Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I played both WC3 RoC and WC3 TFT. Your “Horde” was not even a thing until later on with the Rexxar campaign.

Oh, you are talking about Garithos? That one racist human that is a encapsulating image of all humans?

Seems like you yourself need to go back and revisit those campaigns.


Both factions already have access to a race that can appear and be role-played as High Elves - they are of course the void and blood elves. With the new customisation options you can visually appear as your desired High Elf race.

No need for an additional (faction specific) race and the pointless grind in order to unlock it.

void elves cant look like highelves, and even after they will have that option…people ask for desired highelves such as silver covenant highelves.

*Moontear and Retributor. I don’t think anybody else does.

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But what about Silver Covenant gnomes?

highelves SUCH AS silver covenant highelves.

Silver Covenant - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (gamepedia.com)

Among its members I find dwarfs, night elves, humans and gnomes. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Inzi_Charmlight

It is ok … When we get The High Elves such gnomes can come and work as bartender no problem.

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I do agree here, and if you’d been paying attention, I’ve been suggesting giving void elves the option to choose other racial abilities, similar to how Zandalari trolls can choose. One such choice could also be tied to a race tag, changing out “void” for “high” and restricting that character from choosing void skin colours and hair effects.

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that would be a welcome change. subraces i’m all for. not all dwarves are the same, neither are trolls, orcs tauren or humans. even kultirans…3 houses

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Or rather, the Author’s own words.

Come on, admit it. You don’t have anything to bring to the table here, heck, even people who are neutral about the idea like me, have more understanding of what a High Elf is, and how they could be implented, you just keep going “Silver Covenant! Silver Covenant!”

Why don’t you actually look into the lore of the High Elves, and why they exist the way they do?

It doesn’t actually belong to me. I don’t own it as a political body or even as intellectual property.

So Hang on, does Racism give you superpowers? It must do if one racist can somehow arrest an Archmage -and- his army and imprison them in Dalaran. Do you not think Garithos’ -army- might have had something to do with that?

So not really “Just one Human” is it?

And yeah, both the Silver Cov and Sunreavers, whilst predominantly Elven, do have members from other species too…


:smiley: and you just linked one exception slave as bartender? xD

Ok, playable highelves such as silver covenant highelves.

Not a slave. Just your regular run of the mill Silver Covenant gnome bartender.

If you stopped repeating this phrase so many times, it might be easier to take the rest of what you’re saying seriously.

Retributor agreed that this would be a viable solution.

Could you get behind this idea as well, Moontear? Giving void elves the option to choose other racial abilities, similar to how Zandalari trolls can choose, where one such choice could also be tied to a race tag, changing out “void” for “high” and restricting that character from choosing void skin colours and hair effects?

I will just keep repeating, because really, you guys have kept this thread up for like months and got its comments to 3,5k+.But it makes no sense. There are customizations needed for Void Elves, but that aint the thread for it. There will never be a High Elf allied race because Void Elves can look exactly like that, they just lack hair colours. Make a Void Elf, put blue eyes and normal skin, get the Silver Covenant tabard and here you are. What, do you want the tooltip to say “High Elf”? Laughable actually.

Let this die and know that there wont be a High Elf allied race because besides Void Elves, a High Elf race would be exactly like Blood Elves with blue eyes in alliance and with different racials. I did want that too until VEs got High Elf skin. It is over, wanting a High Elf allied race for the minimum ammount of unimportant details is like forcing yourself into a little drop of water in a spoon and drowning in it and complaining about it :rofl:.

Most of the pro high elf community have taken this course now. Most of us realise that high elves will only become, and at this point only need to become, available as options for void elves.


This is all, really. A Silver Covenant tabard only specifies a certain faction, and not all high elves need to be a part of that specific group.

There are some valid reasons for the desire to have that tag. Personally, I use a role playing addon, where I can add that tag myself. Not all do. Nor will those personally edited tags be visible to people without the rp addons.

Not quite yet. There are a few details to be sorted out, in order for the current solution to be more than a sub-par compromise. Let’s get those last few final details sorted out, and then, this debate can end.

there’s no pleasing you people.

Sorry but Horde got High Elves, which is where they belong. You can try to make your void elfs look like High Elves, but you and I both know, they will always only be void elfs.

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You do know how the military system works, right? The higher your rank, the more power you have over the rest of the soldiers. You get to decide where they go and who they shoot.

Garithos particularly was the highest ranking officer of the Alliance in the immediate aftermath of the Third War. King Terenas was dead and so was Archmage Antonidas, Arthas had turned traitor and the majority of Lordaeron’s population dead or fled. So yeah, he had the de facto power over the military remnants and they did as he told them.

Some of us are thoroughly pleased at the moment, hoping just for a few more, minor details.

This is why it’s important for some people to get that “high elf” tag. To avoid toxic comments like this.

*Blood elves. While genetically the same, blood elves no longer call themselves high elves, and high elves are an established part of the Alliance. This is the actual case right now.

Blood elves belong in the Horde. Absolutely. High elves belong in the Alliance. Both groups are parts of their factions.

I guess blizzard disagree, void elf.

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