Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

At the moment you’re right about that as far as void elves are concerned.
In 8.1.5 that will be different.

As far as blood elves are concerned; yes you can.
They LITERALLY ARE high elves. Just with a different name.

Anyway… Show me a picture, an ingame picture, of what you want your blood elf to look like. Show me a picture of a high elf you’d want to look like.

Yeah, well that’s not happening.
Forget about it.

This is not World of Elfcraft.

I never denied that; I said THE THING YOU WANT doesn’t exist.
Which is 100% true. Because otherwise you wouldn’t be here complaining.

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so…just for you, checked again in blood elf creation screen, blood elves can not look exactly like silver covenant high elves. But close, but exactly like them, no. Thank you.

Because you said that?

But should be.

Yes silver covenant faction does exist and are everywhere. Not yet playable.

NEVER will be playable.

End of discussion.
I wish you good luck, because if you honestly believe that it IS happening, you’re in for one rude awakening (but I don’t think you actually do; I think you’re just trolling).

Yes they will be playable, because anything possible in the future, game director said this, and you are? Thank you.


And I say again: That is exactly what they have just done! I mean they literally (Using the word correctly) have just done that! Void Elves can now look identical to High Elves, to a degree that even Moontear got it wrong when trying to guess which was the Void Elf and which was the High Elf NPC earlier in this thread.

They have already -done- this!


I wouldn’t bother re-reading the first post. You can actually make your Void Elf look identical to a Silver Covenant High Elf, to an extent that Moontear couldn’t tell the difference and got it wrong.

Ehh yes and no. They’re not a ‘Faction’ with a Capital ‘F’ in the way that Horde and Alliance are, but they are a ‘faction’ lower case ‘f’ of the High Elves, who are a ‘faction’ of the Alliance.

But you have already been proven wrong in this statement. You incorrectly stated that a Blood Elf was in a picture in Stormwind, and that the other was a Void Elf. There was no Blood Elf in that picture (I mean the lack of Stormwind guards mobbing them should have been a clue), but you also identified the Void Elf as the wrong one.

You literally picked the only possible incorrect answer, stating that the Void Elf was in fact the Blood elf, whereas in fact they were the High Elf NPC.

You couldn’t tell the difference.

So basically you saying they can’t look identical is an absolute and utter lie, because you yourself got it wrong on two attempts! There were only two Elves in the picture! How did you get it wrong twice? I mean how is that even possible?

Actually, apart from the fact that Horde can’t wear the Silver Covenant Tabard (A fact that seemed to miss you when you incorrectly identified the High Elf as a Blood Elf) they can indeed look identical. As they should. Because that is what Blizzard have stated.

No, it should not be World of Elfcraft. Don’t be so silly. Elves are part of the Warcraft lore, they are not the be all and end all of the lore. You have already shown you don’t care about the lore in the slightest, by suggesting LotR elves (Whatever the hell you think they are) should exist on Azeroth, so why in the name that is all that is holy, unholy, or gallopingly insane, should we take any utterances you make, seriously? You don’t even know the game you are playing?

They’re not right now though, are they? Everywhere I mean. Where are they right now, what are they doing? They exist, but they’re not everywhere…

That is false and you know it.

I did not guessed wrong, because i was replying to Bradys post and you know it, already proved and you can not just get over it that you fooled yourself.

Anything possible in the future, Ion

I guessed right, it was void elf female and blood elf male in that picture.

In that picture there is no Sw in the background, just void elf female and blood elf male.

In picture where void elf standing close to high elf npc is in Dalanar (Northrend), Silver Enclave.

a lie, because you mistake my guess about picture above, which is in fact first picture possible not cherry picked by your motives to make me look like a fool.

Stop deluding yourself.

no blood elves can not look identical to Silver covenant high elves, i just recently re-checked creation screen to be sure. You can not.

Sure but as far as ‘the game’ goes, that means nothing.

I do find the logic behind the fact that normal looking Void Elves are the so called second generation as very sound to be honest.

The very idea that initial customization of that race was to represent Umbric and his rejects when they became severly and hideously mutated by the corrupting powers of the Void is quite intriguing.

Afterwards came normal Thalassian Elves that merely embraced the Void by studying it’s magic and thus their changes although noticable are not anywhere near as advanced as those of the “first” Ren’dorei.

Still that hijacks any possible chance for High Elves to ever be considered if we ignore the fact in which Blizzard stated that High Elves are playable through Blood Elves.

As for my own opinion I will never understand the ideology that High Elves belong to the Alliance. The very usurpation of the term High Elf = Alliance is inadequate.

Anyone who ever studied thoroughly the history of Quel’thalas knows that Thalassian Elves always preferred to remain loyal to themselves.

The likes of Alleria openly defied Anasterian’s order to go back to their homeland and leave Alliance behind. Where majority of his subjects abided their ruler’s will and returned home.

The image of a High Elf that stands proudly among Humans and Dwarves is but a short one in Thalassian history.

What is far longer image of a High Elf in the history would be a Farmer or a Winer preparing fine thalassian beverages. A City Guard standing and protecting Silvermoon City. A Ranger ever vigilant in the Eversong Woods. A Magister studying mysteries of the Arcane and buried deep in internal politics of the High Kingdom.

That is the true image of the High Elf. And it has always been for 7 thousand years.

True image of a High Elf is one in service of Quel’thalas. Every single profession and rank that High Elves used to have are now in hands of the Blood Elves.

A Blood Elf Winer that makes his exemplar goods is living the same life as he did when he carried the name of a High Elf like his father and his father’s fathers.

Where are Alliance High Elves? What is their duty to Quel’thalas? How do they protect their own homeland? How do they live by their ancient legacy?

There is none of it. Entire culture and lifestyle of Thalassian Elf is displayed by the Blood Elves.

They are the same people as they used to be living the same lives in the same homes on the same soil they always had.

This fixation toward the Alliance started with Alleria and that legacy is now embraced by the Void Elves. They represent every single thing that Alliance players want to see in High Elves.

World of Warcraft The Ultimate Visual Guide beautifully described the story of every High Elf that defied Anasterian’s order to come back home was viewed by their fellow kinsmen as weird at best and trecherous at worst. In mind of most citizens of Quel’thalas living outside the Kingdom was beyond comprehention.

Void Elves carry the will of Thalassian minority while Blood Elves embody the will of majority.

That is the best way in my opinion to describe the chasm between what used to be one nation.

Even current leaders of both Thalassian populations represent this schism with their very beings.

Lor’themar Theron an Elf that spent his entire life in Quel’thalas protecting it with his life never setting foot out of it for more than he ever needed.

And there’s Alleria who left her homeland to wage distant wars in hopes of protecting it. We saw how that ended. I wonder if Void Elf purpose is just as misguided.

It is almost poetical to see that this ideological schism now bears actual racial changes.


In answer to the question, can you play a high elf as a void elf using the new customisations, it depends on perspective.

If all that matters to you is your own perspective and nobody else’s then yes, you are a high elf. That’s all there is too it.

If you want the game to agree with you that you are a high elf and for the new customisations to prove it then no, you are not. You make void elf jokes, you have void elf racials, you have the void elf voice and one other thing.

Make a void elf toon on live or on the PTR, make sure you have the standard skin tone, blue eyes, standard hair colour, tentacles off, have NOTHING that could identify you as a void elf.

Leave the city of Stormwind into Elwynn Forest. On your left hand side you’ll eventually see a cutpurse with a dagger for a weapon. Engage the cutpurse, let it stab you for a bit. One of the game’s smaller animations is that when struck with a piercing weapon, you will occasionally see a spurt of blood.

For Blood Elves, this spurt is always red for example

Void Elves on the other hand spurt purple. It’s a small thing, but it indicates that the normal skin tone customisations and hair colours are just that, skin deep. Cut even a little deeper, and the void is undeniable. So as I said at the beginning, it goes back to your own perception.

Are the options now available enough for you to call yourself a high elf? If so, go with it and have fun.

But if you want the game itself to agree with you, I don’t think it does.

No, it is true, you were unable to separate the two, perhaps if you -did- look at Distantpeak’s picture, which we all know you did, you could formulate a response on that? Or are you a bit worried to?

It is ‘guess’ wrong. Not ‘Guessed wrong’. It was not proven, you simply backtracked when called out on your nonsense. Again.

That is not a source for “they are coming”, I mean emphatically that is not proof that High Elves will be released as an Allied Race. You were asked if you can give a source for your statement that they -will- be released. Can you provide such a source?

No, you rather famously did not. Why do you do this to yourself? It is as if you are hell bent on making the High Elf cause look as petulant and unlikely as possible?

Oh so now it is a Void Elf and High Elf NPC, not a Blood Elf as you claimed earlier? It wasn’t, but even so, you identified them incorrectly.

I do not need to cherry pick for that.

Can you not? What options does the Silver Covenant High Elf character creation screen give that the Blood Elf one does not? Out of interest…

you keep accusing and harassing me that i do not know what i want, what high elves are, that i do not know anything about lore and yet you call Dalanar a Stormwind…lol. Just wow. :smiley:

The shoe is on the other foot. HaHa.

it is a common knowledge when somebody would say a picture above, to consider the very first picture above not randomly “your” considered picture, common knowledge Brigante.

It is, anything possible in the future, so, players want high elves playable, then they will become playable, just like vanilla servers.

Check yourself and you will see, blood elves can not look like silver covenant high elf at Silver Enclave.

They represent nothing what high elves fans ever wanted, except Alleria, she is what players want.

It does not. You can not look like silver covenant high elf. You can be delusional and pretend to be a high elf, but only real high elves can achieve that.

Yet we have ugly hairstyles for void elves, tentacles, different appearances and voices.

It’s not only about how you look, but also about high elven voice, name tag, lore.

I can dress like Madonna, will i become her? NO. You can not just dress and look similar and pretend to be somebody, you will never be somebody else as original.

Then I am right. The issue is one of perspective and to what degree you can suspend your disbelief.

Many can. The customisations are enough. But you are correct that you are not a high elf for all the reasons you list, the game itself does not agree.

But while you cannot suspend your disbelief, what blizzard has given void elves guarantees they won’t be adding a dedicated alliance high elf race. From their perspective this is clearly enough.

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About what?

No void elf or blood elf can look like silver covenant high elf we are asking, facts. Blood elves can look similar but not identical. Void elves are not even close to look like them.

Not enough because forums are flooded with more request then “many can”, or “enough”. Maybe it’s enough for you, not most of void elves.

Except in game we have 3 different elven factions, high, void, blood. So you are incorrect.

i think you should re-read first post then talk, because it makes no sense.

Err, for a start, at least I can spell Dalaran, and secondly Distantpeak stated where that screenshot was taken. In Stormwind.

I’d also state that if you give the name of the person who posted the screenshot in question that it is that person’s Screenshot you look for…common sense really.

So by your logic that is concrete proof that absolutely everything humanly conceivable will end up in WoW. Absolutely Everything, right? Also I really wouldn’t bring Vanilla into it, as that proved Blizzard were -right-, the players really did not just want Classic with no changes, did they?

Yeah, I did just check. I can see the option to make a Blood Elf character when you click Horde, but I can’t see any option to make a Silver Covenant High Elf when you click Alliance…Almost as if there weren’t any.

“Void Elves represent nothing what high elves fans ever wanted except Alleria, (a Void Elf), she is what players want”

You know you make no sense at times .

Well, it has been proven that you can, so you are clearly ignoring anyone who is showing you otherwise.

You know you have the option to change those to High Elf looking ones, don’t you?

So you want Night Elf Voice lines (You know that is what the High Elf NPC’s use currently, right?) as for the Name Tag that is an entirely pointless request and makes no difference whatsoever, just another Selfish attempt to erase Void Elves.

Lore? Gah! Do you even know -anything- about Thalassian Elves at all? Like seriously, you don’t RP, you’re not on an RP realm, you know nothing about Thalassian Lore, why is looking like a High Elf so damned important to you, if you don’t even know anything about them?

OK, Void Elf Lore is tied into High Elf lore, which is the same as Blood Elf Lore until two recent events, Void Elves being exiled from Silvermoon, and High Elves also. Until those two points (after which no major lore developments have happened for Voidies and High Elves the Lore of all three Thalassian races is -Identical- Because that is their whole story! Everyone was a High Elf, Troll Wars, Golden age, Took part in the Second War and were temporarily part of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Lost friends and family when the Scourge after the High Elf Traitor dark’han Drathir let them in, and 90% of the species died. Sunwell go boom, Race renamed itself Blood Elves to honour the fallen. Short while later, Rommath comes back from Outlands and goes “Look what I learned to do, we can learn to do this, and we will survive the Sunwell’d destruction”. 90% of the population go “Yaaay!” 10% go “Urgh, no, that’s disgusting, we’ll quite happily consume the meat of living creatures for sustenance, but the idea of consuming the mana of living creatures for sustenance is wrong!” (High Elf logic at it’s finest, or ‘Hypocrisy’ as most would call it :stuck_out_tongue: ) So Daddy Lorth goes “When you’re in my house, it’s my rules, I’m not messing about catering to Mana Vegans, you know where the door is, get out”

These Elves do so, and rename themselves as High Elves again, taking back their old name in rejection of the Blood Elves practice of Mana Vampirism.

Everything up until that point is the lore of the Thalassian Species, whether they call themselves High, or Blood Elves (or Void Elves for that matter)

What new lore is there for High Elves apart from stuff that is -already in the game-?

Since when Dalanar city is in Stormwind? Wow, your lore logic strikes again.

you just blatantly ignoring facts about to which post i replied and continuing on this loop to prove that you were right.

You can not make blood elf to look like silver covenant high elf , at silver enclave.

Alleria is not a void elf, but a high elf using void elf powers. her appearance did not changed from high elf to void elf. FACT.

Please can somebody prove me ,h make void elf to look like high elf. here a screenshot of a high elf character i would like to look alike. Very curious to see how your void elf can look like this high elf.


WAITING. Please. You claim that void elf can look like high elves, show me how? I want to know what you know.

You said that Dalanar is a Stormwind. So, you lost any credibility for anything you post related to lore.

Where is Dalanar City?

We already covered this. Blood Elves cannot wear the Silver Covenant Tabard, same as alliance cannot wear the Sunreaver one.

You stated you had checked at the character creation screen. I am asking where the Silver Covenant High Elf Character creation screen is for you to have made this comparison…

You -do- know that simply putting the word ‘fact’ (Yes, even capitalised) does not make something a fact don’t you?

I suggest you actually look up ‘Alleria Windrunner’ on Wowpedia (You know, the one that has Blizzard canon lore sources linked to it.

What does it say her race is again?

Distantpeak has already done this, you were told to look at it. You actually got them the wrong way around as to which was the High Elf npc and which was the Void Elf player character. Obviously if it can fool you, then that is pretty much confirmation that you can indeed make a Void Elf to look like a High Elf. go on, check the picture again.

No, I did not. I would not say that, because there is no such place as Dalanar on Azeroth…

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you said it’s “Stormwind”, lol.

tabard is not a appearance customization option in character creation screen, why you keep talking about his? It’s not about tabard, in a blood elf character creation screen you can not make blood elf look exactly like a high elf, and it has nothing to do with clothing.

I see Alleria in end game content, she is a high elf, still.

he did not, i already asked to make my male void elf to look like a high elf, but you can not. BECAUSE, void elves can not look like high elves.


Here again, show me how a void elf can look like this high elf npc, waiting.


Did I? Cause its in the Silver Enclave (Old Dalaran), because that’s where that NPC is. It’s the priest trainer.

There’s a Dolanaar, maybe he means that. But it got torched.

I meant Dalanar( Northrend) and said that before.

And instead showing how to make void elf to look like a high elf ( https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h ) you trying to bite with low level joke about Teldrassil.