Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Draenei-Lightforged Dranei?

Blood Elves-Void Elves?

I mean, they are even on the same side, so we have a faction with a totally similar model
Actually two
Dwarves-Dark Iron Dwarves
Three if you add the Gnome-Mechagnome
And the Horde have the Zandalari-Darkspear, Meg’har and regular Orc and the Tauren-Highmountain Tauren
So adding another Elf to the mix with a tiny bit different look and racial is not out of the realm of possibility…

I mean, you just kinda rebuttled my argument of why it would be stupid to add another playable race that shared models with two other playable races. Allied races are just alt skins of other races and so far there have only been one of each.

It probably would happen if you guys weren’t so damn rude on here. As I said before, apply logic to your request and make it valid. Focus on that instead of bringing people down who disagree with you.


you came here out of nowhere saying this topic is useless. Wow, now acting like a victim…

yes we will get them, be gone

My point exactly. Have fun yelling at a brick wall.

you have no point here just trash talk. Thank you, now bye as you said


Sooo when addded, it okay, bet when we want to be added it stupid… are you sure you are not Erevien sneaked back from his forum vacation? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I can’t belive I’m agreeing with Moontear, but yeah…


Oh trust me rudeness comes from both sides of the arguments.

I’ve seen Blood elf and Nightborne players being extremely rude to High elf fans and vice versa.

“Delete Void/High elves”


“Kill Alleria and Vereesa”

“Kill all High elf NPC’s”


“Low Elves”

“I hope they give you a ugly updated model”

“You High elf fans won’t get any new customization not while I’m still alive”

The list goes on and on. But we are used to such negativity for 15 years.

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Oh this topic is till ongoing :smiley: I even changed back to my demon hunter from the hunter.

like they get to decide anything…

You’re not losing anything. It’s not stealing. High elves have been in the Alliance since before The Burning Crusade.

I repeat: High elves have been in the Alliance since before The Burning Crusade.

I don’t want to play on the Horde, nor do I want to play as a vulpera. Breathe.

High elves and blood elves are genetically identical, but politically and culturally separated. We don’t want your identity. If we did, we’d play blood elves on the Horde.

*get access to, without you losing it

*high elf, which already have those colours.

Don’t want red nails.

Hopefully, the devs won’t judge us all by the loud voices of a rude minority.

Yeah well I wish you would stop cause that’s all you guys can say just repeating that same thing over and over, as if it stands as a perfect argument in its own right. It’s meaningless and nobody cares. The fact is, Blood Elves (High Elves) are a Horde race and you just wanna cherry pick the parts you want for yourself. It is selfish and unfair. Unless you advocate for all races to be playable on all factions, then you have no right to steal Horde races.

Then you don’t get to be a High Elf. Tough.

Void elves (High Elves) are Alliance race. Your point?

Unlock all races for all factions.

I’m getting the feeling you are angry that Void elves got natural skin.

Trust me this is only the beginning.

More stuff will come for us so I’m very happy :nail_care:

You should Thank High elf fans for giving you the opportunity to have Blue and Purple eyes. :nail_care:

We’re not the only ones repeating a point. And yet, nobody’s being bereft of anything they’ve ever had.


Alliance Vulperaaaaa :heart_eyes:

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honestly, vulpera fit far better in the Horde. There, they come across as fierce and feisty. Alliance vulpera would appear far more cute and cuddly, and much harder to take seriously.