Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Oh but I -do- know the lore on them, which is why I know I am correct. Can you point out to me the difference between the two that would make them a different Species?
Don’t say ‘Scroll up, I already answered you’ because this is the first time I have asked you that question, so unless you are claiming to have Time Travel powers, you cannot possibly have answered a question you were not asked yet.

Do you know what defines the term ‘Species’?

Again, do not say “I already told you, scroll up” as is your stock response, as this is also the first time I have put that question to you.

Can you, for once, actually answer a question?

You are simply Incorrect.

Did you even bother to read the links? I mean even the header of them proves you wrong!


I really do wonder if Blizzard messed up a great opportunity back in TBC to add Thalassian elves as a neutral race (akin to pandaren.) but that you had to choose a faction after you were done creating a character. Alliance Elves would get a starting scenario where you had fled from Quel’Thalas with a caravan and your character helped with settling a temporary base.
Horde elves could have helped with the rebuilding of Silvermoon, clearing out ruins, etc.
The political division was there. It would be enough to make it work.

As for customizations, they would share skin colours, certain hairstyles, faces and to an extent the same jewellry in character creation. But when you went to the barbershop, new stuff would be unlocked to represent the two respectively.


Bad move, and not in keeping with the lore. 90% of Thalassian Elves are calling themselves Blood Elves these days, 10% of them have renamed themselves to being High Elves again.

As an Allied Race? Absolutely fine and dandy, as a Pandaren example, Not so great. The Huojin and Tushui are -supposed- to be a 50/50 split, the Thalassian Elves are most definitely not.

I mean it would still get out of hand, I mean Void Elves are everywhere, but in lore there are about what, 50 of them or so? Before anyone goes “But Telogrus Rift!” Those Elves are -studying- the Void. They are not Trainee Void Elves.

Blizz are at fault for the Void Elf confusion however, not Void Elf players.

“They are a Squad!”

also Blizz via Magister Umbric
“I have sent one of my Regiments to aid you”

Umm…Blizz…you might want to look up those terms…how many troops a Regiment is?

I mean if they want to stand by that, the Eastern Kingdoms should be renamed “Greater Quel’thalas” as that would mean that the number of Blood Elves would be ridiculously larger than anyone else, they would have flooded south in huge numbers that no other species could possibly contend with, taken the whole continent, then turned envious green eyes on Kalimdor and made their plans…

Does make you wonder how Quel’thalas was actually big enough to hold so many Elves before Arthas arrived…It must have been ‘standing room only’ :stuck_out_tongue:

talking about real life.

I do not need to believe in such lie :slight_smile: I know that →

Fel magic affected them

in other words you believe they evolved, therefore evolving from one race to another exists. right?

So why is it so hard to beleive Night elves come from Dark Trolls? Well of Eternity magic affected them.

NO, it does not.

They changed but did not evolved.

Because that’s not how it happened.

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Night elves did not evolved from trolls, but were created by the image of Elune herself. Facts.

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your right. They Devolved from trolls


you wish. keep dreaming.

Elves are not related to trolls.


Wait. You don’t actually believe in Evolution, as a concept?

High Elf Fans, you have an example here as to why you will never get them.

That is utter madness.

If you do not believe in Evolution as a concept, I simply cannot take your statements seriously and will never do so…

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No clearly you dont know it as you are incorrect and i have pointee them out several time so yes you can scroll up and read it as i have already repeated myself several times but since you dont read the responds you get thats no suprise. Yes i do know what defines species but obviously you dont as you keep making this nonsense even when lore proves you wrong. No im correct its you who is incorrect learn the diffrence between the two words cause you bust making yourself look like a fool. Yes i read the libks and the show that im right

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No they havent as its to diffrent races not names

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I do not, because i know that it is a lie for sheeps.

You can see it is pointless even though you have proven your points several times with facts. She refuses to scroll up to see the proof because she knows how wrong she is. Its better to just not respond and let her screams for attention go unnoticed

So you -are- claiming to be able to travel time then? Because you can’t have answered a question I have asked you for the first time, before I even asked it, without magical powers of that nature! Wow! An Actual Superhero! What is your Superhero name, or is it a secret identity?

As for Race and Species, the two terms may at first seem interchangeable, but they are not. For example, there are varying ethnicities within H. Sapiens Sapiens on our planet, so different races. They are different races, but all the same species. No other Species on the planet is H.Sapiens Sapiens, They are all however, able to mate and produce offspring. An American and Chinese person can produce children, despite being of different ethnic races. So that’s ‘Race’ defined for you, because you did seem a bit confused on the matter.

Species is -similar- but in broader terms. It means that something is different, but in some cases can interbreed. A Good example of this in our world would be the fact that Tigers and Lions are two different families of Big Cats, who don’t even naturally live on the same -Continent- as each other, yet they are able to mate, and produce Offspring. This is because they are of the same Genus. called Panthera (No, really, it is) Both Lions and Tigers belong to that Genus. Jaguars and Leopards belong to that same Genus also, but experiments as to whether they can breed have not I think been studied, they too live on two separate continents, and to be honest what is the point, they’re almost identical anyway. So one could argue that all Panthera are the same -Species- right?

That is where the waters get muddied, they are only the same Species because of one quality, that they can cross mate and are of the same Genus.

Now, to put this into Azeroth context, Humans and Elves can rather famously crossbreed. But does that make them the same Species?
No, Because they are not the same Genus. Humans are Titan Constructs, whereas Elves evolved from Trolls, who were native. Orcs and Draenei can crossbreed, does that make them the same Species? No, because they are not the same Genus, I mean they come from two different planets entirely, not just continents, so the whole evolution of their species’ would have been drastically different.

Now…The other problem here is ‘Viable Offspring’. Some cross matings of animals can indeed produce offspring, however that Offspring will itself be sterile. (Mules are a good example in our world, they cannot breed even with other mules 99.9% of the time…Not a made up statistic, a scientific one) So they aren’t a ‘thing’ as such, but a one off result of a mating between two members of different branches of a Genus.

Now apply this to Azeroth. Can Humans and Elves produce Offspring? Obviously they can. It is rare, but there are four examples in lore. Arator, Alodi, Giramar and Galadin. Now, what do all four have in common?

All Male. So we have no evidence in lore, that a male half elf and a female half elf could produce a child. We have no evidence that a half elf and a human could produce a child. Who knows, Half Elves may well be sterile, like a Mule in our world.

No you did not read the ‘libks’ (sic) or you would know that they prove you wrong.

Wrong again!

I was actually joking, but …this is 2021, and you think that evolution is a -lie-?

Amazing. I thought…well…I didn’t think people like that actually existed…I thought it was one of those things that you joke about when talking about Deep South people in the USA…

Ok…where to start…

I mean for a start there is no such thing as ‘sheeps’, the word ‘sheep’ is both singular and plural. ‘Sheeps’ isn’t a word. To use Azeroth context ‘Undeads’ is not a word, nor is ‘Worgens’ a word. The word for singular and plural is ‘Undead’ and ‘Worgen’.

So let me get my head around this… You actually are alive in the year 2021, and you think that Evolution is a Lie.
So let me just ask you. Who told the Lie? Who is this ‘Lie’ benefitting, what purpose does it fulfil? I mean if someone Lies about something, there has to be a motive, right? I mean there always is, so what was the motive?

How did Humanity come to exist? Do you honestly believe we were just created out of nowhere? (I Could tear the book of Genesis apart with a few statements but I am interested to see where this goes)

So yeah, how did Humans come to exist?
Where do Dinosaurs fit into this theory of yours?

What shape do you think the world is?
For that matter, how -old- do you think the world is?

This is some next level stuff, I had no idea what mental horrors we would unearth if we dug too deep…


flat and square, just look at any world map.

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Valid point. I too have seen said pictures. That’s right yeah? Moontear? The Earth is Flat, and -something- created Humans out of nothing?


No im not claiming to be able to travel in time and yes i have answerd it several times as you are well aware of. Yes they are diffrent races as comparing a high elf and a blood elf is the same as comapring homosapiens and a neanderthal as both of them are diffrent races of human the same as diffrent races of elfs. Yes i did read it its hou who didnt. No im not wrong again as i was never wrong to begin with its you who are

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yeah it is a well known lie.

It’s flat… facts too.

No point to explain because people will deny it anyway, like you :slight_smile:

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