Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

The people who run their mouths about this would bump it regardless. But wouldn’t it be great if people just stopped posting how stupid this is? Right? I mean we already have 2 nearly identical races on both sides, let’s add a third. Why? Well cause a vocal minority really wants it and everyone else should just deal with it and shut up.

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There are people who just want Alleria’s customization options, so they can make a void elf like her.

It’s just the largest of the high elven factions that exists, Brigante, calm your greying weave.


I’m not that sure about that
The Covenant is not truly high elven exclusive, plenty of humans are part of that ‘faction’, BUT they are in the spotlight thanks to Dalaran and Jaina
But I think (sadly can’t back up with numbers) the Highvale ‘faction’ is just as big if not bigger than the Silvers, and mostly (with the exeption of a team of young Draenei) high elves :thinking:
Not to mention they have their own ‘city/territory’ Quel’Danil and very Alliance, while the Silver Covenant, like Dalaran and the Kirin Tor is a bit more on the unaligned side
Every legolas fanboy and everyone who are championing the “High elves are alliance!” cause should point them out as working, already established example instead of the Silver Covenant, who are actually just a handfull of turncoats who hides in an arcane center, not really caring about the others (and borderline warcriminals)

They’re not though…

Apart from anything else, I’ll have you know I’m not going grey, I have got some white hairs in my beard though. If I start to get them in my actual head hair I am totally going to Saruman the heck out of this, grow my hair down to my backside again and go full on stark white, because lets be honest, that is a powerful look.

Silver Covenant are just one group of High Elves. They’re not even the OG High Elves, that’s the Highvale lot.

No one asks for those, do they? It’s all “Silver Covenant! Silver Covenant!”

I mean the OP doesn’t even know High Elf lore, How can you claim to want something if you don’t know what the ‘something’ is?

How is that supposed to work?

They have specifically stated in this thread, that even if Void Elves got every customisation that allowed them to look like Alleria (Which they should not get, hair colour yes, warpaint Definitively not). Even if that happened, that they would then demand Paladins (That really famous High Elf thing they were never known for ) and that the name of the race be changed from ‘Void Elf’ to ‘High Elf’.

Just to clarify, this is their mindset. This is what they want.

They want to utterly obliterate an existing race, change it’s classes, and change it’s name.

Just be clear on that fact, before weighing in on their side.

So sit and have a think about whether you’re happy with that cowboy, before making a call…


There are some High Elven NPCs in Stormwind too. I think a lot of players would already be happy if Void Elves just got the customization options of Blood Elves too. That way they could decide to role play a Void Elf or a High Elf. In the end of the day, both Blood Elves and Void Elves are High Elves. Only their customization options are different. They don’t necessarily even need to make it a separate race just add more customization options like they did to Night Elves as Night Warriors.


Eh, I think void elves should get purple/silver/blue paint, where as blood elves would look nice with red/green/gold.

A bit of hairstyle sharing (blood elves have tidier versions of certain velf hairstyles and void elves have more lank blood elf ones) wouldnt be too bad too.


That would work pretty neat, and actually be lore friendly with the whole WC2 vibe as well, yeah…


So close, yet so far. The hate blizzard harbours towards the alliance and its players is limitless

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Well, pet faction cried loud enough about nightborne, so in-return void elves get 3 light color hair options. Which is actually pretty pathetic and lame because they still look like void elves.

Nightborne receiving +95% customization option, void elves + 1%.

These changes will not change a fact, that alliance still want high elves such as silver covenant high elves.

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Please stop the trolling. It won’t work this time Moontear. We fell to your trick too many times in the past.

Trolling about what? Accept facts that people want high elves not void elves or blood elves. It’s been like 15 years like this and still going.

This topic does not affect your fantasy playing as void elf pretending to be a high elf.

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Undead elves , dark elves , forest elves , snow elves add them all


Aha, does not look like you enjoying playing your void elf at all. Just checked armory. Hah, why lying?

K. Have fun with that.

Meanwhile I will enjoy my blonde elf :elf:


for your information, the void elves haven’t received “their new customizations” yet, but you probably know. :v:

They do clean up nicely, do they not?

Alas, t’would seem all good things must come to an end. Perhaps next we’ll have news of our missing heritage sets, but that’s for another time. Nothing much left to say here except:


they would have saved so many resources if they just gave us regular plain high elves without void corruption in the first place.
gg Ion “if you want to play a fair elf the horde is there for you” hozzikostas, aka Ion " we don’t know how to fix the faction imbalance" hozzikostas.
at least we’d have a proper non voidy heritage armor, and non voidy voices, and non voidy racials.
well at least rolpelayers can now pretend to be HEs, and just divert their gaze everytime their racial proc, and lower their volume everytime they use an emote, pretending everything’s fine.


yeah with shiny blue tentacles in the back that you hiding. Void if still a void elf, as blood elf is till blood elf.

High elves are high elves , and they are just what we want and would like to play, such as most notable ready to be playable faction silver covenant high elves.


I told myself I wouldn’t reply to this thread. But I’m going to anyway so others know about this.

There is a tentacle toggle now. So you can remove the tentacles or keep them. It’s optional.

We literally have 100% High elves now with a racial that only lasts 12 seconds in battle.

So your complaint… is very unnecessary, like this entire thread.