Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

That’s the other thing. I think the Alliance High Elves would be so disgusted by the void elfs, they would have turned their back on the Alliance anyway and returned home, to the purified Sunwell and to be where they belong. In Silvermoon, with the rest of the High Elves.

High elves would NEVER go to Silvermoon unless it becomes Alliance.

They have too much beef with the Horde to simply “put it aside”

In fact, I think High elves and Void elves are being friendly just fine, and it’s because Vereesa and Alleria are good sisters.

For the Alliance!

Why did Blue Elves leave Silvermoon? Because they disagreed with feeding from the fel energy, right? So somehow they find void magic more agreeable? I doubt it.

Bold of you to assume consistency with the WoW setting.

They dont have to agree with void magic, they are just happy to see more thalassian (Velves) joining the Alliance.

Both Velves and Helves were exiled, so they relate in some ways.

i dont know why its a big deal for you Horde elves to see Thalassians uniting on the Alliance side. We have our elves, and you have yours

Yeah. I agree it’s fine the way it is. All the Elves are as they should be.
Although I think Horde shoulda got LF Draenei. Makes no sense they would join the void-user faction.

Makes sense when you see Light forged Turalyon having no problem with his Voidy wife

Other than the fact they can’t touch :rofl:

They can touch when she’s not in her void form. :+1:

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Oh that’s good news. I’m assuming it’s the same for us Void elves. We can’t touch light in our void forms :thinking:

Otherwise our priest healer would have done more damage to me than healing :rofl:

But it’s weird how she got hurt from the Sunwell. She wasn’t in her Void form.

Oh, I am most definitely aware as to how it works, having served in it. I am also aware of the limitations and statutes under which it works. Now are you trying to apply modern day military hierarchy to it, or a fantasy one?

Garithos’s soldiers were complicit. We’re talking about a situation where an unappointed leader was calling the shots (Because remember, he was Grand Marshall because of who Daddy was) and his soldiers were therefore either a) in agreement, or b)complicit by obedience.

We know how option b) works, which is why “I was only obeying orders” is no longer a defence in any civilised nation’s military.

It wasn’t -just- Garithos.

I wasn’t. I was referring to Garithos.

People keep going “Oh it was just Garithos, you can’t blame the Alliance”
“Think you’ll find one racist does not have the ability to arrest an Archmage and a whole army, so y’know, the Alliance troops must have been complicit in this?”

History does not sit square with that fact, and when people try to use that excuse they end up dancing a hempen jig or enjoying a last cigarette whilst tied to a post.

Good…Because that isn’t what I said at all.
Garithos was racist, and the troops under his command were complicit in his actions. Is literally what I said.

I think it is because it is in game historically factually correct, which is the best type of correct.

No, He didn’t -like- Dwarves. That isn’t the same as -Hating- Elves.

You have a source for this I presume?

A small amount of people, in the greater scheme of things. I mean sure, have them, I don’t care, but stop trying to claim a majority want this, when in fact they do not. Just say “Some people want this” and be factually correct, which as I say, is the best type of correct.

That isn’t what happened though. If the Blood Elves had got the Alliance High Elves customisation they would currently look like Night Elves, which is what Alliance High Elves looked like in Vanilla, as you damned well know and have had pointed out to you a few times now.

Blood Elves got a new model that was not at the time available to PC’s or NPC’s. This model was rolled out to Alliance High Elves because it made -sense- for them to look the same.

Again. That is fact.

Errr…They were only in the Alliance during the Second War. That isn’t a long history. They have been in the Horde far longer than they were ever in the Alliance, and that wasn’t even -This- version of the Alliance…

They are less than 1% of all original inhabitants of Quel’thalas, which makes them slightly under 10% of -surviving- inhabitants of Quel’thalas, however as Blizz have stated, their numbers are only decreasing.

But still, they are playable, because Void Elves are playable and they don’t even figure as a percentage, because they are about forty or so in lore, and have no way of creating more of them (No, that is not what is happening in Telogrus)

Whilst I agree that Blizzard are wildly ignorant of the lore, I would not say that all the people who want High Elves actually do care about the lore. Look at this thread for example, we have someone insisting (Despite Blizzard saying no) that Blood Elves all willingly guzzled Fel. Which is ridiculous to anyone who cares about lore, but people think it still, and want High Elves because “They never drained Fel”

Imagine the shock on their faces if they realised that in lore, the High Elves who were exiled didn’t have a problem with Fel, and that the High Elves actually have Warlocks!

I think it is more likely that someone nervously took him aside and said “Umm, Ion, right, you know there have been Blue Eyed Blood Elves in lore since WotLK yeah?” “Oh really?” “Yeah, and you know Auric Sunchaser, the really famous High Elf guy?” “Yeah?” “Yeah, first time the players see him in Alleria Stronghold, he actually has fel-green eyes, they only changed back later”

“You mean Elven eye colour is not linked to their political affiliation but instead to magical influences?”

“Yeah, that’s kind of…their thing, and has been, for a long time, like, longer than you have worked here…”

If you’re on about Alleria that was an ambush by Void entities, What we as our characters would think, and what the Blood Elf leadership would think, and even what Alleria herself would think, is that it was her presence that triggered it.

It actually wasn’t.

Just turns out that the Sunwell is a revolving door for extra-terrestrial space terrorists…

Imagine my lack of surprise.
But yeah, it was an attack on Alleria, and somehow they knew she would be there at the time…sighs

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Exactly this!

Glad you finally agree.

Tbh the thread makes no sense at all.

If Void elves did not have the blue eyes and natural skin, i would agree of having a third Thalassian race. But that is done. You have 2 races to choose from on opposite factions if you want to play a Helf, pick one. I am loving my Helf Hunter! She is perfect

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blood elves are blood elves, and are in horde. Highelves are in the alliance. Simple as that.

fine to consider reading official lore?

:smiley: …they are original highelves…what you talking about.

his latest statement- anything possible in the future…so shhhh

Can we move on from this topic? It’s so BFA.

Please adhere to the current topic, toxic masculinity and thousand ways the company is trying to brain-wash us into its agenda.

this is the mentality of hordeposters and in particular Belfposters. disgusting selfish creatures that don’t want to ‘‘share’’ their toys. those toys added to the wrong faction to attract ‘‘customers’’

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It’s like hearing someone repeatedly chanting “It’ll snow today. I know it. It’s happening.”

And you’ve been wrong until now. You’re still wrong. I’d put money on you being wrong by tomorrow as well.

I will concede that ultimately odds are that we are going to see something high elven added - or to carry through the metaphor - you’ll get your snowy weather. It’s the savvy decision from a business perspective, especially with quite a few required assets already in the game.

But it requires a certain hubris to believe that you in any way control the weather forecast, or that you for that matter know the first thing with certainty. You don’t. You hope, you stay loud, and you probably pray a little on the side as well. But you do not know.

They’re in Silvermoon. Simple as that. Alliance has a few High Elves, but they’re not so high anymore… They’re kinda more like rehab elves and i think i read the alliance treats them like crap anyway.

No. They are in Tologrus, Silvermoon, Dalaran, Hinterlands.

Let’s not act like they only belong to one faction. I have seen your comments saying “if you want to play a Helf, go horde”

Sorry, but that won’t happen. We have our own version of Helves on the Alliance too. Blizzard themselves said that Helves are given to both factions. Enjoy

Sorry I wasn’t replying to you, I was replying to Moontear’s stubborn statement that High Elves are in Alliance. Simple as that. Which they really aren’t. There are a small handful in the alliance, it doesn’t make High Elves an Alliance faction. Anyway it seems at this point, they are bitter about not getting the tag or the blonde hair and now they are just gonna stubbornly refuse to concede. They are just a troll at this point.

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