Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

We got some of the customisations, now we need Blizzard to tidy up the race mess by adding ‘Elf’ as a main race category on both factions, with Night Elf, Void Elf, and High Elf as subraces on Alliance side, and Blood Elves and Nightborne on Horde. Then we can have the non-void customisations moved to High Elf.

But even if they do learn to ask for High Elves - what’s the point really? Void Elves already have regular customizations. Blizzard is most definitely not going to give us yet ANOTHER Thalassian model that looks identical not to one, but to TWO other races.

This request is, if not impossible, highly unlikely to ever succeed.

At this point I wish Blizzard simply mass converted the rest of the High Elves, including the Silver Covenant, to Void Elves.

I don’t mind if Blood Elves got it as well I don’t want people to be fighting over them.

I always found Blood Elves more snobbish and high class than High Elves, while Blood Elves live in their golden city high elves are in their lodges scattered around eastern kingdom.

I would like to see more of that, tribal elf look with braids, blue tattoes, wildhammer dwarf inspired hairstyles.

But that’s just my opinion.

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You cant convince him to follow a different belief if he doesnt want to. i mean majority of the High elf fans already made the switch to void elves as they now have the full customizations to appear as one.

If he wants to keep following a belief that most likely wont happen (a seperate High elf race, “Silver covenant” at that), then let him.

By “feeding him” as you say, you are only giving him what he wants. Thus this thread has been active for a week now.

Thats true. which is why i always favored the non-tentacle Void elf hairstyles as they are a bit more wavy/messy compared to the straight hairstyles of Blood elves. I ended up going with the long wavy hairstyle for my High elf ranger as it reminds me of two of my favorite characters outside of warcraft:



I can understand wanting High Elves to be separate than Void Elves, I’m all in for making High Elves a sub race next to Void Elves, they can use the same model and share most of the customization options. It would just calm the people down, and fix this mess.

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This thread literally became “feeding a troll(s)”

Or just remove the whole thing and call everything with remotely pointed ears “Elf” (Elf with that and customzitation, depending of the faction) without any sub race or whatever, let the player call themselves whatever they want… at this point nothing really matters

If they do that, they need to do it for ALL of the sub races that got added as customization. Sand trolls and Wildhammer Dwarves. But i doubt it will happen as a user by the name of “Miora” already submitted the idea a year ago and it never happened. Maybe its “too much”.

The anti helfers will complain regardless if we got a seperate race or not. We could smile for a random selfie and they will find a way to complain about that, So yeah, i wouldnt really call it a mess, but you know the forums.

Besides, even if we got a seperate race, the OP wants “Silver covenant” specifically :laughing:

There is a neat little solution for that actually
Kill everyone who is not a Void Elf (be it the OG team of Umbric or the students on Telogrus) or a Blood Elf, loyal to Theron and Silvermoon
No more Silvers, Reavers, “Highvale” elves (by the way, they are the ONLY truly Alliance High Elves, I can’t really understand why people want the Silvers, who are loyal to themselves or Dalaran, a neutral city, at best… whatever. Logic), Felboods, wertched, Darkfallen or anything
The Scourge got them
Died by SCP-682
Zooval’s minions got them
They are gone, dead like the Dodo
You have what you have, and pray i don’t alter the deal any further…

I agree, broadly. I Think that ship has unfortunately sailed.


I can’t see that working. I mean for a start it wouldn’t be fair on those who wanted to play their Void Elves -as- High Elves, which has been a very strong draw to people, and led to the customisations past and upcoming, You have Void Elves, and High Elves, only difference is, it says ‘Void Elf’ in the High Elf UI, but really, what does that matter, it isn’t like your character can see people’s UI’s, they go by what they look like… Also the Lore Pedant in me is doubtful that Vereesa would go for the Void thing, she has already seen two sisters corrupted by uncanny powers, she needs to be the one ‘normal’ one, if you see what I mean, plus you have High Elves like the Highvale lot out of Quel’danil who have eschewed Magic altogether, let alone magic of destruction and entropy…

Hard agree. Warpaint and braids, feathers are a Thalassian feature, so either both should have them or neither should.

Yes and No. The lifestyles were actually similar. For every Magister in a golden spire, there is a Farstrider living in a lodge, and for every Highvale Elf, there is a Silver Covenant elf living in Dalaran, or Stormwind, or (Previously) Theramore.

Neither High nor Blood has a monopoly on being high class or a bit savage, Both have city dwellers and more ‘rural’ Rangers. Plus they’re all the same bloodlines ultimately…

That is my take on it also, but what can I say, I am sometimes in a puckish and mercurial mood… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ehh, they’re kind of just ‘Blood Elves’ with a common name now that they were reintegrated into Silvermoon Society after Dalaran.
The Highvale are OK, they went down an interesting route which wasn’t hitherto explored.

No one knows -what- the Silvers are up to right now, but Felbloods, Wretched and Darkfallen, yep, kill 'em all…

It really doesn’t take much work, people are just asking for them to split the races so it’s not confusing.

Also people wouldn’t think that Void Elves lost their identity when it’s High Elf options.

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you missed the other half of my sentence? Not the first time you know you like doing this i see.

First there were high elves, then there appeared blood elves, then void elves.

High elves that were formed into silver covenant did appeared out of nowhere, they were in the alliance .

But that is true. Horde always get what they ask while alliance get always a leftovers. And “petfaction” appeared as description of what happen-/ed/-ing since TBC to their favorite faction.




It is, Alleria is a high elf, and she has warpaints

Why high elves would want go to void elves?

That is a lie.

also a lie. Void elves can not look like a high elves, but blood elves can.

And i explained countless times why? Because it would require almost no blizzard recourses to make them playable. That’s why.

At this stage the differences are so minute that what is at stake is not the roleplayer’s capacity to roleplay as a high elf using a void elf customised to look as close to one as possible, but having the game acknowledge them as such.

Are they a high elf from the perspective of the game? No, they bleed purple, they have a reverb in their voice, they proc entropic embrace, the game refers to them as a void elf and their flirts/emotes are void elf. As the game doesn’t acknowledge them as a high elf, players don’t have to either. Anyone who is playing a void elf, no matter their skin tone or hair colour, is playing a Void Elf. Now they may wish to be perceived as a high elf, and within a circle of friends/guildmates treated as such, but the rest of the playerbase doesn’t have to agree.

But those who roleplay as wildhammer dwarves and sand trolls face the same restrictions. As such we are at the point where their personal roleplay is in conflict with the few remaining in game indicators that they are not a high elf but a void elf. Those indicators are enough to confirm that the player is in fact a void elf, but small enough that the player should be expected to be capable of setting them aside and pretending they are a high elf.

I don’t believe they will ever provide the option for Void Elves to explicitly define themselves as high elves, not only because that is incompatible with how the player starts off as that race but because it would be tremendously unfair to Blood Elf players who were told they are the High Elves for far longer than Void Elves have been an option. High Elf will be left as a nebulous term both groups can aspire to but never given to one.

Perhaps in World of Warcraft 2 they can do the obvious, kill off the Void Elves and have the Blood Elves change their name back so nobody can say high elves aren’t playable. Save the sequel game from any of this nonsense should it ever happen.

It’s really not hard, they just need to add an option “High Elf” and that would be it, maybe do some voice lines.

I honestly don’t mind being called a Void Elf, but some people do.

This is what I don’t understand, Blood Elves don’t like High Elves, they wouldn’t ever want to be one. They changed their name into Blood Elves and abandoned their High Elven name.

Blood Elves don’t like them, they are on the opposite sides in faction war they hate each other. High Elves literally purged Blood Elves from Dalaran, if I Blood Elf wants to be a high elf that completely makes zero sense.

To explain better, Blood Elves evolved differently from High Elves and they lived a different lifestyle sucking out the magic out of beings is one of them and being exposed to fel that turned their eyes green.

It’s same as saying to a Nightborne that they are Night Elves, they consider themselves superior to Night Elves and would be offended, it’s the same case with Blood Elves and High Elves.

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Focusing on the point of whether a blood elf is a high elf ignores the meat of what I am saying. The ability for people to use Void Elves to roleplay as Alliance High Elves is there now, Blizzard have provided all the necessary tools.

We are now moving into an area where it seems even that isn’t enough, what is wanted is not the ability to suspend disbelief, but for the game and the rest of the playerbase to acknoweldge the player as a high elf. And I think that is moving from Blizzard facilitating high elf roleplayers to imposing it on everyone else.

Void Elves shouldn’t have happened in the first place, if Blizzard could go back in time I bet they would’ve given us High Elves instead but they can’t and now we need a compromise.

I personally don’t mind being called a Void Elf, would I like my character to have different voice and name that is displayed in game? Yeah, sure but I don’t NEED it.

The easiest way would be to just make an option to be a High Elf, next to race it would be a template Void Elf and High Elf you would chose one and that is how your character would be displayed it would fix so many problems we have right now.

You see how everyone is talking about how much Void/High Elf customization we have, but we are actually not even close to the number of Lifhgtforged or Nightborne’s options.

That’s because our race is split into two, so when Blizzard added natural skin tones and blonde hair colour, Void Elves basically got nothing and it was for High Elves.

Void Elves have some customization options from launch, tentacles and such, but it’s not enough, same with High Elves they got 8 hair colours and some skin tones, it’s not enough for them either.

So if Blizzard splits the race into two subraces, it would be much easier to see what is actually happening and focus on each, unique options for High Elves and Void Elves.

If Blizzard could go back in time they’d probably have written all the high elves who didn’t take arcane energies to stave off the addiction died, they were likely kept because of a sentimental attachment to them and I have little doubt that Blizzard regretted preserving even a fraction of them. Would have spared them several years of this.

If Blizzard could go back in time to the moment they were deciding on Allied races they would have been better advised to give the Alliance Nightborne and the Horde Undead Elves, Undead Elves being the lost allied race we could have had. So there’s a lot of things they could do going back in time, don’t assume they would have given High Elves had they a chance to do it over again.

And I disagree, Void Elves got plenty of options. Sure, they were to allow Void Elves to approximate high elves and allow players to suspend their disbelief and pretend to be one, but that was what the void elf community wanted. What void elves should have been, a proper void themed race with more rather than less tentacles, has thus been lost. But void elf players can’t say they didn’t get what they asked for in ‘high elf’ options.

That’s the thing, it’s mostly not what Void Elves wanted but High Elves.

Some void elf fans wanted natural hair colours but many more of them wanted N’zoth eyes, third eye, tentacles and so on.

But because two races are mixed into one we didn’t get that nor we got High Elf unique options like blue tattoos and braided hair styles and so on.

That’s why I personally want it to be split into two races so they can be unique and not every new customization option that comes will be thought “Hmm, do Void and High elves both like this?”

The two races are not mixed because there are not two races, there is one, void elves. Void Elves got customisations that allowed them to look closer to high elves but are not, strictly speaking, high elves. They are Void Elves. Real high elves don’t bleed purple for example.

Which goes back to the original point, this isn’t about facilitating high elf roleplayers anymore to suspend their disbelief and pretend, it has moved on to forcing everyone else in the game to acknowledge them as real high elves.

Alliance high elf fans now have more than enough tools to pretend to be a high elf. The onus on suspending the disbelief to believe themselves to be a high elf using those tools is on them as well.

As night elf i can pretend to be a high elf, see how much sense does it make? ZERO.

Everyone can pretend to be somebody else, but you are not. You are you. And void elves can not look like high elves, while blood elves can.