Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

There’s no reason for you to stay in Alliance. The race you want to play is Horde.

Third faction - elves.

Horde is trash

Just write a fanfic.

reality at some point we might have third faction, i bet that would be for elves…why would Nightelves want to stay in alliance|? Or blood elves to see any reason to stay in horde?

Press X to doubt
I’m pretty sure, there will be no 3rd faction
And even if they would make a 3rd one, it wouldn’t be an Elven faction, simply because that completly decimate the Horde playerbase; huge chunk of it are Belf players (with a fair share of Nightborne)
Not to mention, while the joining of the Kaldorei was totally out of the blue and at the moment there is not too many reason to stay (like how the Blood Elves have 0 reason to stay Horde) there is even less reason for them to team up with the other Elves
While the Night Elves’ first contact with the Blood Elves was very positive, the Blood Elves changed since then; Kael’thas joined the Legion (for… reasons), then they joined the Horde (the Orcs who killed Cenarius and deforested a huge area, the Trolls, who always were a thorn in their side, Undead - nuff said - and Goblins - a team of monsters the Nightelves have quarel with for a reason or another + even the Elves themselves would have every reason to hate the Orcs, their invasion dragged the Elves to the human side, undead who destroyed Silvermoon and Trolls, an age old enemy - and goblins, who sipled weapons and info to them- so an added bonus in the Nigth Elves eyes, the Blood elves are honorles, spinless Arcane addict traitors) and that little team up with the Naga isn’t a good point either in their realitonship, since, you know Azshara…
The Shal’dorei are a bit similar to the Sin’dorei in the Kaldorei eyes, so that is out of the question again; they are the closest of the original Highborne who almost destroyed the world… and from their point of view, not even learned from the mistakes of the past, not changed a bit!
On the other side, the Blood Elves as the descendants of the original Highborne now see the Kaldorei as primitive savages (there was even a quest where a Blood Elf resercher laugh at them when the returned Kaldorei Mages started to experiment with consturcts) with archaic traditions. The Shal’dorei are nobels, and they were insulted by the Kaldorei but found common traits with the Sin’dorei
The High Elves, who retained a name are in a rock and a hard place in question of their Blood Elven brothers and sisters…
And on the top of that, there are the Ren’dorei, who are between the traitor and insane in the eyes of the other elves
So everything that end with a 'dorei would sooner tear the other’s thorat out than team up with them and forgeting and forgiving…
And if the Naga and Azshara slither in the picture, don’t forget the truth is, Azshara still is the rightful Queen of the Elven kind and probably would enslave the ones who refuse to bow before her… and a new formed Elven coalition would be her ideal target to rule the land like she rules the sea

Want horde high elves? Blood Elf + Blue Eyes.
Want alliance high elves? Void elves + Fair skin + Blue eyes.

You’re welcome.

You can’t be a blondie tho’… yet
And that sometimes-turn-blue during battle is anoying… and only 1 hairstlye is without tentacles :thinking:
But true, it is the closest we have … I’m happy with it, but could be better thats for sure!

Why would Blood Elves (High Elves) want to be in an alliance with Night Elves? We hate you guys, that’s why we moved to the other side of the planet to get away from you.

Even if Alliance got proper High Elves, they’ll just start whining they wanna steal out Vulpera next and then our Nightborne. They just want all the best races for themselves it is selfish.

you hate them, no “we”…

vulperas no, nightborn eyes, also highelves are already in alliance so …

Geez… You can’t change the whole lore of the game just to suit what you want, so I’ll say it again. Just write your own fanfic and leave us alone. Your trolling is getting to the point of becoming problematic now.

Stop belfposting in a high elf alliance post. Take your spam in a new thread. :wave: :nail_care:

Your post is disruptive to the discussion.

Mirror mirror on the wall. Your screeching about red elves is disruptive to the thread.

High elves for the Alliance. Thanks

Stop humanposting in an Elf topic!

Hate… is a bit strong, thats true, but the Highborne indeed had enough of the treehuggers and the new regime and rather took sail to the unknown east than stay with their relatives
Disgust is a more proper description
But several thosuand years passed… and while the Nightelf faild to let go the past, the High Elves/Blood Elves left behind the past and when the two side met, Kael’thas greeted Malfurion and Tyrande with respect…

Well, we agree in many things it seems

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Any discussion about the actual Blood Elves leaving the Horde is pointless. With that said…

Regardless of what Ion said, the fact is that there are a not-so-insignificant number of High Elves in the Alliance and we’ve seen evidence of this since the game’s release. Even after the Blood Elves were “cured” at the end of TBC, these High Elves remained in the Alliance. They didn’t go back.

So yes, they might look the same but their backgrounds are different. Is that not enough to warrant a new playable race? If there was an easy answer to that question these threads wouldn’t exist. I personally believe that the High Elves would’ve made a good allied race, but instead we got the void elves. Because story is usually the bottom rung of the ladder when it comes to games.


yes they will, that’s why this topic still alive. People want them as allied race

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Well if they do that, then will just have to unlock all races for all factions. It’s the only fair way.

Alliance already have highelves, just not playable yet, such as silver covenant highelves

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Yeah, you’ve already said 1000 times. I don’t care though.