Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I guess she dyed her hair and I doubt she is going to give up her beauty secrets. Because no one wants to be copied by unoriginal wannabes, right?

Void Elves are nothing but Blizzard muddying the waters of the High Elves, giving the Alliance a group of elves they didn’t asked for and no one knew existed.

This have given the Alliance two different High Elves - the Void Elves and the unrecognised Alliance Blood Elves that still is heavily involved in the Alliance institutions and operations.

Lol I have no words at this point if you think Alleria dyed her hair blonde

Blonde isn’t Blood elf exclusive so don’t act all High and mighty.

High elves have blonde

Blood elves have blonde

Humans have blonde

Tauren have a form of blonde

And even Void elves (like Alleria) have blonde

So Natural hair colors is coming for us, wether you like it or not. The more customizations, the happier the players.

And what happens if it doesn’t?

You gonna stomp your feet and continue this tantrum for another fifteen years?

It will. They are bond to add at least one natural hair color, even if it’s Black. So either way I’ll be happy.

She must have. Void Elves can’t be naturally blonde.

To be honest, Alleria is not a proper Void Elf .- eg. victim of an interupted Etheral ritual
She ate a Dark Naaru core/essence to become… something
Something that is similar to a Void Elf, but totally different imho

There is no lore saying they can’t be.

We see that Void elves with natural skins appeared so anything is possible

It’s called foundation. Void Elves should really have a penalty to gold income to pay for all that.

Everyone knows Draenei is where it is that. Ever since that TBC Cinematic showing the Vindicator slamming a book closed then going all ‘wrath of Light’ I was like “Yeaaah, They’re pretty cool”

Gimme a shout on my Alliance characters, might be able to help run you through some stuff or craft shiz depending on what you need.

Playing both Factions is big brain thinking nods and taps head

I went for Draenei Shaman in the end. Are you on AD too?

I think the first time was not enough for you kin?

But not really like them. You are still a lowborn.

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Sure am, all my Toons are on AD as RP Characters, my Draenei is called Nabaal, Got a human called ‘Dewilde’ and a Gnome called ‘Fitzjinx’ as well as others, but they are all works in progress. This said, those three are all level 50 right now, just about to start levelling Nabaal up to 60

Obviously. Hopefully they take a page out of the Blood Elf DK’s and make em limited and noticeably different in color and tone.

Proof 1: she is our racial leader along with Umbric. She’s actually more active than Umbric, and she gives us our heritage Armor.

Proof 2: a book confirmed it.

“After absorbing the power of the dark naaru [L’ura] in the ruins of [Mac’Aree] on [Argus], Alleria became the first [void elf], and now leads others like her in the Alliance following the defeat of the Legion.”

Proof 3: “During this time, Alleria learned about the powers of the Void, and eventually mastered them during the Argus campaign, being reborn as the first Void Elf, or Ren’dorei.” - Wowhead

Proof 4: she refers to herself as Void elf

Proof 5: Locus-Walker says this:

“I sensed that change was destined to find Alleria Windrunner, but I did not anticipate that her kin would undergo a similar transformation.”

Proof 6: she has our racial abilities. Teleporting (or blink in our case), and the Voidy Embrace thing during combat. Though hers is stronger because she mastered the void.

Awesome, I’m just doing exiles reach thingy atm and might boost a second class later, not sure. Leveling is really quick now anyway can just get 30 in 2 vanilla zones and fly wherever.

Not unless we have natural hair, which we are getting :wink:

I will come back to this thread to say I told you so

See you in 15 years then.

See you in a few months

See you in WoW 2: Even worse than WoW 1.