves of Dalaran or the Silver Covenant. Because Khadgar saves them, risking his own life. Also Dalaran is not gone as the Kirin tor has been rebuilding at the Dalaran crater since Cata so new Dalaran will emerge in the Future. And no all the lodges are not gone. Only the one in Eastern plauglands in the North. Also that text referred to Both High elves and Blood elves.

But as you keep forgetting it seems is that Void elves were just 20 people…oh sorry 23…that does not make them a race. Its a extreme extinction race, can’t even call it a race with 23 people. Sure there a few more now but Alliance High elves will always out number Void elves in numbers. So Blizzard thinks that 23 Void elves is enough to make them playable then what you just wrote, means…nothing.

Also the vulpera is like a few caravans, that all that is left of the Vulpera…like 40 people maybe so they are also extinct race as there is no more out there becuase the Sethrak has hunted thier kind for a very long time. What’s in Vol’dun is all that is left of the Vulpera race, there is no were else. And that also was enough for Blizzard to make them playable so numbers to not matter. And never did.

The playable Mag’har orcs are just a handfull that escaped to Azeroth. That’s it, no more escaped from AU Draneor but was “enough” for Blizzard to make them playable. But as the Green skin orcs and the Mag’har are from same clans but different universe they have joined as one race. As there is so few of Both the Green skin orcs and the Mag’har orcs.

Both Tauren and the Darkspear trolls was also at extinction level in Warcraft 3. Only “one village” of Taurens had survive the war with the Centaurs, that’s it there was no more Taurens (Well sure in Legion there was the Highmountain Tauren but they had been killed by the Legion and other forces and even the Bloodtotem betrayed them and killed Highmountain Taurens so there wasn’t many of them either). And same for the Darkspear trolls on their island, “one village” but with Blizzard “magic” when Wow started both races somehow…somehow managed to repopulation their numbers to subtained number…that is just not posssible, it really isn’t.

The Nightborne, well most turned to the Legion and we had to kill them and some had turned to the Nightfallen so not many had survived as they were just one city. Blizzard said in a Blizzcon we would meet a new elven race and that kill all those elves but at some point they changed their minds. Also the Mana tree, arcan’dor we help them get to regain their form and mana well once upon a time that tree became unstable and in a flash turned to spider like creature in Falanaar. The Nightborne in those ruins; The Shal’dorei became the Fal’dorei. And it could happen again.

Well as I said further up that Void elves is basicly what Blood elves were back in TBC when power meant everything to them, which makes the void elves weird as an Alliance race but also that they are using Void which goes against everything The Alliance stands for. So Void elves would have made more sense with the Horde than Alliance. The Blood elves used every magic they could find to make them strong like Necromany, Blood magic, Fel magic and Void magic. Blizzard made the Sunwell patch just to put “salt in the wound” for High elves fans and we never asked for that, to change the Blood elves how they were introduced in TBC. We just wanted our Alliance High elves to be playable that’s been in the Alliance forever. Blizzard could have kept the Blood elves as they were in TBC as they were very close to what Dnd Dark elves were, even their art showed armor that looked something Dark elves would wear and made Alliance High elves playable as uncorrupted and Dalaran could been their home or as been discussed…Crystalsong forest in Northrend or Hinterlands, There is also Highborne ruins in the Hinterlands that could have been rebuilt.

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How do you know it’s gonna go exactly how you want. I mean you must have some proof. A love letter from Blizzard to helfers or something. Cause all I hear is more helfer hype that ends in disappointment. Like usual.