Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Funnily enough, that’s the same excuse pirates use when they steal games.

Now you’re just being spiteful.

You should just come Horde side ;>


And what’s funny is none of them know the definition of Stealing. They should look the word up on the dictionary .

  1. it was Blizzard that decided to give Sand troll, High elf, Dark troll, Highborne, Wildhammer options as customization, not us. Blizzard owns the game and they can do whatever they want. Blizzard owns blood elves too.

  2. I get the feeling some of the commenters are the same people. Like using alts :thinking:

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Like how the jinyu and the ankoan are … different murlocs, maybe we could have a kitsune like Vulpera, all mystic and all, from the vale?
I’m grabbing a straw here… I know

Games are made to be sold. Pirating a game is bereaving the owners of payment for their work. That doesn’t apply to a playable race in a game. They’re not the result of Horde players’ work, but that of Blizzard. So unless it’s about stealing from Blizzard, it’s not stealing. Not in the way you describe it, anyway.

I tried. Seriously, for years. I just can’t stand the experience.

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Sorry, too used to civilization
Spiked mudhuts and testosterone fueled , hairy chest banging Orcs dressed in leather straight from a BDSM nightmare is simply not my cup of tea
Nor Trolls and undeads and goblins…

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I never said it was denying blizzard money, I said it was the same excuse pirates use for stealing. Void Elves are already a massive violation of cultural appropriation, now you just want to steal our identity outright.

I play both factions :smile:

But Alliance will always have my heart.

The races are great, the story is great, and I especially love the lore. Most important of all, The cities are great.

I don’t like Zugzug huts, Ogrimmar, zombie sewer, etc.

The idea of Elves allying with Orcs and Trolls is the opposite of civilized. That’s we are the actual High classed elves :elf:t2: and always will be

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I really wish there was a laugh reaction available here. That’s as far as I’m willing to entertain this absurd comment.

Also I notice how all you Alliance High Elf advocators completely ignore the ‘make all races playable on all factions argument’. Why is that? Cause you don’t wanna see your precious races given away to the opposite faction?

Stormwind actually stinks as bad an open sewer. It smells worse than undercity cause those sewers aren’t even in service. No one uses them anymore (forsaken don’t poop).

For stealing their own culture? We ARE High elves. Its in our culture. We speak Thalassian not Void-asian.

This is what our leader looks like, if you missed it.

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I would be totally fine with that
But while the Elves could be explained it would be hard to explain a Draenei in the Horde (you know… genocide) or a Worgen (Undead filths…). Nightelves… several problem, starting with the whole, they killed Cenarius!!! thing… [tho’ they would be cool with the Tauren, more than with the humans.]
Even the Dwarves would be hard… Gnome , Human (you already have them, tho the dead variant) thats easier, like how an Orc who was raised by humans , like Thrall and befriended them would fit in the Alliance

I was talking about alliance players. Who wanna cherry pick all the stuff they like and have their cake and eat it.

It’s time to rectify the mistakes of the past. High elves :elf:t2:‍♂ for :lion: the :gem: Alliance :crossed_swords:

Blizz can shoehorn anything at this point.

On the same note, I would personally welcome you with open arms and a hug in the Alliance, if you ever decide to… check the other side :kissing_closed_eyes:

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I could definitely be tempted. I’ve played Alliance before and none of my friends play WoW anymore ;3

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