Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

No I don’t. I’d sooner take gnomes than humans.

Here is a list of Alliance races from the best ones to the very worst ones right at the bottom of the list where they belong.

(There is a huge empty gap in this space)
Night Elf.

You’ll notice High Elves weren’t on this very official list.

you’re funny

but i reality is elves and humans achieved more then all the rest races combined.

meme list :0

They get carried tbh.

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This is still being debated? Lol.

Look, High Elves have been in the Alliance in everything other than playable characters since before Blood Elves even joined the Horde in TBC. They have more lore justification to be playable than like half the current Allied Races.

It takes no enjoyment away from Horde/Belf players to give the Alliance High Elves/High Elf options when there are already High Elves with everything but normal hair options on the Horde already.

Fact is, we’d already have High Elves at this point if the dev team didn’t think that giving the Alliance a crack team of dark magic students was somehow more realistic than giving 10% of living Thalassians who’d already been there.


silence human player.
not a shock that your number 1 requested race is just… blue eyed humans.

Humans been getting carried by Elves ever since they popped up in the Eastern Kingdoms lets be real.
Only ones who weren’t were the Gilneans and Kul Tirans.

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One of them is werewolf-cursed
The other is fat

Listen. They’re not fat.
They’re just… stocky… and they like their beer and meat pies…

I see, they are not fat, just they have a high water displacement…
Or you know, Kul Tirans strive for perfection and the most perfect shape is a sphere? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Honestly, just unlock Belf hair (pre-customisation ones would be fine with same colours belfs had) and Paladins for those hair styles that are not Void Elf hair styles. Job done! Pretty please Blizzard? This would be a MASSIVE quality of life change for roleplayers.


dont mind this but also want highelves playable such as silver covenant faction.

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So you just want BElfs on Alliance. Pfft not asking much then. Well anyway, you already got BElfs… Glad we burned down your tree.

no we ask highelves that are already in alliance playable.

im glad too, now we will get new shiny city.

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Not sure why.

probably because alliance will reclaim silvermoon, and quelthalas

No we won’t. And you aren’t helping the High elf fan-base at all by saying this. In fact none of the stuff you say makes any sense.

You want Void elves to get natural hair and at the same time you want a third playable Thalassian race. That makes no sense at all.

If you have been paying attention to the blizzard interviews that have been posted on this thread a thousand times, you would know that the natural skin we got, blue eyes, etc are all High elven customization to give us the change to become high elves (according to blizzard themselves) and I’m sure more hair colors will come. That’s the High elves we are getting.

A third Thalassian race won’t come.


Err… from who?
I mean its not lost… :thinking:
Its under Elven controll who at the moment allow others, their current allies in to the city :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
There are some wandering undead around and the age old enemy, the Trolls who want back their sacred land, but… there is no foreign power that conquered it and need to be reclaimed from!
Now Ren’Thalas would be sooner established in Telogrus, than an Alliance controlled Silvermoon happen

Why? It makes sense.

You do not know that.

From horde.

Okay, lets try this again

But lets going in to deep in details:
Following the decimation of the high elves, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider rushed back to his people in Quel’Thalas. Arriving in Silvermoon, Kael paid his respects to his father – whose body had been returned to the city – and organized a strike team of fighters to help destroy the tainted Sunwell, now pulsating with tainted energies that threatened to destroy both the elves and land itself. Returning to Silvermoon triumphantly, Kael renamed his people the “blood elves” in honor of their many fallen brethren. Their fallen king, Anasterian, was cremated on a funeral pyre in The Bazaar
Kael took several of his most powerful followers to do battle with the Scourge in Lordaeron and commanded the great ranger Lor’themar Theron to safeguard the kingdom in his absence and to find a cure for the elves’ innate addiction to magic, which had become apparent in the wake of the well’s destruction. The blood elves back in Quel’Thalas made little progress with this goal, drained and exhausted without the Sunwell for sustenance.
Following the events of The Sunwell Trilogy, Lor’themar Theron and Halduron Brightwing were approached by a contingent of magisters sent back to Quel’Thalas on the order of Kael’thas. Led by Rommath, the magi shared with their people the radical new teachings advocated by Kael’thas (and by extension, Illidan Stormrage), leading to the weary blood elves becoming reinvigorated. Under Rommath’s command, the magisters quickly went about reclaiming and rebuilding much of Silvermoon City “almost overnight,” their great magical powers making quick work of the Scourge. Silvermoon City was reconstructed in an elaborate manner, once more becoming a beacon of magic and power in the Eastern Kingdoms.The towering spires of Silvermoon rose skyward once again, and the entire eastern section of Silvermoon has been wholly reclaimed by the sin’dorei. The western portion, however, remains lost for the time being, though the blood elves have recently turned their attention to healing it too
Silvermoon also housed an imprisoned naaru named M’uru for a time, whose powers were drained by the magisters in order to empower the Blood Knight order under Lady Liadrin’s command. However, this was not to last: Prince Kael’thas, who had sworn loyalty to the Burning Legion, briefly attacked Silvermoon with his felblood servitors and stole M’uru from the Hall of Blood.
With the restoration of the Sunwell, a bright future lied ahead for Quel’Thalas. The blood elves turned their attention to healing the western half of Silvermoon and restoring the city to its former glory

The Horde not even helped to rebuild it… and never conquered it!
Actually, only during the mist of Pandaria members of the Horde were sent to Silvermoon to correspond with Lor’themar Theron himself, who had set Grand Magister Rommath to the task of deducing its modus operandi. Lor’themar also called in the leader of the Sunreavers, Aethas Sunreaver, to lend his aid to the experiment, which nearly resulted in a sha being released in the city…
During the Burning Legion’s third invasion, portals were created between Silvermoon and Suramar.

And… thats all
Silvermon and Quel’Thalas is an Elven thing, and the Elves accept some Horde in their city, but no means its conquered or occupied
And by the Regent Lord’s order, the High Elves are welcomed to visit their home…
The Alliance have 0 reason to conquer and “liberate” the Elven capital from the Elves, just because they are in the same team - at the moment -with the Horde… :thinking:

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What i meant, that elves should join alliance, or create third faction.

There are no reasons for them stay in horde.