Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

(He wasted time toying with Obi-Wan after he’d won. I guess the moral is not to play with your enemies if they have lightsaber access.)

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High elves are not playable, void elves and blood elves are not high elves.

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Some races feel too “similar” to be added as their own race, thus they have been added as options with races that share a same model.

Thus Bronzebeard dwarves received Wildhammer tattoos, hairstyles, and feathers (also shamans)

Thus Darkspear trolls received other tribes skin colors like sand trolls

Thus, Void elves received natural options.

This is easier to add, and they don’t require a starting zone according to Blizzard.

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elves are most played in this game, why not add something for what community been asking 15 years?

Also, there should be sanlayn elves, wood elves, winter elves, summer elves, lotr elves list could go on and on, it’s all about elves

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How? Go on, with those example pictures there, how can you tell the difference?

There is something of the charlatan to your answers, you cannot even bring yourself to say you want High Elves, but always have to mention the Silver Covenant, who are just one group of Alliance High Elves. This is likely why when requests have been made sensibly, like the Void Elf ones and Nightborne ones, Blizzard have listened and have/are implemented them, yet you don’t even know what you want, as long as it is Silver Covenant.

Even there you are rather amusingly wrong. What if I told you, you can play a member of the Silver Covenant already, such as we saw in game?

It’s easy. Roll a human, or a Gnome, grind Reputation and buy the Silver Covenant Tabard. Ta Daaaa!

I mean you do know there are Gnomes and humans in the Siver Covenant, right?

Or do you perhaps mean you want High Elves?

Ermm yes? And Theramore was also nothing to do with the massacre in Dalaran. You’re confusing that with the theft of the Divine Bell which was much later and caused the war crime. Amusingly, (or tragically) it wasn’t even a Sunreaver who did it! Fanlyr Silverthorn did not belong to the Sunreavers at all. He was actually a Reliquary agent gone bad.

Presumably because they expected Jaina to obey the law, rather than stage a coup d’etat over the Council of Six. She was head of the Council of Six, Not God-Queen-Emperor-Tyrant of Dalaran.

If Jaina had, jaina would have realised that her actions were illegal, as she was not consulting the Council at any point in this. Antonidas would have been ashamed of her. Presumably how it went was “We know some Sunreaver/s did something treacherous, and we will root them out, you better go from this place”

To which your average Sunreaver pen and ink merchant will have gone “Tsk, what has some damn fool done now, still, I know it wasn’t me, and I can prove it, we have law and order around here to protect us” .

In fact -every- Sunreaver will likely have thought that way, and -every- Sunreaver would have been right, because Jaina illegally went after the wrong people. The Sunreavers would have expected law and order to protect them, in the person of the Dalaran Peacekeepers.

Pretty sure that isn’t how Sectarian murder and violence works…I mean the Silver Cov had no legal right to arrest, so it essentially was just mass murder, simple as.

No, they won’t. I’m starting to come round to the view that you actually are trolling the forums now…surely everyone can see the option to play something that looks identical to a High Elf.
Have you noticed how everyone who was pro-High Elf on this thread has kind of distanced themselves from your views as those views get weirder, especially now that Blizzard have given you, essentially High Elves. It really is over.

Hmm tricky Tries to remember that fight without remembering Jar Jar Binks existed in that film
Nah, if I remember, Obi-wan is in a pit, leaps out, force grips Qui-Gon’s Lightsaber, lands, and then slices at Darth Maul, they’re both on level footing. :slight_smile:


Think they’re called Farstriders and Sentinels.

No such thing in WoW lore, so absolutely not, ridiculous idea.

Elves from a different franchise that bring nothing new to the table that Thalassian Elves already do. Excellent. Bravo… What an idea, what next, would you like to see some Space Marine Elves? Stormtrooper Elves? Oh hey, what about Fish Elves from Finding Nemo?

Dear Gods, I hope you are a troll and not serious right now…


I hope the void elves get more hairstyles, long hairstyles for male void elves that is more elvish. The female hairstyles are way better and who ever made them knew what they were doing. I mean they put the tentacles better so it look more it was part of the hair. For the male void elves it was just added so it could be checked off the list without thought of make sense to the hairstyles. Even the female void elves also have…Blood/high elf hairstyles that the male void elves don’t have.

Im sure everyone is wonder which ones I mean are blood/high elf hairstyle that female void elves have? First one is number 8 “Failing Tears”, which is blood elf hairstyle number 20 “Braided Tail” (Only difference for void elf female is that is not braided). Second one is number 9 “Pensive” which is number 1 on blood elf hairstyle “Ponytail” (Which they just remove a bit of the tail and added a extra hair strain on the front and voila…a new hairstyle). The third is number 10 “Scandal” which is blood elf female number 2 “Parted Long” (Which again they just added few hair strains and called it a brand new hairstyle).

Blizzard could done the same for male void elf giving them a blood elf hairstyle and just either removed or added something and called it a new hairstyle. or give something that is long and elvish but is different from the blood elves. Instead they got rock band hairstyle or boy band hairstyle.

But then again hairstyles have been shared before back in Cata. I mean Night elves shared some of their hairstyle with the Blood Elves. Blood Elves shared some of their hairstyle with Humans. Humans shared their hairstyles with Dwarves and Forsaken and so on and so on.

Im glad we got the new hair colors. And removing the tentacles from the hair.

Btw did anyone noticed that the void elves in 9.1.5 Telogrus Rift don’t have tentacles in their hair anymore? Not even Umbric. Haven’t checked the rest of Void Elves in Stormwind yet.


He got better?
The guy finally managed to controll his void corruption…
Glad to hear
He finally could recive his heritage armour from Alleria
Late bloomer I guess

does not look like high elves , silver covenant or any high elf, no high elves have such haircut.

yes we want high elves, such as silver covenant high elves.

horde should shut their mouth about any crime that alliance ever made, it was your factions fault for anything “bad” happened to your kind.

they had a choice and they chose to die. It was their decision.

yes they will be, because people want them.

i am serious, just because i have different opinion does not mean i am “troll”. What is yup with this stupid trend? You not agree with me? YOU ARE TROLL!


My elf looks pretty much on point to me.
We will never get “true” high elves.
We have Thalassian elves that come in normal high elven style and darker void style. Stop your weird posting.


Your Elf so beautiful! Im excited for 9.1.5 :sob:


9.1.5 can’t come soon enough :sob:


Void Elf Hairstyle Ideas:



So with the upcoming haircuts, that do look like High Elves, you still don’t think that is enough?

High elves are a race (Although in Blizzard’s words ‘a race in name only’) whereas Silver Covenant High Elves are not a race. They are a faction of High Elves. One of many. So you admit you do not want High Elves then. Just Silver Covenant?

Pretty sure that isn’t true if you look up on your lore.
Are the people of Quel’thalas to blame for Arthas? Nope.

Are the Goblins to blame for witnessing Alliance aggression and being bombarded by Alliance when they were a Neutral state?

Are the Vulpera to blame because they were a neutral state who happened to trade with their neighbours (Another Neutral state) until Alliance aggression turned both to face the Horde.

Do the humans deserve to be eradicated because the Scarlet Crusade exists? Because that’s far more than one Reliquary Elf. That’s quite a lot of Humans. Good to know.

They chose to carry on living law-abiding lives, and trust the laws of Dalaran and it’s duly appointed keepers of that law. Yeah. Sure that is totally choosing to die. Absolutely. I mean that is completely how it works. I could give historical examples as to why people who have that mindset that “You could have run away” ended up in War Crimes tribunals in a place called Nuremburg, but I think we all know what I mean.

Actually, everyone seems to have moved on to making Void Elves look like High Elves now.

Apart from you.

Others have called you a Troll, I am saying that with your attitude you are making it incredibly unlikely people will take you seriously, and am coming round to the idea that you may be trolling. That is not the same thing as saying “you are a Troll because you disagree with me”

Just to point out how ridiculous your statement is, you look at Distantpeak’s image below your post. Now you tell me which is the High Elf NPC, and which is the Void Elf who looks like a High Elf.


I’d happily have the bottom right one at the 2nd picture :heart_eyes: the nightborne ideas are great as well.

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look like high elves? yes as long as you’re out of combat.
sound like high elves (voicelines and emotes) ? nope.
act like one (racials) ? nope.

that’s like 20% of a high elves such as silver covenant we are asking. No, not enough and never will be, only real high elves could be a compromise.

They are most developed and largest and ready to be playable right away.

vague 3 “facts” vs 99% horde warmongering vs anything that lives.

Seems opposite.

that’s exactly a thing why some keep saying this.

that’s not true, void elves cant look like high elves, blood elves are like 80% look alike high elves, but void elves like 30%.

You use the word ‘Compromise’ in the same sentence as saying there can be no compromise. Void Elves that look identical to High Elves would be a -compromise-, insisting upon High Elves being released as a separate Allied race is the exact opposite of what the word ‘Compromise’ means.

Arguably they are relatively new. The Highvale High Elves are older than the Silver Covenant, and already have established lore.

If something is a ‘fact’, it cannot by definition be ‘vague’. You meant to say “Three Facts”. 99% Horde Warmongering vs anything that lives, is however, either wildly factually incorrect 9As it simply is incorrect) or it is hyperbole, pick which.

Really doesn’t…I’m not seeing anyone else agreeing with your wild demands, everyone else seems to be quite happy with the High Elves they’re getting, via the Void Elf route.

No, that isn’t how language works. You don’t get to redefine what words mean, simply to fit your agenda. I stated “I am starting to see why people think you are trolling, and am coming round to the idea that this is the case.”

Which is emphatically -not- the same as outright calling you a Troll, now is it?

100% actually, according to Blizzard.

Where does this 70% deficit come from…Surely you wouldn’t have just made a figure like that up, would you? So what makes up this 70% figure in differences in appearance then?


Where are you getting these arbitrary percentages lol

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