Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Alright I’ll make worgen dudu

Welcome among us! :heart:

Because it’s not a race I have any horses in. If you want an Alliance race playable on the Horde side, feel free to work for them. I won’t stand in your way; in fact, I might even cheer you on, if the reasons are made based on relevant lore, or if new, well-written lore is being used. There. Is. Not. One. Alliance. Race. I. Would. Mind. Being. Available. For. The. Horde! In fact, I’ve argued in favour of several Alliance races joining the Horde, each for their own reasons. Have them if you will enjoy them. What you get to play doesn’t affect me. At all. If anything, it might make my own role play all the more interesting.

Make a thread in favour of it. Link it here. I’ll come over and support you.

You should, it’s only fair. If you’re gonna argue to move races across factions then you should advocate for all them for the sake of fairness. Petition OP to change the thread to ‘All Races for All Factions’.

I wasn’t talking about Horde, I was talking about the Alliance character I’m rolling right now.

To be quite honest, after BfA, I really don’t see why we need the faction divide anymore at all. But this isn’t about that. This is about high elves.

High elves are already in the Alliance. However, there could be valid lore reasons for some DI dwarfs, undead nigh elves, gnomes, eredar or other Alliance races to join the Horde, if you truly believe an exchange must be made. Fair will mean one race for one race, though, of course. Which one would you like to see the most.

Ah. My bad. Apologies. I hope you enjoy playing in the Alliance more than I’ve enjoyed the Horde. Welcome.

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I think all of the races is more fair, then everyone gets to do whatever they want.


Good luck with that. It’s like every time High elves are mentioned Blood elves always have to be rolled into the mix.

If you make a topic in favour of eradicating the faction lines altogether, I’m with you. Not actually from a pro high elf perspective, but because there’s no longer a war between the Horde and the Alliance, and I really don’t see why the two factions need to be separate anymore. But as I said, that’s another subject.

I think if you want High Elves on Alliance, you have to advocate for all races on all factions in this thread. I think it is the only viable way it is going to happen.

I don’t think so.

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Well I guess begging and whining for another 15 years could work too.

I’m more in favour of sound logic, reason and valid arguments. As well as appreciating and building on what we’ve got. Look at my fabulous high elf boy. He’s almost there, and we’re closer to playable high elves than we’ve ever been before.

Void elves.

So you agree with adding a few hair colors to Void elves so we can achieve the High elf look?

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I was just pointing out how hypocritical that statement is after VE were shoehorned in just to satisfy Alliance players, and they still aren’t satisfied.

Well duh. Our Hair colors are horrible. We don’t even have Black. So unless we got proper Hair colors we will continue to ask for what we want. Sorry not sorry :nail_care:

SW:ToR managed to allow every race for every class for both faction… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
WoW somehow managed fail that
But still hoping!

Yeah because you are void elves. I mean no one forced you to become one… It’s kinda like getting a tattoo and then complaining you hate tattoos.

No one asked for Void elves.

And if you are going to use that logic, Alleria is a Void elf and blonde. And don’t even say she isn’t, because I can give you 100 Accurate sources saying she is. :nail_care: