Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Thank you for posting them, Puny. The above pictures were taken by me on the PTR. All natural hair colors have been added to Void elves, along with a tentacle toggle. With the blue eyes and natural skins we already have, these basically look like High elves.

I have even taken a picture with a High elf NPC in stormwind (shown above) and we look like twins.

But alas, nothing will convince Moontear. But i am simply posting them here to a prove a point to others, not to Moontear. After all a picture speaks a 1000 words

So i hope you enjoy these pictures :heart_eyes: they look fabulous the hairstyles are amazing.


Heavy breathing

These… are… AWESOME!!!
When when when?


I know. i cant wait im so excited. :sob:

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Actually there are tabards and mounts.

Mount: Quel’dorei steed. It is sold by the Silver Covenant (but outdated graphics). i would use the Sundancer mount instead, given High elves seem to ride Unicorn creatures.

Tabard: you can use any Tabard you like. The Silver covenant, Alliance, 7th Legion, Kirin Tor. High elves are part of those groups.

i fail to understand this overexcitement over a piss colored wigs for void elves. Good for you i guess.

Anyway it still does not look like a high elf we asking to be playable.

We don’t have a date for 9.1.5 yet but you can go and play with the options on the PTR.

I was about to suggest the same. A lot of the Legion courser mounts and Shadowlands totally-not-unicorns of Ardenweald could conceivably be excused as cousin breeds. Coursers, certainly, seem to share a kinship in that regard.

Patience is a virtue, I guess
It would just pain my heart, I can’t use “really” those options, just on the PTR and my true lil Lightforged and Nightborne, High Elf and so on, just a shadow on a PTR :sweat_smile:

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It’s a chance to experiment and give feedback.

If you don’t want to, that’s fine :slight_smile:

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“Instead of baking copy past races like void elves.”
that is exactly what high elves are to blood elves, more so.

Even less so, you mean. The High Elves have always been around, present in the story, ever since WC3. The Void Elves have not. There is a story still to be told about the Helves, a continuation of what they went through and survived after the fall of Quel’thalas.

“High Elves are popular and requested since vanilla.” “They are in the game, like SC.”
SC wasn’t here until WoTLK.

Again, the SC wouldn’t have been formed if there hadn’t already existed High Elves prior. SC and smaller fractions of Helves (Which you can locate in Crystalsong Forest) rebuilt their culture within the Alliance and SC.

Your refutations lack merit I am afraid.

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Actually it looks exactly like the High Elves we see in game. What exactly is it you want, do you want High Elves that -Don’t- look like High Elves? Try to not use the words ‘Silver Covenant’ in your response, as that has already been trumped by the Silver Covenant High Elf picture above.

So are you again saying that you don’t actually want High Elves? Where are you going with this?

Ehh, since WC2 technically, As to a story, there isn’t really, as Blizz stated, they just all kind of splintered, there is no coherent ‘one size fits all’ story for the High Elves, because they are, again to quote Blizzard ‘A people in name only, with no common aims’.

Indeed, and the Silver Covenant are probably a bit of an embarrassment to the High Elves right now, after their actions in Dalaran. “Guys! Get with the memo! We’re the -good- elves remember? We don’t go torturing and murdering unarmed civilians!”

Nah, Blizz have stated this. There is no ‘High Elf culture’, the words used are ‘They are defined by who they were, not who they are’.

Moontear. It is over. You can now play as a High Elf on Alliance.

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High Elves rely on Blood Elves for story in WoW.

Take a look back at everything from TBC to present. The majority of High Elves being involved has, in 95% of cases, always involved the Blood Elves.

You’ve misunderstood my comment I think :stuck_out_tongue: I didn’t disagree with the OP, I disagreed with Leia.

What I said about SC is that it exists because High elves existed prior. It’s kind of a prerequisite, you know, so to say that they have no pivotal role in the story compared to the Velves which is a people that started out as 20 in their population or something lorewise due to experimenting with the void, whereas the Helves have only had ample opportunities to regrow and increase their numbers ever since WC2/3.

They have a culture. Their culture revolves around magic. That is what the SC is about. Studying and teaching magic, aiding where help is needed. They certainly have a deeper purpose than the Velves and they have had so for far longer.

There is no story because Blizz chose to ignore High elves. But if they want to, there is a continuation to be told which ought be linked to their past.

What’s done is done. We’re not getting Helves now due to the amount of customization they’re copy-pasting over to Velves, but the reasoning behind Blizz’s decision is still rancid with illogical stupidity.

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Except that they don’t rely on the Blood Elves anymore. There are groups of them scattered around on Azeroth that can be used independently, and there is now the SC. Time to come to terms with the fact that the Helves have a far louder voice in this universe than you’re willing to admit, just because of your Belf bias. 90% of the population died. 90% of those who remained became Blood elves. Means that 10% have had some years now to regain their footing in the world and make their presence known.

I don’t mean to be snappy, but you seem to have a big issue with Helves being included more than they have been in the story earlier. Some kind of fear? I don’t really get it.

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I don’t need to have an issue with Helfs in the story, when the fact is - High Elves rely on many other races like Humans and Blood Elves, in order to be apart of the story.

That’s not me saying it because I hate helfs - that’s just the way it is and the way it’s been ever since late TBC.
It is going to change now? I wouldn’t hold your breathe.

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Of course it’s not going to change. The damage’s been done. Blizz should have added Helves instead of Velves from the get-go, but we have to settle for Helves as a customization option. If they had officially been Helves instead, then it would have been a HELF story rather than some scuffed, superficial, shallow story told on behalf of a race pulled out of their butts.


And I agree, it should have been High Elves, but it is what it is.

Just have to grin and bear it. I mean, you can technically role a High Elf on either the Alliance or the Horde. I’m sure more hair options for void elves will come and some will be shared from other races.


it does not, similar but you can tell that it’s not high elves.

High elves that are such as silver covenant high elves.

Every time you mention this i eyeroll harder and harder. It’s not like Theramore just exploded by their relative faction actions, also they were warned and decided to stay. It was their decision to die.

High elves are not playable , yet, but will be, silver covenant faction.

“It’s over Moontear, we have the high ground-- High Elves!”

“You underestimate my obsession.”

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(Not that I support Moontear, he is a bad troll and should be banned… but isn’t Maul had the higher ground too in Phantom Menace when he fought Obi-Wan and ended up in half…? :thinking: I guess the plot armor was strong with that one)

Saying no High Elves are palyable is silly anyway, Blizz said (him?her?it?)self, it really depends on the costumizations, thats why we have now playable Sand Trolls and Wildhammer Dwarves…
Heck if the Draenei ever would recive red skin costumizations with some fel green eyes they would be playable Man’ari!