Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

That’s what I just said…I said it’s datamined for Blood Elves, but I’m happy for them to be given to the Void Elves, plus a “blood elf-like” skin tone, with some “voidy parts.”

Blood Elves then get features that are clearly relative towards the Horde and to them, that are specific for Blood Elves, alone.

Its ok to dream about blue eyes for blood elves…but reality is that blue eyes for highelves in the alliance -only. :slight_smile:

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We have blue eyed blood elves, I Just don’t remember their names right now. I am sure someone here knows it.

So, no. You also have green eyed high elves on the alliance.

Their was a High Elf Warlock in Dalaran at one stage.
I’m not sure if he was supposed to be, might have been…I don’t know, a Blood Elf Warlock.

As one who’s studied Blood Elf lore, I don’t know of any blue eyed blood elves.
I do know the Sunsworn Rangers in Draenor had “High Elf/Night Elf” voices.

EDIT: Hang on - Sunreaver Summoners appear to have had blue eyes.

http s://wow.gamepedia.com/Sunreaver_Summoner

You came here just to add this meaningless comment that is not going to change anything ? Maybe you should get lost and use your time for something else.

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All high elves that went to Outland including Alleria have green eyes in the lore but for some reason not in the game, so there are quite a few green eyed ones.


And likewise, we’ve got Blood Elves with blue eyes, as per the Sunreavers.

http s://wow.gamepedia.com/Sunreaver_Frosthand
http s://wow.gamepedia.com/Sunreaver_Captain

You are possibly the singlemost poster on the forum, that I feel like needs to be whipped in order to apply some discipline in to you.

Now now, whilst a few people would love to play High Elves on the Alliance, you can hardly claim that the ‘majority’ of the playerbase would. Never make claims like that without sources, as then when people ask for a source you have to go “Umm, Its what -I- think?”

Actually, you have that backwards, Blood Elfs were in WCIII, as a Neutral Nation, They joined the Horde during TBC, and the Silver Covenant were only formed at the time of Wrath to counter the Sunreaver Blood Elves, That’s the specific reason Vereesa created the order, because there were Sunreavers in Dalaran. If you’re on about the character model, then again, you are incorrect. In Vanilla elves had a different model, Then a new model was made when Blood Elves became playable. Like it or not, the model is a Blood Elf one, which was then used for High Elf npc’s as well.

That’s better.

Same here, I don’t mind if High Elves are playable on Alliance, I mostly post here to correct people who start suggesting wild ideas that are an improvement on the core race model, and suggest other options instead.

Amen to that. It is also more useful for the Pro-High Elf cause, as it is a little more likely to be heard by Blizz than endless small threads.

Sadly that would not satisfy some of the Pro-Helf crowd, it was suggested as a compromise in the last thread, but they didn’t like it because Void Elves can’t be Paladins, and suddenly everyone seems to think there were huge numbers of High Elf Paladins. There weren’t. There were some, but they never made up a big part of High Elven society, which was pretty much the same as Blood Elven one pre:Blood Knights, heavily made up of Mages and Rangers, but they did exist, so I can kind of see their point about Velf’s not working for them, I guess.

And Blood Elf NPC’s, That have been in game since Wrath and shown up a few other times.

Well, Blood Elf NPC’s already have them, as for Can’t, of course they can, any Blood Elf who lived in Dalaran during the time of TBC would have exactly the same eye colour as a High Elf. Even if they move back to Silvermoon they won’t change eye colour, Lanesh didn’t when we see him after the Purge, he still has blue eyes.

You’ve been given lore reasons why it is so, and even examples of Blood Elves who -have- blue eyes already in game, are you related to Ion in some way? He has lore problems with that too.

Summoner Nolric. Yeah, High Elves seemed to have a similar attitude to the other Alliance races, It was frowned upon, but not illegal. I imagine High Elf Warlocks to be rare, but they existed before the Exile, so…

Steelweaver Lanesh is probably the best example, as he has been through the gamut of experiences that prove the lore on Blood Elves with Blue eyes, he lived in Dalaran during the TBC era, so was never exposed to Fel magic, and has blue eyes. He is however, staunchly a Blood Elf, of the Sunreavers. Like other Sunreavers, such as the Summoners you mention, he has blue eyes, because he was never exposed. We see him in Wrath with Blue eyes.

During the Purge, he was one of the Sunreavers who escaped and returned to Silvermoon. The Fel Crystals were long gone by this time.
There was a lot of forum speculation as to why he had blue eyes, prompting a Dev quote on how the eye colour thing works.
When we next see Steelweaver Lanesh, on the Isle of Thunder, there he is, still with Blue eyes.

Ion is a game mechanics guy, not a lore guy, which he freely admits, and that’s cool, the dude was a New York Lawyer before working for Blizz, he is probably very used to dealing with exact minutiae of a situation, not nebulous grey areas.

Even so, he is demonstrably wrong, when he says Blue eyes for Blood Elves make no sense, as the lore already backs them up, and the game already backs them up. So until he forces a retcon that says that any High Elf who one days decides they want to be a Blood Elf suddenly finds their eyes turn green, then he is simply, incorrect.

Also, Ion is the one who said No to High Elves, so if you think No to Blue Eyed Blood Elves because Ion says so is the end of the matter, then by extension, Blizzard saying No to High Elves is the end of the matter. Can’t have it both ways, either he is a reputable lore source, or he is not.

Lastly, The current Dressing Room shows new customisation options for Blood Elves, amongst them Eye Colour. If you select 'Including NPC’s then you get green, gold, half blind eyes, blind eyes, Blue, Teal, Shadowy black, Red and Purple.

If you select the option saying ‘Player only’ it shows Green, Gold, Half Blind eyes, blind eyes, Blue and Teal.

If they made a point of removing the NPC only eye colours of Shadowy black, Red and Purple, how come they didn’t remove Blue?

Chances are high, they will indeed be a customisation for Blood Elves in Shadowlands.

We won’t know for sure, but apparently the Blood Elf option was removed from the SL testing character creation last night, to have the new customisations put in place, so when it comes back up, we’ll have a much clearer idea.

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True, if playable they would by necessity have to be the same as the Blood Elves, as the only difference between is political.
That’s like suggesting Stromgarde Humans were to look different from Stormwind Humans.

There are indeed Blood Elves with blue eyes as well as High Elves with green.
And in-lore there’s nothing stopping a High Elf with blue eyes from settling back down in Silvermoon and calling himself a Blood Elf.
Likewise a Blood Elf can leave Silvermoon and settle down in Dalaran or somewhere else and calling herself a High Elf.

But I don’t agree that the likelihood of blue eyed Blood Elves as a player customization option is “high”.
It’s there, certainly, but even if Ion isn’t a “lore guy” his opinions and desires carries a lot of weight.
From what we’ve seen he’s immensely arrogant in my opinion, and unlikely to be swayed if he’s first made a public decision on something.
And the dataminers from wowhead have been wrong before.

Personally I think it’s unlikely they’ll give blue eyes, but I think the teal colors will be available.

But as you say, time will tell.

Excuse me Saeryn, but don’t we already have a precedent to such a thing in-game? I mean, thicc and thin Kul’tiran humans do indeed look vastly different to stormwind humans, after all.

Sure, but that’s for flavor.

There’s no in-lore reason to why Stormwind Humans can’t be big’n’thick or thin either.
Some suspected the big Kul Tirans had “Drust” blood in them, but apparently Blizz debunked that one. At least that’s what I hear.

What you see in-game doesn’t perfectly reflect lore at all times.

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While I do love all kind of elves, and I initially liked the idea, now I have gotten to learn a bit more about the Blood Elves I can’t help thinking this debate has grown too old.

I’d seriously rather have something nice for all the EXISTING flavors of elves.

Besides… the BC Blood Elf intro video literally started telling the tale of High Elves

And this other one also can never be linked enough:


all elves should join alliance, or third faction for elves

Blizz, please give both Nelfs and Belfs a blue eyed option…all the shouting is disrupting valuable snooze time.


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This thread is so tired can this meme d word pls

Wait, they actually deleted the mega thread? I thought you were kidding. Huh, guess they’re sick of hearing it.

Yes somebody did this. Made ticket for restoring it, because with deleting all posts and likes gone too.

Because we all know how hard you worked for dem likes.Leveling all those characters to 10 and <3 the thread.Probably one of the reasons it got removed,abuse.
Really would love if people just stopped posting in the thread.Cause it is apparent to everyone that there biggest argument to this day is “if we are annoying enough blizzard will give in to our demands”.And the way the accomplish this is by them 3 circle jerking people in the thread and using manipulative ways(switch characters and accounts),mass upvoting all the make there best argument worth while;
1.“we need to bump the thread”
2.“need to be an annoyance”


Nice bait, but nobody fell for it.
Sadly for you I know pretty much about WoW since 2005, but whatever a troll prob have better knowledge than me. :DDD
What a joke you are, now begone and troll somewhere else :slight_smile:

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