Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I never said it made sense. Objectively, Void Elves are not ideal high elves due to the remaining differences which prove they are still Void Elves rather than ‘two races mixed up together’. It’s up to Void Elf players who wish to be high elves to rationalise it. That’s part of the roleplay.

But the differences are minute enough that roleplayers should be able to suspend their disbelief and, well, roleplay.

Just as I am free to roleplay that any Void Elf who claims they are in fact a high elf has gone loco from the voices, were I to roleplay.

Fact is the remaining differences are so small and minute that those holding out for a dedicated high elf race aren’t getting one. Blizzard sees threads like this and do they think about adding a distinct race? Nope, they just throw more options for roleplayers onto Void Elves.

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Yes, and high elves will become playable.

They are not “small things”. That’s why people keep asking for playable high elves.

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Well if you’re against High Elves, just don’t play them.
Dwarves also have option to have dark skin.
So you’d be against Dark Iron Dwarves too.
Yet they’re in game. And it’s okay for them to be in game.
Don’t play them if you’re against it.

Good point. Then add EVEN MORE customization to them, when they’re released.

Rather amusingly, on RP realms people used to do exactly that, use either Night Elves or Humans to Physrep High Elves.

Err…weren’t you the ones who said Blood Elves couldn’t? Like, in quite a few posts? You linked specific pictures and everything. Have you changed your mind?

We know you have no source for this, because whenever you are asked, you simply parrot “Anything is possible in the future” I presume this is also your logic for Imperial Stormtroopers, Tree Ents, and animated rabbit people being playable?

The option has been given, with 9.1.5, people can play things identical to High Elves in appearance.

Actually that doesn’t make sense, because Dark Iron Dwarves are biologically and physiognomic-wise different from Bronzebeard and Wildhammer, whereas High Elves are biologically identical to Blood Elves.

So…them not looking like High Elves then?

Ahh, now -then- it would be acceptable to judge High Elf players as absolutely selfish people who do not care about lore, the game, or their fellow players, and regard them as trash people.

Just High Elves, that’s fair enough, they can handle the resultant howls of anger from other Alliance players, High Elves with extra sprinkles on top however, would instantly make it seem like these are selfish over indulged fools who do not even know the lore of the game they are playing in.

Not really. High Elves don’t have void powers. You cannot avoid them as Void Elf, so wrong.

Well not really because of void powers. So wrong again.

Well them looking as High Elves.
When Dark Iron Dwarves came, they also introduced new revisited models, colors and customization for them specifically.
Same could be done to High Elves.

You could also say that Dark Iron Dwarves were made to not look like Dark Iron Dwarves, because previous Dark Irons didn’t have this customizations (NPCs). And it’d be equally stupid.

What’s this supposed to be? How is it against lore?
There’s probably more High Elves in lore than Void Elves.

Maybe it would make them seems as such to you.

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cmon give em everything so we can close 9000’s threads about this subject

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So let me get this straight. Are -you- the one who will field the complaints from Alliance players if Alliance get High Elves as well as Void Elves, and Horde get something new? Because Moontear has already stated that they would not (Which is selfish), or will you sit there and join in the howling if Horde get something new in parity with High Elves?

Think you’ll find I am correct, High Elves and Blood Elves are biologically identical. Blizzard agree with me.

A High Elf looks identical to a Blood Elf. The Model is there. Blood Elf, Blue eyes. Which can be done in 9.1.5

Because you were suggesting that they looked different from High Elven NPC’s in game.

No ‘probably’ about it, there certainly is, but I am not sure what that has to do with the conversation?

If they asked for customisation that belongs to Thalassian Elves, but oh, just High Elf Thalassian Elves, not for 90% of Thalassian Elves then it is not even a subjective opinion, that is an objective statement of fact, not supported by lore.

I don’t think Alliance having one more allied race is selfish.
Especially if you take into account current situation, where most effort has gone into horde races.
For example if you take into account customization available to players, then Orcs have 70% of all combinations.
That means that for every combination (eye color, hairstyle…) that a non-orc race has, there is more than two orc custimazitoon combinations.
That’s just crazy.
To repeat the point: Orc Male has more customization than ALL OTHER races combined. And not just by a bit, it has more than twice more customization options.
So that’s pretty horde-biased.

As far as unique models go, Horde would also win, having Nightborne and Zandalari Trolls being vastly different from the original (Night Elf / Troll) unlike other allied races.
So that’s another thing pretty horde-biased.

Then you have the problem with faction inbalanced, that’s also horde-biased.

So I think it’s far from selfish to want an alliance getting an allied race without horde getting counterpart.
That sad I’m not against horde having another allied race as a counterpart, but it seem crazy to me, that you’d be actually as selfish to suggest it’s selfish for others to advocate getting allied race for the faction that’s less represented, had less work done as far as allied races go and is far inferior in terms of customization options.

not on alliance, which is supposed to get the High Elves

This is really idiotic. Just because you have more customization options than there’s been so far, doesn’t mean it goes against lore.
For example when Blood Elves got updated model (more pixels) it didn’t change lore.
Nowhere did you pose any valid arguments for why this should be against lore.

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You know there is a reason that actual Void Elves have no customisation of their own, and it is not down to Horde Bias or any other childish assumption.

It is because High Elf fans aren’t keen on it. Apart from a few suggestions, all the actual Void Elf customisation threads get closed down by people demanding High Elves.

That’s what in the military we call ‘Blue on Blue action’.

You can’t blame this on the Horde player base, or any ridiculous idea of Horde Bias.

If your only answer to things is ‘Horde Bias’, then frankly you are part of the problem, not the solution.

Yes…I am starting to think that like Moontear, you don’t actually see the problem there…

If you played WC3, you would know why that did not happen, -before- WoW was even released!

It is when some of the suggestions -do- go against the lore. Why should 10% of the surviving Thalassian Population get things that they insist the 90% do not get?

That is…fair? in your mind?

You do not see any problem there at all?

Because if not, then frankly I am glad Void Elves are getting these customisations, and that High Elves will never be playable.

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Well frankly, you’re the main problem when you wish to be granted an allied race as a reward, just because somebody else would be getting allied race, while already as far as customization goes, you have gotten more than the somebody else.

And it’s not even topic I opened. You started with this whole selfish thing, yet you’re the one selfish to the extreme lengths. You already got more, but you don’t favor balance, as you already have more, so you want other gains to be balanced, which disbalances overal outcome further.

My answer to everything isn’t horde bias, that’s a supid strawman from you, as you can’t really attack my real arguments.

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Never said that.

I do now. You being unable to comprehend text.

Dwarves don’t share any skin colours with Dark Iron Dwarves, and they have more distinct features that separate them from other Dwarves.

You entirely missed my point though. I would not protest High Elves if there was a good enough reason to add them. Void Elves were added to give alliance players access to the Blood Elf model. They should have been High Elves in the first place, but they aren’t, and we shouldn’t add another race that’s almost identical just because they provide extremely niche distinctions. As I said, the damage is done and we just have to live with it.

So no, I’m not against High Elves in totality, it’s just too late to add them now because I don’t like the idea of reusing an existing model 3 times and calling them new races. Before Void Elves, I would be on your side.

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but they don’t have high elf options.

Blood elves missing only 1 hair color( males) to look identical as high elves. Everything else for appearance they received.

No options been given, and you know it, and you can not prove your claims.

Unless you can prove how to make void elf look this “identical high elf”… https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h Oh…you can not prove your lies…so you keep lying that they can.


thank you.

all high elf fans ever asked are playable race that are already in their faction just not yet playable. What’s so selfish about that?

New Void Elf Customizations in Patch 9.1.5 -
*Ear Length,
*Tentacle Toggle,
*Hair Colors

New Nightborne Customizations in Patch 9.1.5 -
Hair Decorations,
* Female Nightborne
* Hair Color
* Hair Decoration
* Hair Style
* Jaw Jewelry
* Face Jewelry
* Jewelry Color
* Necklace
* Body Tattoo
* Face Tattoo
* Eyebrows
* Eyes

Male Nightborne

  • Body Tattoo
  • Chin Decoration
  • Eyebrows
  • Eyes
  • Face Jewelry
  • Face Tattoo
  • Hair Color
  • Hair Style
  • Headdress
  • Jaw Jewelry
  • Jewelry Color
  • Mustache


15 years of asking something that was already in our faction and have everything they need to be playable right away, today.

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It’s like you just pick out the phrases you want to hear and ignore everything else I say. It’s obviously a waste of time debating with you


im just stating facts.

Like you said void elves can look identical to high elves, yet you could not prove your claims.

I “proved my claims” multiple times. Quit being a supercilious donkey.

I did not say they could look exactly like High Elves. I granted that the only visual difference was hairstyle, but that doesn’t warrant a new race, just like all your other insignificant reasons.

Cry more, you’re never getting High Elves.

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you did not, i asked to post “identical void elf as a highelf” you could not prove it.

keep lying.

All you showed me was a hairstyle. Nightborne are missing one of the NPC hairstyles too. Maybe I should ask for a new race?

You can look identical in every aspect except the specific hairstyle you showed, which I already conceded.


you just keep lying, not going to respond to any of your lies anymore.

Void elves https://ibb.co/3p3GqG6 can not look like high elves, fact.

Blood elves https://ibb.co/9t34Fsc can look like high elves.

What we ask are playable high elves https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h not void elves or blood elves, even i play both of them.