Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Its not a cult mooooom!!!

Umbric and his followers were “not” becoming Ethereals, why?.. because Ethereals are just energy based life forms (just like the brokers in shadowlands), what gives them shape are the wrappings.

However those we see on Argus seem to be Ethereals that have infused themshelves with void power. Most likely that they believed they would gain more power.


And the crazy Ethereal Nether-Prince Durzaan said “What shall you become…” means he had zero idea what was going to happen to Umbric and his followers. “My people were reshaped by the void” means his people were changed differently than Umbric and his followers and the void lords and old gods. So each race can be reshaped differently by the void. And all of it started with that relic, “the box” as a trap to be triggered to start the transformation, but Alleria and the Champion of the Alliance was able to stopped the process before it was completed.


Blood elves AND void elves.

Both can appear as “High elves” now. Same with the Wildhammer customizations for Dwarves


only blood elves can look close to high elves, void elves can not. and people want playable high elves such as silver covenant high elves.

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Why current devs so stupid, that cant give Alliance high elfs, that players asking about from BC? Atleast as recolor for VE.

The High elf request started before Vanilla, in the Beta stage.

not BC. Just a correction to your comment


Err what? You know that’s exactly what they’ve just done, right? Given VE a recolour so they can look identical to High Elves?

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False and not true. Void elves can not look identical to high elves, even blood elves cant look identical to high elves.

Many of the pictures posted above not only by me, but by other players actually go against that statement.

We Can look identical to High elf NPC’s now. I was able to match perfectly with a High elf NPC in Stormwind.

But nothing will convince you anyway so why bother trying

Excluding the fact they can, they can’t.

We should not feed the troll further.

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Just flag him as troll and move on
Out outright ignore him
At this point im pretty sure Erevien reincarnated in him
So just ignore and enjoy the day

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Putting people on to ignore on these forums is more cumbersome than it needs to be.
But it is done.

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I enjoy the challenge… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Identical to old NPC models? No. But they can look pretty similar.
Why is that not enough for you?

But even THAT is moot, because…
Blood Elves and Void Elves ARE high elves; just with a name change or some void powers.
So they already look like themselves.


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Your facts and logic sicken me!

Well more logical statement then some above but still not quite true. Because they look different then high elves we are asking.

I play void elves and blood elves, and all i ever wanted is high elves playable, such as silver covenant high elves.

Why they are called void or blood elves but not high elves? I already posted video what we want , welcome you to check.

what we want are here, high elves, silver covenant faction.

what we do not want, are void elves →

and blood elves

3 different elven factions. Facts.

We play horde and alliance in this game.
That’s all the faction that you as a player have.

Yeah you can get rep with some factions.
You can join a covenant. All that jazz.
But you will always be alliance or horde.

So what you want doesn’t exist.
And it will never exist.

Do I like void elves? Neh not really.
Do I think they should never have been added in the first place? Kinda.

But that doesn’t change the fact that they WERE added.
They are in the game and that’s not changing. And alliance is NOT going to get yet ANOTHER elf race choice. There are way too many elves in this game already as far as I am concerned.

So stop this silly crusade. And be happy with what you DO have:

You can make your void elf look pretty close to what a silver covenant high elf would look like and that will have to do. The rest can be your RP. You can RP you belong with the silver covenant. Nothing is keeping you from doing that.

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I dont care honestly about all this bullsh*t crutch that current developers call “lore for allied races”. Alliance want high elves since forever - and should get it. If they cant make separate meaningful allied race - so atleast just recolor for current races will be acceptable.

yes high elves are in alliance since WcII , how you can say "doesnt exist’? Already showed in videos.

Yes we will have them playable, like it or not.

You can not. Read again first post.

Not what I said.
They are not a playable faction. And THAT is a fact.

Lol. Okay mate. Good luck with that.

You can.
Don’t like it? Deal with it.

Good luck with that.

i have void elves and blood elves and you can not look like a high elf . Period. Also, topic about playable new allied race that already is in alliance since wotlk not about getting more customizations for blood or void elves to look more like high elves.

But they exist.