Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I wonder why nightborne (a night elf form), maghar orcs, highmountain, dark irons dwarves, junkgnomes, fattirans and pandaren aren’t considered copy paste. But when it comes to blood elves, void elves and high elves the belfposters be like
:“muh cOpY rACe no tAkE cAndLe”

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Well okay. We will take your Draenei and… hmm. Dalaran.

There is a difference between take and share. Lol :rofl: . Dalaran is already shared

Void elves didn’t take away anything, they shared.

If you think about it, makes perfect sense. Blizzard used the Customization as a way to add races that couldn’t have been added 15 years ago. Highborne, High elves, Dark trolls, Sand Trolls, Wildhammer Dwarf, etc.

I even saw someone create a Blood Troll using the Tattoos which is very creative!

So High elves were just added as a result to that.

this…they so eager to say it’s copy paste and ignore whole bunch of copy paste races.


Interesting, you agree with them, do you agree with them on their opinions regarding White Supremacy and that Women are financial commodities?

There is a reason I encourage people to ignore that Human Paladin Poster and instead listen to what adults are saying…

I should have reported them years back…


we didnt stole anything, highelves were stolen from alliance and passed for horde and made their way as blood elves.

We have Void elves now, who are able to use Natural skin and blue/purple eyes. So in my opinion I think we won. We have our High elves with a Void racial twist.

As for extra customization like a few more hair colors I think that will come eventually. There was a interview 2 weeks ago which confirmed that the customizations will be continued. So I have hope. We just gotta be patient.

If what blizzard is saying is true, that means that Blood elves, Void elves, Nightborne, and the rest of the races have a high possibility to get extra customization. So instead of arguing, we should suggest what we want to see for our favorite races. Blizzard is listening.

im happy for void elves and void elves MUST receive full highelf customization…but still i want highelves, a lot of people want them.

Yeah, I don’t agree with you.

Either they add High elves through Void elves,or make them a complete separate race.

Having two identical elves on the same faction makes no sense at all. It’s like having two pandarens on the Alliance.

Given how far Void elves have come with Natural skin, Blue eyes, and Purple eyes I think we are very very near to our dream.

Adding a third Thalassian race on the other hand is a impossible possibility. Blizzard said they aren’t doing sub races now, that’s why they added races through customizations

I think Quel’Dorei should be part of the alliance, the current void elves are merely outcasts of the Sin’Dorei, known as Ren’Dorei so really they aren’t the same as the Quel’Dorei of the Silver Covenant, frankly they should have it regardless, with their own traits and passives, they are part of the alliance since the beginning of times.


Not all of them. There are High elves who joined the Ren’dorei

And don’t forget Alleria, who was a High elf previously. Now Void elf but her appearance did not change (same as the natural skinned Velves)

YES blizzard could have given us High elves from the start instead of Void elves and avoided this whole mess, but it is too late now.

best bet is to add a few natural hair colors to Velves (Black, white, etc)

The friendship between High elves and Void elves is actually very strong, even outside Telogrus Rift

this is in Stormwind:

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Cows are the only normal hordes. I love you

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I’m not kidding, Grimtotem should be alliance mercs.

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They didn’t join. They’re socialising

they are part, such as silver covenant. and yes they MUST be playable. If alot of people would make this happy , more subs, so why not?

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Imagine If orcs tauren or trolls join alliance today.
That is the same injustice alliance suffered with horde getting thalasian elves

they did. locus walker confirmed it.


I sensed that change was destined to find Alleria Windrunner, but I did not anticipate that her kin would undergo a similar transformation."

he says this while teaching the Void to the High elves

I assume this is how we got Natural skin

Grimtotem tribe had a reason though.

You can’t call Highmountan tauren, void elves, mechagnomes and lightforged draenei copypaste races, and not high elves. They’re identical to blood elves. And that’s fine. They’re supposed to be. Blood elves predate the Silver Covenant.

Look! You’ve got it back! Hurray!
(Though to be fair, I honestly didn’t notice you were missing anything…)

it’s not like we asking create something from scratch . They are already in alliance, we just ask them to be playable and perfect faction- silver covenant highelves.