Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Don’t worry Ameerah, its really hard not to reply to moontear… :roll_eyes:
After all these options, I like to think, the name Ren’dorei or Void Elf is like the Sin’dorei/Blood Elf ‘name’. A name of a philosophy/political organization. The Sin’dorei, the children of blood took the name to honor their fallen. The children of shadow took the name to symbolize they are a seperate (exiled, living in the shadow of the blood elves so to speak) entity
The void elves started out as a hadfull of victims, scholars and their servants, bodyguards who were transformed by a failed ritual. But after time the Silvermoon Scholars and High Elven Wayfarers joined to study the secrets of Telogrus and joined the “team”
It makes it easier to think of the Ren’dorei as the Sin’dorei: elves who took up a name
Some of them are the original void infused victims, but (and dare to say, majority? Considering their insanity, desire to prove themselves and Gonk habit of collecting void elven heads…) the rest of them are ex-blood elves (who changed names. Again) and curious Quel’dorei (who kept the ‘High Elf’ name) who learned to draw power from the void for a brief moment (hence the racial “void poof” and the void blink portal)
Makes it easier, really
But of curse this is just my oppinion :wine_glass:


I would not consider it just a name, they are void infused without exceptions, their voice is echoy, they turn purple randomly without control over it, and they can not become paladins.
I’d say that that is more than just choosing a name.


Lore lesson:

Paladin was never a “High elf” thing. It was popularized by the Blood elves and they were the ones who brought it to Quel’thalas society and popularized the Thalassian Paladin idea.

Exiled Alliance High elves are majority wise Hunters and Mages. With a few warriors, priests, rogues as well.

High elf Paladins are rarer amongst the other classes, and they learned it from the humans. It was never iconic to them.

Bam! Mic drop :microphone:


I don’t see where i said that it should be iconic, but then you agree they can be paladins, so that confirms what i said.


They can. But it’s not iconic to their race. Therefore is irrelevant.

At this point I agree with Ion. Just play a blood elf .

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the argument i was making is that being a VE is not just a name as shadeprowler said, I was not talking about what I’d want to play as a HE, that is not relevant to that specific point.

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Of all of these points, only the random racial proc really seems like any sort of deal to me. Who knows, it might become an active ability in the future.

Which are now a toggable feature.

a random purple proc is easy to mix in the moltitude of procs we have nowadays, i’d say the voice is the most noticeable. and the fact that all racials are void themed.
but I guess every different player will notice different things

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Nor the Vulpera or the mechagnomes…
But the void elves can become Priests and while the Paladin class is an Order basically (be it Silver hand, vindicators/exarchs, zandalari prelates or tauren sun walkers or Sin’dorei blood knights), the Priest have a very intimate connection with the Light
Im not sure the lack of paladins is a “proof” (not to mention we saw, even a Death Knight, an unholy abomination and mockerie of life are capable using the Light, just because he was a paladin in life…) of that deep void connection…

I see what you’re saying, but the simple answer is: Game Mechanics.

Lorewise Void Elves cannot wield the Light. Blizz have explained what happens if you try to slam Light and Void into the same body.

Games Mechanics-wise however, it would be unfair to Void Elf players to basically reduce them to having only two Specs in the Priest class, whilst everyone else has three.

This is true. It is -possible- for a High Elf to learn the ways of the Paladin, but there are two caveats here. One, they were always ridiculously rare, they are not culturally a Thalassian thing but had to learn from Humans, It being a Thalasian thing came later with the formation of the Blood Knight Order.
Two, Those that were Paladins and Elven seem to have joined the Blood Knight order after the Silver Hand fractured during the Fourth War.

The most famous Elven Paladins we know of in game are Tarenar Sunstrike, who is a Paladin, not a Blood Knight. He’s in the Argent Dawn. Unfortunately he’s not a High Elf, but a young Blood Elf (His quest dialogue mentions being a tweenager when the Scourge came) So he doesn’t count.

Mehlar Dawnblade is another, he was the personal pupil of Uther the Lightbringer, and became a powerful Paladin himself. He grew very bitter against his mentor, blaming him for Arthas, as clearly Uther’s teachings had failed the human Prince, leading to the desolation of Mehlar’s homeland. He then joins the Blood Knight Order, and remains there to this day, though he has come to forgive Uther and realises he was being too judgmental of his old mentor.

So basically the only examples of Paladins we really have, are Tarenar and Mehlar, One of whom ain’t a High Elf, and the other ain’t a Paladin anymore.

I think there are probably one or two others knocking around (Arator the Redeemer is a Half-Elf) but they sure as heck weren’t part of the High Elf fantasy.

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Enjoy your void elf, and let others ask for what they would like to enjoy to play.

I would like to play real and true high elf like Silver covenant high elves. Void or blood elves does not fulfil my “high elf” fantasy because they are not what people like me would like to play or ever asked.

Good for you, you still pretending to “enjoy” your void elf customizations but in fact your character has no progression at all just random alt. Does not look like you enjoying playing void elf a lot.

Not that it matters in any way whatsoever - but here’s a crazy thought: Them playing on an RP realm, RP might be of greater interest than progression. Certainly the case for me.

Indeed. I’d really like to know where that misconception came from.

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This is my main. I don’t care if someone like Moontear believes me or not. I think it’s funny.

And yes I don’t care about progression. Mostly Roleplay and a bit of dungeons/quests here and there.

For a Armory detective he’s really bad at it :rofl: he didn’t notice the “Argent Dawn” thing


Well yeah, people tend to fail to notice that…
…or automaticly assumes, we are from Goldshire
ADers just can’t win

Sad, actually, but… yeah, funny in a weird way

I blame Tolkien for that (among many other things)
And the Lord of the Rings movies
Legolas was a nice Ranger, but those Elves in shiny helmets, armed with swords and shiled I think planted the idea of “Elven Paladins” in to the impressionable minds… :unamused:
I could be wrong tho’

I did not had in mind latest expansion progression but overall in-game experience.

It’s not.

it does. I can create 1 lvl in Rp realm and scream what others should or should not ask or do, pretending to care about my race/class enough to voice opinion which matters more then other players opinion.

It’s a big difference when someone posting from main character and an alt.

I don’t care what you think.

I’m not telling you what to ask or not ask. You have the freedom to ask for whatever you want. I’m just saying it’s rather silly given we have 100% High elves within the Void elves now. That is all.

Instead you want to shame another player’s progression, like a toxic Mythic raider type of character.

This is my Main. YOU have no authority to tell me what or what isn’t my main. This Hunter have been my main since beginning of shadowlands when they introduced natural skins to void elves.

What I do with my main is none of your business either. But if you were the good “armory detective” you claim to be, you would’ve noticed I’m on a Roleplaying server……and I killed Sylvanas twice.

but your just trolling.

Have a nice day :smile_cat:


Go outside my friend.


Thank you. And we ask playable high elves such as silver covenant as alliance allied race.