Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

no, move to horde or stop crying. Also they should NEVER add blonde hair to void elves aswell :slight_smile: you guys on alliance have so much more character customization than horde already, so please

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Some of our races got lots of options too.

However, I do think they need to revisit some that have next to no options at all.

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Agreed. I do think they need to focus more on the ones that barely got anything. Like Nightborne and Lightforged. Basically most of the Allied races and a few of the core races as well.

But I also think that when the time comes they should add some hair colors. Void elves are lacking so much in this area and they don’t even have a Black, which should’ve been an option when the race was introduced. Now it’s only available to the Void elf NPC’s

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I find it quite appauling how Blizzard have said that they won’t be doing anymore new features for the allied races.

Void Elves need more “void” looks as well as some “High Elf” hairstyles and hair colours.
Nightborne need…well just about everything doing. (Just don’t give us antlers - we ain’t no druids.)

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doesnt make sense cause theyre void elves right? void in wow = purple/blue… i dont think there exists artificial hair colouring in the wow universe… the reason why certain races can change to other hair colours is because in lore they are born with it naturally :smiley: so just for the sake of the game being realistic, i guess not perhaps

What about Black hair doesn’t make sense? It’s a Dark color that many of our NPC’s have. You have the right to deny us blonde hair for whatever reason (even though Alleria has it, but let’s ignore this fact) , but you don’t have the right to deny us Black hair.

Black is gothy, it’s dark, it matches the Void elf skin perfectly and looks Amazing.

Black also matches the “High Elf” look.

Remember the Sylvanas Warbringer and the High Elven mother? She had black hair.

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Exactly, so it works for Both Void elf fans and High elf fans.

No need for Blonde in this case. The Blood elves can keep it.

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Well, I think blonde and grey is an equal trade off from the Blood Elves.

I reckon the “red” hair colours (so that’s the red and brown hair colours), should be Blood Elf only.

We’ve got to remember that characters like Vereesa, Alleria and Auric all have grey and blonde.

Yeah, but we will never hear the end of it from the Nay sayers. It’s like Blonde is some kind of insult, hence why they probably threw a bomb on Jaina that made her hair white. :laughing:

I am ok with just Black. That way I can make both my High elf and Void elf characters look amazing. I always envisioned my Blue skinned Void elf having Black hair anyway, because the NPC’s look AMAZING. I’m not even joking.

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I would still argue both are incapable of ‘high’ civilisation. Meh, the Murloc quests in Borean Tundra and the Kobold ones in Hihgmountain to me seem obvious examples of ‘official fan fiction’, namely to serve no other purpose than to shamefully exploit favourites species at the expense of going against the established norm of them being a ‘low’ civilisation. Yes, they have villages and primitive language, but they do not make big cities and they only join factions and they don’t lead them. Again I’d argue they do things like have the occasional Kobold pirate captain with no regard for consistency of lore, they just do so because it’s ‘fun’.

One must generalise in games because there are going to be examples that stand out, because just like I said you will see a talking wolf or something now and again-- but one can still say as a general rule wolves are beasts. As a general rule murlocs, kobolds and gnolls are primitive humanoids, certainly elevated above beasts, but arguably still critters (which after all is a somewhat ambiguous term).

Well, they put in Mechagnomes which effectively lack boots, legs, hands and arms. Oh how hilariously pathetic I think that species is from every conceivable angle. It’s as if they already had Vulpera lined up for Horde and simply couldn’t think of one to add to Alliance.

Naga could have a floating mount, or recline in a shell strung to a crab or some such sea creature.

One would have thought animal species would need to wear more than one bra. As for Worgen, aren’t dogs supposed to have eight or so?

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True to form, you’re either missing the point or being deliberately obtuse. What anyone on this forum feels like calling her is utterly irrelevant - you included.

Alleria is calling herself a Void Elf. Blizzard are calling her a Void Elf. As far as credible sources go, you’ve provided nothing at all to the contrary.

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She does look like a high elf, not like a void elf. Log in game and check yourself in Stormwind. or Telogus Rift.

So what how she is being called? High elf with a void power specialization.

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I thought I was pretty clear about that part.

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She looks like a high elf, and she is one, using void powers.


I look like a High elf too. Doesn’t mean I’m one.

( I only RP as one)

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Blizzard disagrees with your claim of her being a high elf. That’s really all that matters. :man_shrugging:

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You look like a void elf, and you are one.


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For one.

Then there’s Shadows Rising, the most recent WoW novel - the prologue chapter, in which she’s also called a a Void Elf. She’s also called such in Before the Storm, though I have no inclination to sift through an audiobook to try an pinpoint exactly where.

I’ll let you guess how often she’s referred to as a High Elf.

Indeed and her wiki page says she’s a Void Elf, former High Elf.