Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

You do realize the Quel’dorei are the Higborne and their descendants who not were in Zin-Azshai when the Well exploded (and thus became Naga) and sailled to east from the Kaldorei opression… right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Which would mean they are no longer High Elves. Just Delusional Elves. I guess the void has that effect on people.

Go have a walk in Suramar, or get matched vs Highborne Nightborne in Island Expeditions.

Blizzard said we are High elves and we can be anything we want to be with the new customization. So :nail_care:

Here is the interview below.

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I’d say de-evloved verison than developed.

Also, it is not me who thinks that way, it is the game’s lore who think that way.

Outcasters. Nothing more. They still lived in the forest.

Are unworthy of Highelf title, they share their bloodline with lowborns. Therefore they are Lowborn.

Ion is not a man of lore, and he admits this.

This was 3 years ago.

Ion also said: Blue eyes on Blood elves makes no sense at all, and they will not become a customization.

Nice try though :nail_care: at least use a modern accurate source

Eye colour is nothing, as I told you before. You still turn into shadow form, you still get whispers, you are not a Highelf.

Dream more little thing.


/10 chars

Go cry now, or unsubscribe like you did before. Lowborn.

Sips arcwine and laughs :nail_care:t2:

you look like a lowborne with that xmog… yep…really, a big one

looks like you are breed from nightborne+orc :slight_smile:

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Have you seen yourself in the mirror, void bug?

This is the most useless thread on the entire forum lol

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wow…why you even here? Go back to classic forums :smiley:

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No. I’m going to be here defending High elves.

So, I won’t go anywhere. Wannabe Highborne :nail_care:

Why would I wanna be?

When I am?

For how long? One more month?
I think I have seen this before,

first black hair, then blonde hair then what? :nail_care:t2:

and this is probably why you guys won’t get high elves. It would probably be a different story if you guys werent so petty and toxic like this.

This thread is useless bc it obviously isn’t achieving anything, even with almost 4000 replies. Maybe take the hint? Idk

There are two playable races that share the same models. I don’t see them making a third, especially when it would be identical to one of them.

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Don’t forget it took years to achive something similar
And I’m not speaking about the Void Elves and later costumizations…
…but Classic itself

and you still think there’s a chance it’ll actually happen? They added helf-ish options for velves and belves, you really think they’re going to make a completely separate race now? It’s so unrealistic.

and love, I don’t play Classic. Maybe come up with valid points to reinforce your request instead of insulting people.