Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

You can try to upset me all you want. I’m not actually an elf at all. I’m a human being playing a game, and your perception of my playing has no effect on my enjoyment. I feel sorry for you, though. So much bitterness. Have a Snickers or something.

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You could always roll Horde, home of the High Elves, if you want to play a legit High Elf.

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*Blood elves. I’ve tried. Hard. Wasn’t for me.

Legit high elves aren’t in the Horde. Are you even playing the same game as the rest of us?

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Of course they are in the Horde. High Elves are just Blood Elves who have dropped the blood tag now everything has been fixed.

According to Blizzard themselves the new options we got are High elven, no one can tell us who to be and who not to be. Its in the interview.

saying “you cant be one” is ignorant.

If you are talking about Jaina she is not really a racist, she just hates the Horde. Unless you are implying that Belves and Helves are a different race.

Half of Theramore’s citizens are High elves, and Jaina did not work alone. The Silver covenant (A group of High elves) joined her in the Purge.

We see later although she is weirded out by Alleria’s actions, she has no problem with the Void elves either.

As for Garithos he was a commander, he can command soldiers to do what he wants regardless if they agree or not.

Garithos was from the Kingdom of Lordaeron (which is now Forsaken) so hahahaha.

Other human kingdoms had no problem accepting High elves.

  • Stormwind (always friendly with the High elves)
  • Stromgarde (has 1 High elf there today)
  • Gilneas left the Alliance and was walled off
  • Kul tiras also left the Alliance
  • and Dalaran always accepted the High elves

Again, you cannot blame ALL Human race of being racist, when only ONE human Kingdom was (which is not human anymore).

Its funny and ironic how the Blood elves allied with people who were considered “Barbaric” and “Invaders”:

  • Undead (related to the Scourge and Lordaeron humans)

  • Trolls (Both Darkspear and Revantusk “forrest trolls”, and Zandalari too)
    The same Revantusk that is attacking the High elves of Highvale.

  • and last but not least, Orcs

Really funny how all this is looked passed, but one racist guy from a kingdom that is now Horde is always getting blamed. Horde logic i guess

This same Racist guy also hated Dwarves, and yet Dwarves are still Alliance.

Sure, the options are High Elven, but that doesn’t make you a High Elf. I can wear a Kimono and that would be a Japanese option, but it doesn’t make me Japanese.

I don’t think the idea is that you are a High elf, rather they are giving us the option to pretend to be one.

As they said “you could be anything you want to be in Wow”

They said “we won’t create another starter zone for these options, so you will still play a Wildhammer in Bronzebeard territory. However you can still call yourself one, regardless of what the
quest text says.

Watch this:

That’s good. I guess this issue is resolved then and the thread can be closed ;>

Yeah I never agreed with OP of adding a Third Thalassian Model.

Especially since we already have 2 playable races that look like High elves.

Yes there will be, thank you.

highelves such as silver covenant highelves, will please a lot of people.

Horde have blood elves, and blizzard did favor them, so added highelf customization from alliance highelves.

alliance waiting for you.

Blood Elves are High Elves. Pretty sure Blizz already confirmed that like 2 years ago. It’s fine though, you got your customisation options so you can just pretend to be High Elves. Pretend you have blonde hair.

I’m in the “would’ve preferred high elves over void elves but the damage is done”- camp.

They did, but it was a really stupid statement. According to Ion, the only thing that makes a race interesting is its looks and its racials. The Void Elves were invented in Legion, whereas the Alliance High Elves have had a long history. For as long as I’ve been on these forums people have asked for High Elves. There’s been many megathreads about it; they were something that was in ridiculously high demand. I’m not sure if Ion thought that these people would be pleased by the invention of a new elf? Some probably were. I personally wasn’t. The Void Elves are a race that consists of a cult and I don’t think they suit the Alliance all that well. Especially not if you consider the Lightforged Draenei that joined around the same time.

The Void Elves, to me, are a physical manifestation of Blizzard’s poor storytelling as of recent years. So I can’t play them on principle.

Many people probably do. I couldn’t. There’s too much voidy nonsense going on. But it is what it is.

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Yeah but Alliance High Elves are a tiny minority. They represent probably less than 1% of all High Elves. The vast majority of which are in the Horde.

On the wiki it states that 90% of all High Elves were wiped out by Arthas and the Scourge, and 90% of the survivors became Blood Elves, and the remaining 10% are High Elves. I’ll admit, that’s not a particularly large number and that is a good argument against the inclusion of the High Elves as a playable race. However, there ought to be even fewer Void Elves.

No matter how you cut it, the entire High/Blood Elf race ought to get a lot less representation in the story considering its background, but population is not something Blizzard cares about. The population of any race at any given time is only mentioned when it serves the story… such as when the Alliance doesn’t have the forces to besiege Orgrimmar. Convenient for the plot, but it’s not really represented in the game whatsoever.

Basically: Blizzard doesn’t care about story, but the people who have wanted High Elves do, which is why the Void Elf is so insulting to many of us. Again, I’ve given up on ever seeing High Elves included. It’s a dead dream. We have the Void Elves, and Blood Elves have been given the option of having blue eyes. The best we can hope for, as Jakafo argues for, is more customization options. Personally I don’t care too much about it, but it’s the closest we’ll ever get to seeing a proper High Elf in the game.

And that’s kinda sad.

I think it is fine to consider the Blood Elves as true High Elves, especially now the Sunwell is restored. Blood Elf is just a name they adopted, it doesn’t change their actual species. It’s kinda like saying BElf paladins should be renamed to Blood Knights cause that’s what they are… or were at least. They probably actually are paladins now.

… kind of have to correct myself: they do care about story, but they tell their story in a very different manner these days. What they don’t care about is the world narrative. The Void Elves owe their existence to Alleria. They’ve based an entire race around the unique circumstances that molded one important character.

I don’t think anyone is arguging against that. They are all blonde and fair-skinned (Ion’s words and not a jab at the added customization), but they can still be different. The High Elves have likely developed different values and they have different allegiances than the Blood Elves. They are a separate political entity. The main thing that distinguishes the Blood Elves and High Elves is the story.

Yeah, they are partisans I guess. They really shouldn’t be called High Elves at all. Maybe ‘Blue Elves’ would be more appropriate.



90% died
9% blood elves
1% High elves

So a realistic number is 10% of Thalassian elves.

If you are going to use Ion’s words than you should also use the same word he said later on which is “blue eyes on blood Elves makes no sense, and will not be a customization option”

Of course Blood elf players got angry

Two weeks later blue eyes was announced for Blood elves

And Ion apologized saying he is not a man of lore.

Yeah cause it does make sense for them to have blue eyes. He never apologised for saying Blood Elves are High Elves though. In fact his apology only reinforces the fact.

Blood elves are High elves

But so are Void elves

You cannot say one is a High elf without the other.

Ion said: “if you want to play a fair skinned elf, the horde is waiting for you”

Two years later, fair skin was added to the Alliance. Which goes against what he said.

Ion also said: “blue eyes makes no sense on blood elves” two weeks later that was added.

Again he is not a man of lore; so what he says is not valid.