Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Don’t you already have that in Void Elves?

Isn’t that just the same thing?

Nobody really hears your voice outside of groups. Again this doesn’t seem significant enough to justify a whole new race

What does this mean exactly? In terms of roleplaying, you don’t need an actual High Elf race to play as one. High Elves are already in the Alliance and you can look exactly like one, so it’s easy to justify with existing lore. It’s not like you’re roleplaying a sethrak in the horde without the lore to support it

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no you do not, and i play void and blood elves, they are not same as high elves we want and would love to play.


for you. for us it means a lot.

oh… can you please show me how you can customize your void elf to look like high elf we are asking…thank you …i mean i will wait. https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h

show me. Because you keep saying they can look like a high elves but reality is they can not.

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The only difference I see is the hairstyle, and that little blue band on the ponytail is actually on the new hair colours for void elves

show me… https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h

Can’t they really?
How do you explain that some of them are, when they can’t?
The only explanation that comes to my mind is that you’re clueless and don’t even bother checking your information before “correcting” someone.


You could say the same about Dark Iron Dwarfes.

Literally just go into the PTR and look yourself. I can’t post links. You didn’t even respond to what I said.

Can someone who isn’t grasping at straws tell me exactly what they are looking for in High Elves?

You could, but that’s getting into how races are handled overall. If Void Elves didn’t already have High Elf options, I would be less against an entirely new High Elf race. Now the damage is done, so there’s not really enough to justify going back on it and making YET ANOTHER Blood Elf clone with 90% of the same options we have already seen

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everyone can post links, use “preformatted text” on your link. You are lying that void elves can look like high elves. Unless you can show me and prove your false claims to be true.

https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h Here, show me how to look like a high elf.

they do not have high elf customization options, and yes high elves can be playable right away allowing to play silver covenant faction.



But what does this mean exactly? How does this actually translate into the game and what would change?

They have shown they can be paladins but to say it’s a theme of their culture is a stretch of monolithic proportions. Paladin High Elves were always a minority and only arose within those whom frequented in human lands (which was a minority of their people even during their amicable terms with the alliance).
Silvermoon never had a culture of Paladins or indeed places dedicated to them at all until the blood knights arrived under the blood elves.

You may as well claim speaking mandarin is a mainstay of British culture based upon the notion some Brits who travel in Asia learn it, despite the fact close to 95% or more of brits don’t understand the language nor care to.

My point is whilst it makes high elven paladins plausible, anyone who argues “they’re not high elves without them” is factually wrong. Paladins were never part of High Elf culture. High Elf paladins were participating in Human Culture.

At this point I don’t think introducing a new race that looks identical to two we have in game just for the purposes of a unique name tag and the ability to play as paladins would go down very well.

The best people can hope for I think is Velf being essentially high elf lookalikes with possible room to disable voidy elements of their char. But a new identical race with paladins or paladins on void elves is just unlikely and I would be surprised beyond belief if blizzard did it.

The new race angle would go down like a crap storm. The high elf equivalent touted has often been Ogres, which are way more unique and this would be used as evidence of further horde bias by the portion of the alliance not completely obsessed with high elves, and objectively they’d be right. Copy pasting a race and slapping a new name tag on it is a woeful amount of effort compared to rigging an entirely new model.

It would be the final nail for the helf fans I tell you. Enough people are grumpy with them for the apparent co opting of the Velf race and continually getting updates when focus is supposed to be on other races; to then go “all this extra crap isn’t good enough, we want a brand new race as well” after draining the husk of the Velf and kicking it aside, yeah, can’t imagine anyone “not in the club” would be happy with them ever again.


what is “exactly like one” meaning? I gave you picture how i would like to look - https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h yet you could not prove this.

https://ibb.co/3p3GqG6 this is not a high elf, but color of a piss haired void elf.
No skin tone such as high elf, no face customization as high elf, no haircolor/haircut as a high elf. Voice /name tag void elf. Far for “exactly like a high elf”.

it means that alliance have silver covenant faction of high elves, leader Vareesa Windruner.

They are most developed high elven faction and requires literally no work or little as possible to be playable right away, today. It wont take blizzard resources to work on models/appearance/customization options ect. Just need racial created, that’s all.

We got Void Elves now and barely anyone is happy, people who like High Elves want more High Elven customization options and people who truly like the Void Elves just want more Void customization options…

This race really needs to be split into two as subraces so they can focus on each, right now it’s such a mess honestly.

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You are just nit-picking. The only (i cannot stress this enough) difference between the example you gave and what you can current make is the hairstyle. Almost every race in the game is missing hairstyles from their NPC counterparts. I won’t argue precise colours with you because that’s just pointless. It’s close enough to be more than acceptable.

So the only realistically different thing you want is a different starting scenario and racial ability. Yeah, doesn’t justify a third blood elf clone

Whilst that would resolve certain issues, it would cause others.

For that to happen, Horde would need their equivalent of High Elves bringing into the game a)Has been requested since Vanilla, b) Is shown to be in the Horde, just not as yet playable, c)Has an existing model skeleton which could be used (A slight upscaling of the KT one)

So far, so good. Alliance get two Thalassian races, despite Blood Elves making up 90% of the Thalassian Species, but we’ll let that go. Horde get Ogres (Please Gods no!)

Both Factions get an extra Allied race, which has been in their faction since the RTS games and been requested since the start of WoW. Everyone is a winner, right?


Problem is not so much Horde players objecting to High Elves being a separate Allied race to Void Elves, no, the problem will come, when to maintain Faction parity, the Horde get Ogres (Again I say please Gods No!).

Because those Alliance fans who aren’t bothered about Elves are going to feel mighty short-changed, when Alliance gets two identical Allied races, and Horde gets a new one. They’re gonna howl, you just know it.

Who they going to howl at? Will it be the people who -asked- for High Elves to be added, or will they go “Horde Bias! Horde Players Get Everything! Horde Bias!”

History kinda shows us which way that will go.

So this thread needs to stay open, even in the unlikely event that Blizzard do grant a second Thalassian race to the Alliance, so that the very -instant- any chucklehead complains about the Horde getting something new, Horde players can just direct them to this thread. “Ain’t Horde Bias, quit yer whinging, this is what Alliance players -wanted.”

Don’t bother me none, I think it would be a waste of an Allied Race slot, but then I have no intention of playing my Void Elf as a High Elf anyway, but I can see a lot of very angry Alliance players, if that scenario played out.

I just hope those that -do- want High Elves as an extra Allied race have the courage to stand up and be counted if that happens and say “Yes, It was me, it was us, we’re the ones who asked for it.”

If so, fair enough. If not, then that is deeply ungroovy behaviour.

Oh, and for the third time -Please no Damned Ogres!..

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There can still be some compromise, they can give Horde “God No Ogres” but make High Elves look much different than other elves, give them tribal looking hair with braids and body tattoos and so many other options to make them stand out as their own race.

But that’s not what I was thinking, I was thinking more of a subrace with some different customization options.

They can make Horde have Felborne for example, I know that will be a bit silly “allied race of the allied race” but I really think it would make a lot of people happy at least on the Alliance side.

It’s such a mess with Void Elves, Blizzard is not giving them any unique customization options like Nightborne/Lightforged got, they are just scared and going around adding hair colours…

No i am not.

I provided 4K HDR resolution screenshots, it’s easy to tell differences. I already mentioned what are they.

Here how blood elf can look, almost exactly like a high elf, just blood elves do not have exact hair color as silver covenant high elf.


Blood elves can look almost exactly like high elves, while void elves are not even close to of looking like a high elves.

Silver covenant high elves, and all alliance high elves happened FIRST then your blood elf thing. We not asking anything from horde or blood elves.

We are asking playable high elves that are ALREADY and always been in the alliance.

No. Horde should NOT receive anything until alliance receives as much as horde already did in the first place to begin with.

For 15 years alliance asked and still asking high elves, HERE pet faction received everything what alliance ever wanted and asked. Why?

… This comment is really a complete disaster. What about Kt humans, LFdraenei, pandarens, mechagnomes? Seriously?

Most alliance want high elves. so as horde player you should not talk over the alliance playerbase.

Horde always getting what they are asking, because they are favorite pet faction.

Short answer NO. We should get silver covenant high elves as they are now. +warpaints as Alleria has, that’s all.

People do like to feed trolls it seems.

I will never understand it.

Yeah no. That ain’t High Elf only stuff. That would also be asking for customisation that belongs to Thalassians as a -Species-.

Besides, I doubt Moontear would like it, it isn’t Silver Covenant! :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you talking the ‘Felblood Elves’ like Selin Fireheart in MT? I think they’re all dead now after TBC…Pretty sure, may check.

Err, actually, if you look at the lore, Blood Elves existed before the Silver Covenant, who were formed by Vereesa as a response to Blood Elves being in Dalaran. You can’t form something in response to something that hasn’t even happened yet?

I mean that literally is what it said, Vereesa formed the Silver Covenant to oppose the Horde presence in Dalaran in the form of the Sunreavers.

Here we go… And you wonder why the High Elf cause gets such bad press?

Because of the game lore? If you play WC3 it is pretty readily apparent why the Blood Elves joined the Horde…

Calling it a ‘pet faction’ is precisely the sort of juvenile response I was cautioning about, now I can see that you would not only not take responsibility for the request you are making, but will actively exacerbate the situation further.


KT Humans are not identical to standard Humans. LF Draenei are not identical to standard Draenei. Mechagnomes are rather famously not identical to normal Gnomes. Pandaren are a racial option that both Factions can take, what even are you on about there?

Shall I log my Draenei and say the same things and that will suddenly make my opinion more valid?

And this is why people like you, embarrass me by association, when I log my Alliance characters…

What a childish attitude to take.

Not a High Elf thing bub, it’s a Thalassian thing. A ranger thing more specifically it -seems-.

Until they learn to ask for High Elves, and not constantly squawking about Silver Covenant, this is one troll, that regrettably , I will keep feeding…