Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I guess Trollsvile had an 70% surpluss and he was allowed to use it? :smirk:

NO, even if void elves get what blood elves received to look more like high elves that still won’t be enough. Why? Because i play blood and void elves and it’s not same as i playing high elf would be.

They are not high elves, period. So what you can imitate to look somewhat like a high elf but you ARE NOT ONE.

I am talking about that they have everything to be playable, except maybe a capital city which could be Dalanar , for sure.

Wild demands? These “demands” are not mine alone. We are asking what we would like to play ever since wc3.

5 people here circle posting how they are happy about it, does not look like “everyone else”.

exactly same thing.

from my point of view and my eyes.

You can definitely tell that in that picture above is void elf and next blood elf. I mean can not be more obvious. And they does not look a high elves we are asking.

It’s a high elf and void elf respectively.

Then you’re not asking for a -compromise- are you!

  1. Compromise (noun) “an agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions:”

If you’re not willing to make any concessions (Which you say you are not) then you’re not making a Compromise are you?

What, give Dalaran as a racial capital to an Allied Race? Typical, Other Allied Races get tiny little places like Telogrus or the NB bit of Suramar, you want the entirety of Dalaran? How do you see that working? Would all the city guards suddenly turn hostile to Horde? So you basically want a full size city to stop being Neutral Games mechanics wise, all for the same of one Allied Race?

Besides, why not the Highvale, they already have their central place of Quel’Danil…

Err, yes they are, for the simple reason that the High Elf fans do not have one set out in stone idea as to what they want, there are as many interpretations as there are High Elf Fans, and their ideas range from sensible to utterly deranged…

I think we have established that I know how the English language works, and saying “People are starting to bring me round to the idea” is not the same as saying “you are a Troll”. The English language is, for all it’s sins, a fairly complex one.

Ahah, so what is called ‘Empirical Evidence’ then?

You know the problem with Empirical Evidence don’t you? It isn’t fact based. It is just one person’s opinion. It is also not possible to put a 70% figure on it, because by definition it is what you have seen and experienced, which is not everything, so therefore you cannot apply a percentage. The only time that Empirical Evidence is ever regarded as anything more serious than “I heard some bloke down the pub say…” is in a Court of Law, where we have ‘Witnesses’. Difference there, is that they are sworn in under oath, and do themselves face a custodial sentence if it is revealed they have committed Perjury.

Hmm, seems unlikely to me, given that it is blatantly in an Alliance location, that it is a Blood elf, but sure, let’s see what the person whose character it is and took the image says…

Oh dear Moontear, you seem to have made a boo boo. It seems even -you- can’t tell the difference between a High Elf and Void Elf with customisation…

Not only did you get it wrong by saying there was a Blood Elf in the picture at all, which there wasn’t, but you identified the -wrong- one as the Void Elf!

I think we learned something there. Void Elves with High Elf customisation look so identical to High Elves that even High Elf fans can’t tell the difference?

umh, yes, looks like a void elf and blood elf. doesn’t?

It’s a High Elf and a Void Elf, and you couldn’t tell the difference . Just admit it.

we asking high elves playable such as silver covenant high elves not more customization for void elves.

Why not? Could be a solution for a high elven city.

an outpost?

it’s actually unlimited space.

Might be updated when Suramar will be a capital for nightborne.

Oh yes…if 1000 people agrees to something and consider it as a fact it becomes a FACT. real fact!

you think you do, but you don’t.

void elf and blood elf.

What we want and how high elves look and sound like

how blood elves look and sound

how void elves look and sound

3 different types of elves.

#highelves such as silver covenant as alliance allied race!

Blood elves can’t wear the Silver Covenant tabard.
It is a high elf next to my void elf.
They look almost identical.
High elves do not need to be their own race, it would be a waste of a race slot.
I’d rather have furbolg…

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So you used the wrong word when you said ‘compromise’ yes? How do you think the word ‘compromise’ works? More customisation for Void Elves is a Compromise, asking for High Elves is not a Compromise, asking specifically for High Elves of just one faction is pretty much an antonym of what a Compromise is. Do you think they should give Silver Covenant Elves as an Allied Race? What about High Elves? Should they give them as -another- Allied Race? After all, by just insisting on Silver Covenant, you are excluding a lot of High Elves?

The High Elves do not have a city. Blizzard have stated this.

At least it exists in lore as a High Elf only location, unlike Dalaran.

Really? I must test that theory on my Void Elf. I think you’ll find it is not.

There are no plans for this to happen, and it would render Suramar impossible to play for Alliance players, do you really think that is a good idea?

Actually, no it isn’t. That isn’t how Facts work. There are around 1,000 or more people who believe the earth is flat. Does this make that a -Fact-?

Despite the millions who do not believe the earth is flat.

No, I really do. I am not the one who thinks that ‘sheeps’ is a word, remember?

You know that isn’t possible, right? I mean if you actually -did- care about the Silver Covenant, and were not just trolling. (Yes -Now- I am accusing you of trolling, not before, but now I am) you would know that said image would not be possible. A Blood Elf could not equip the Silver Covenant tabard, same as Alliance cannot equip the Sunreaver tabard.

You are denying facts. I don’t think you actually care about High Elves at all, at this rate, you know nothing about them, or how they work in game.

Ahh, so dodging the question now are we? It was a High Elf and a Void Elf, and they looked so identical that -you- couldn’t tell the difference and made a mistake. Just admit it for once.

At this stage, yes, I think you are actively trolling, and trying to sabotage the efforts to get something that looks identical to High Elves into the game.

Shame on you.

i was not replying or talking about your post, not sure why you assumed that. Picture above is actually considered - first picture that is above not randomly picked by your understanding.

I was talking about Brady comment <5598>where it’s obvious that void elf and blood elf.

Yes, because as stated so many times…they are ready to be playable right away, and requires very little resources to make them playable, that’s why.

could be used as different timeline where alliance can play it, and new one for nightborne capital.

but if 90% population would agree that earth is flat, it would become a “fact”.

just gave an example of 1000 people.

you think you do. that’s is the difference. Yes, sheeps is a word.

yes proved my point about trolling this as i mentioned before. I have different opinion and that’s by new trend called " trolling".

i replied about 5598 comment , but you assumed that is about earlier screenshot. See my point? You always see what your eyes want to see.


You literally quoted me…

you no assumed that i was talking about your post, and replied first-

But i was talking about Brady’s posted image not yours. Facts.

and i replied to a Brady’s post which is shown in my reply and quoted you to check that it’s about that picture. Stop trolling.

I think you need help and to take your own advice.


No you weren’t. You directly quoted Distantpeak.

The same is arguably true of all High Elves. But you don’t want High Elves. You just want Silver Covenant.

Possibly the only sensible statement made in your post.

You do realise, I mean surely you do, no one could be so delusional as not to realise, that no matter what percentage of the population believes a thing, does not have an impact upon the reality of a thing. You do know that, don’t you?

Or are you seriously saying that if 90% of the population thought the earth was flat (Which they don’t, and never even did when people -said- that people used to believe in olden times that the world was flat, the Ancient Greeks and Romans and Egyptians were all quite aware the earth was spheroid) that suddenly the world would change it’s shape to match their opinion?

Do you know what would happen if that were actually the case? I mean we’d all be dead for a start. No Life on Earth whatsoever. Not even Amoeba.

Right, I will state it again. You are at this point Trolling. ‘Sheeps’ is not a word. The singular and plural is ‘Sheep’. “There is a sheep” “There are some sheep” ‘Sheeps’ is not a word except in the eyes of non-native English speakers, who are getting it wrong.

No, I think you are trolling now because you are deliberately lying to us.

No you didn’t. You replied to Distantpeak’s comment. You are lying to us again and trolling. Kindly stop.

I replied to Bradys post and quoted distanpeak for him to see to which post i was replying. Just admit it. It’s easy to see in that post which was not edited.


No, silver covenant high elves are in every expansion since wotlk and most developed compared to other remaining high elves out there.

I said what i said, you always trying to rephrase what i write. No point argue over a things which someone could not understand even after 10 million light years.

see above.

Yes i did replied to Bradys post which is shown here in a reply for you.

Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

and here in reply for that other one.

Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Just admit it already, facts are facts.

I think we can now gauge with what sincerity to take your posts. Enjoy not getting what you want because you are incapable of putting it across with a modicum of truth and sincerity.

You are Trolling.

We Should probably just withdraw and let them shout into the void, reporting unnecessary bumps.

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The case with High Elves and Blood Elves the same as with Bronzebeard Dwarves and Wildhammer Dwarves.

And take note that two Dwarven Clans have less in common when it comes to physiology than High and Blood Elves and yet Wildhammers are added as mere customization option.

Dark Iron Dwarves differ much more significantly from the other two and thus are made a separate race. Mag’har Orcs not only do not have remnants of fel corruption but come from entirely different reality and have different mentality based on belonging to certain clans rather than being unified green mass.

Blizzard has already leaned over to appease Alliance players by nearly destroying the original design of the Void Elves. Their entire “expanded” customization is pure copy-paste assets from the Blood elves. They haven’t got a single void like thing ever since they were released. That’s just pathetic.

And the main argument from Alliance players is that Alleria looks normal so why shouldn’t they? Considering the fact that she became a Void Elf in completely different manner than the rest of them.

She ate darkened Naaru while Umbric and the rest of his Thalassian refuse are unfinished Void Ethereals. Their upbringing does have nothing to do with the one Alleria went through. And it was initially showed why.

To close this up. High Elves are available now as customization option for the Blood Elves. Same as Wildhammer Dwarves are for Bronzebeard ones.

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you, its you Brigante. You should admit that you were wrong and stop blaming, accusing and harassing me, just because i have different opinion then yours.

High elves are huge demand ever since wc3, nobody can not deny it. We will have them playable, you may like it or not. You are here trolling not me.

Nobody want play blood elves, horde. High elves what we are asking are already in alliance since wcII

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For this exact reason I always found it very strange Blizzard adamantly stated, yeah Alleria is a Void Elf… while the cretation process was very different and arguably the result too (before the custumizatons, she wasn’t tentacled nor perma-blue, while the Ren’dorei were…)
It would have been cool tho, if we would have a very degenerate void-cult, following those forbidden writings and discovering Telogrus and whats happened with Alleria, Umbric and co started hunting Void Naaru (or regular Naaru and hiting to the point it become Void) to sacrifice/consume them
Like a very twisted versions of the Blood Knights (how they syphoned Mu’ru)
That would have been dark and to be honest, awesome, fitting with the Blood Elves willingness to go any length for power and to protect thy motherland… but they went too far, like Kael with the whole Kil’jaden thing
Anyhow, this ship has sailed long ago and we have now… well… this situation, where nobody is really happy

Or the Trolls with the Sandfurry customization and the Darkspear are more different from the sand trolls than the Wildhammer Dwarves from the Bronzbeard ones…
Blizzard intention is… good I guess
But at this point they paved a wide highway to hell with it… :eyes:

I’m under the assumption that the “natural” appearances are there to represent the high/blood elves who joined post transformation.
Void elves in name only. Since not that many were changed. Though I’m still hoping proper void appearances come in.
I still have an odd attachment to the idea of DK eyes for them, but with purple or black instead of the Scourge blue.

Pop him on ignore, not worth engaging tbh.