Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

true, lowborn races shouldn’t get anything! Higherborne are number 1 priority.

Quel’dorei are still Highborne blood…
But its a shame the Shal’dorei recived a low budged Night elven look… :roll_eyes:

That’s why Nightborne got horrible customization. Because they are salty.

And why do you keep using your alts :thinking: kind of weird to agree with yourself

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You are pleasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name High elves.

Said a gal who licked Gul’dan boots and made a deal with a the Legion… not the best reference don’t you think?

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Oh trust me, you cannot talk for all the Nightborne, I am the salty one because all you want is the copy pasted Blood elf.

I keep using it because I keep forgetting to change them, there is nothing wrong with using 2 Nightbornes which everyone knows is me.

Check who licked whose boots, you lowborn scum.

The Blood elf called “TrueHighelf” is also your alt. So technically your using 3 alts.

Sure it is. I will better die than making a Blood elf character. And using it ofc.

I know we disagree on many things, but I like you as a person Luna. Don’t take the stuff we say here on the forums too seriously.

You were kinda one of the first people I met here on the forums. So I know you are very friendly In real life.

We good?

Elisande and at least two of the four major Shal’dorei Noble families…

Still descendants of the Highborne who sailed East… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Being forced to take down the Arcane shield within 3 days other wise being killed and failing your people is not licking the boots.

You are no Quel’dorei you are Ren’dorei made up elves, whose purpose has no meaning in the lore.

You are too into void than mastering the Arcane or Fire magic to be called Highelf.

Whats heppened with nobility? Die like a real Highborne before bend knee before some alien greenskin?

Ren’dorei is a name, like the Sin’dorei… both of them are Quel’dorei

Group of scholars and their entourage study void/shadow magic to save their people, empower them not that out of the blue (considering the whole Shadow Priest and void/shadow user Warlock things) especially after the Sin’dorei toyed with more dangerous things like the soul destroying, corrupting Fel…
Their exile is tho’ more than unbeliveble, especially, considering Rommath exiled them NOT the Horde… but happened what happened, and now the void infused Quel’dorei owe a big one to the Alliance
Like how the whole Sin’dorei survivors own their life to the Naga…
Or back then, have a debt to repay to the Humans and dragged in to the war with the Orcs
Or the Shal’dorei are owe a big one to some not even lowborne but outsider, not even Elven murderhobos saving their skin and pulled off the Arcan’dor project
Neither of us are porud of our debts… am I right?

What realm are you on?

If you are asking me, I’m a proud Argent Dawner :woozy_face:

lol ok I’m gonna roll a new character, any preference?

Anything that is not human (or gnome or goblin)…? :smirk:

I wanna be a Worgen Druid (with white fur looks quite nice) or Draenei Shaman. Or I could just be Void Elf something idk.

Worgen are cool! White fur, red eyes… :wolf:
Space goats :heart_eyes: