Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

There is no such place called Dalanar in Northrend.

Try again.

you know about what im talking, it’s Dalaran, which you called a stormwind.

You really want that Don Quixote achivement unlock…
[we dont have a windmill emoji]

this thred is still going lmao

Why is this still here? They already have their high/void/blood elven society… amazing to go through SW after the changes

I mean…. If you want the thread to die then there is a simple solution to that.

Don’t reply.

It’s funny the same people who are asking why is this thread keep going are the people who are pushing it up.

And I don’t mean you specifically. I mean everyone here.

Yes because people still want playable high elves such as silver covenant high elves.

You have voidbloodelves so please let other races to be heard

yes i play them but they are not what ever we wanted and they do not fulfil my high elf fantasy like silver covenant high elf would do.

Elves are most played races in this game.

Can’t be paladins.
Have void powers.

Yes, “we” have void elves.
But this topic is about High Elves.
Get lost.

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Nor the High Elves…? Not really their theme you know

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Whats the obsession with high elven paladins?


(Still blaming Tolkien and the Lord of the Ring movies with the elven “paladins” with golden swords and all for that; not to menthin the whole fair and bolond and all immage of Elves. And he suposedly studied mythology!!! /rant )

I would say you should thank him for creating something that people love and this game have even more players because of elves from LoTR and other races.

But they were elven warriors. Warriors can wear some lovely golden armour!
Priests are better anyway.

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What makes you think High Elves would have them? They were never part of the High Elf race fantasy, of the bare two or three named ever in lore, two of them might be dead, and Uther’s own pupil, Mehlar Dawnblade joined the Blood Knights. Like it or not, the Light Wielding warrior archetype is a Blood Elf thing, it was never a High Elf thing. That’s trying to change High Elves into something they were not.

and can look identical to High Elves.

So you want an identical copy of an Alliance Elven race, as another Elven race on Alliance?

And when you get them? Will it be you who refutes the screams of indignation about Horde Bias? if the Horde get, say Ogres, so a completely new model? Will you field all those complaints from Alliance players who feel shortchanged? Or will you join in the screaming about Horde Bias, or remain silent because you got what you wanted, and to hell with everyone else.

Good to see High Elf fans maintaining the justifiably low standards of politeness we have come to expect from them.

He really didn’t study it as well as people think, he has some glaring inaccuracies and omitted entire Elven mythological types from his writing, but hey, pale white and blond was a popular motif back then…

Then they should actually look into what Elves in mythology were. Tolkien didn’t invent them you know? Mythology and Legend didn’t start in 1937, you know that right?

Yes, the Gold clad Elves even in Tolkien’s warped view of mythology were not Paladins in the slightest, but Warriors. In fact come to think of it, Paladins weren’t a thing for any species in Tolkien’s writing.

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Can not. Stop this false agenda.

Identical to what? We do not have them playable, void elves does look like blood elves not like high elves.

Yes, but we all know that because of LoTR we liked elves how they were portrayed, not because of books.

What is it exactly that you’re looking for in a High Elf race that isn’t offered with Void Elves? Racials? Starting scenario? Neither of these things seem very significant to me

Can indeed. When it comes to agenda, what is yours? You see one of us came up with a whole host of ideas for varying High Elf customisation, and one kept squawking “Silver Covenant! Silver Covenant!” Whilst contributing no ideas at all.

What -is- your agenda here?

Actually you are incorrect on all three accounts. But by all means, do carry on showing you know nothing of Elven lore.

“Yes, but we all know because of a book we liked elves how they were portrayed, not because of books.”

Do you want a chance to revisit that statement by any chance?

That is the problem, I had loads of ideas for them. Moontear however, had none. They’re not even able to ask for High Elves coherently.

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Character customization, appearance ,voice, lore

I asked to prove and make void elf look like a high elf you claiming they can look identical. But yet i did not received anything but lies.

https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h that’s right, you can not prove that void elves can look like a high elf, that’s why you keep dodging this question and keep lying.

Im waiting prove me your claims.

Books of Tolkien, bot because of other writer books.