Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I agree. And from a playability perspective, it’s copying and pasting another playable race. Which I’m fine with, seeing as high elves are already, and have been throughout the entire game, a part of the Alliance. The best way to do this, would be to allow high elves to become playable through the already existing void elves, seeing as the two are already confusingly similar.

Having two so similar races available on the same side would take up space other people might want for other playable races.

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So you are after our vulpera as well. I knew it, you guys are so transparent.

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I was thinking more about possible new races. I REALLY don’t want vulpera in the Alliance. Like really, really not.

Our cover is blown
Abort mission! Abort mission!!!
:heart: :fox_face:

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I added you and Brigante on AD btw but might be a while to catch up to current or maybe use boost idk.

For as long as I’ve played WoW there’s always been threads like these, on both the EU and US forums. There was a pretty big fan movement behind the idea of Alliance High Elves. Of course, I think the support has died down a lot and when looking at this thread you see an awful lot of familiar faces bumping the thread.

I think a lot of people were satisfied by the Void Elves. However, it feels like the Void Elves were included simply because the High Elves weren’t different enough (appearence-wise) from the Blood Elves. The Void Elves were thus made up, they owe their whole existence as some sort of fan service to the character of Alleria and you could probably fit their entire backstory on one A4 page. That’s why I’m disappointed, personally. There was a case for High Elves, and instead we were given the Void Elves out of the blue.

It’s not really a negotiation. The Blood Elves have fairly good customization options as is, what more could we want? Circling back to what I wrote to Illusoire; the people who wanted High Elves were cheated and given something that nobody had ever asked for. They had to play as blue elves – like miniature night elves. All the while the faction leader looks like a normal elf until she goes Cthulu-mode.

Of course this would upset many who wanted to see High Elves, and of course Blizzard is caving in and giving us half-measures like normal skintones and, most likely eventually, normal hair colours. We Blood Elf players don’t really need anything because our race isn’t founded on a stupid arbitrary design decision.

Druid and Shaman as a bare minimum but we would also need to steal something important from the Alliance. Such as making Dalaran a horde only, summonable settlement and flying mount. And then maybe raise varian from the dead, turn him into LK3 and have him kill alleria and turn her into banshee queen 2. Then they both join Horde.

better have something people would be excited with and a lot of people playing then useless races that like few people ever will consider playing for e.g. mecha gnomes, lightforged, dwarfs, kultirans combined vs void elves.

More people playing void then all rest allied races.

See no problem to make us happy and allow play highelves.

nobody like vulpera, and that race isnt even popular, same with all alliance races except void elves.

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No, you’re thinking of Night Elves. Everyone loves Vulpera.

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Duel at dawn, Sir :dagger:

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reality is as i described.

fixed it for you

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Well obviously. Furries count as part of ‘everyone’.

You say that now but I am wary.

And they did :slight_smile:

almost there. Im waiting for a black hair at least, or one natural hair color

They already have those. Since TBC and blue eye variant since WotLK.

im not talking about Blood elves

Im talking about Alliance high elves, did you not read anything i wrote up there?
i spent 15 minutes writing that long sentence with pictures.

and why are you against Black hair for Void elves?

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Oh well that’s a different matter. Flogging a dead horse at this point I think.

Well I mean I’m kind of against Void Elves in general. Well I never said I was against black hair for them but if Allaince are gonna get high/blood elves then I think at that point it is only fair to unlock all the races for all the factions. Why can alliance players play a horde race but horde players can’t play an alliance race?

Yeah i got the feeling you were. But if High elves make people happy, then you shouldn’t take away peoples happiness.

because Blizzard was adding “sub races” with customizations through already existing races.

sand troll and Dark troll (Darkspear)
Wildhammer dwarf (Bronzebeard dwarf)
High Elves (Void elf)
Highborne (Night elf)

it was just the trend, along with the customization.

Nightborne were added to the Horde so Horde can play the Night elf model on the Horde side, only thing is that Nightborne still did not get their turn in the customization, so when they do they will appear similar to the Night elves. Male Nightborne have the exact same model as male night elves, while female Nightborne have the exact same model as the female night elves (only difference for females is the standing pose)

Gross. Why would we want that? So it is still one sided, you get the best looking horde model and customisation to eventually make it look exactly the same as the Horde race. While we get stuck with a resoanbly pretty model, but given customisation to make it look like the joint-ugliest Alliance race… I mean even my Troll is 10x more beautiful than the least ugly NElf.