Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Is that because you’ve run out of straws?

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Wait wait wait. So in that scenario, Alliance get another Allied race, so it is selfish to say that Horde should also get an Allied race?

That really isn’t what the word ‘Selfish’ means… I mean that is the direct -opposite- of what Selfish means…

That ‘argument’ website people grab these terms from really has a lot to answer for, especially as it lists some of them wrong. That isn’t a Strawman. A Strawman would be if I -hypothesised- that you want another Allied Race on Alliance, but the Horde get nothing, and built an argument on that. But that isn’t a -hypothesis-, because you have just stated that is indeed exactly what you want. So it isn’t a Strawman, it is responding to something you have directly stated as your desirable outcome.

‘you’ in the plural sense as in High Elf fans have indeed said just that. They want 10% to have assets that belong to 100% of the race. Several times, in this very thread.

Think you’ll find I understand text just fine.

Well said. That is my stance on it also, and indeed, before all this hoo-hah started, I -was- on the side of High Elves. I put a damned sight more work into coming up with interesting ideas covering all aspects of what a race has, than most High Elf fans themselves did!

Such as? What are these unique High Elf options?

Well, the model was Blood Elf first, so…that kinda makes sense.

Let’s see,
Model? Yep.
Silver Covenant Mog? Yep.
Facial features? Yep.
Eye Colour? yep
Hair colour? Yep.
Hairstyle? Nope, that is one particular hairstyle, but High Elf looking Hairstyles? Yep.

Contrast that with Distantpeak’s image which you never addressed, where you incorrectly identified which of two identical looks was a Void Elf player character and which was a High Elf NPC.

The fact that you(Plural) don’t just want that, you want extra stuff on top of that, which would make no lore sense for High Elves to get, without Blood Elves also getting. Or maybe the fact that you see nothing wrong with saying the Horde shouldn’t get a playable race that are already in their faction just not yet playable, but that Alliance should?

You’re on dodgy ground trying to compare the Void Elf customisations with Nightborne. Basically you are ignoring the fact that 9.1.5 is the first, only time that Nightborne have gotten -any- customisation (And deserved too, a race has never been released with so few creation options, they looked unfinished, had about three facial options and not even like the NPC race they are supposed to look like!) if you look at it like a mathematical equation, Most races, Allied and Core ones start off at say, base 0. Standard looks for their race, no customisation as yet. Let’s say BfA (As even though you could unlock them games mechanics wise, in Legion, in Lore they were recruited during BfA (Allied races).

So Void Elves, Highmountain Tauren, LFD, Mechagnomes, Vulpera et al started out, like everyone else at 0. They actually had enough customisation options to look like a variety of the NPC’s of their race in the game.

Nightborne started out at something like -10 They didn’t even resemble their own race.

Then people said they wanted High Elf Options for Void Elves. They got some, So Void Elves are on like, +3 or something. Every other Allied race including Nightborne get nothing. Void Elves wanted some more options to look like High Elves, So Blizzard bring out a second wave of customisations for Void Elves to look more like High Elves. So lets say void Elves are +6 now on this fictional example scale… Every other Allied race including Nightborne get nothing.

Now, we have 9.1.5 and Void Elves get another wave of customisations for them to look more like High Elves, so by this point, Void Elves are +9 in this example.
This time, they also customise all the Allied Races as well, to varying degrees, raising them all above 0 to some degree, apart from one.

They give Nightborne a whopping huge +10 fictional example points of customisation. Void elf as High Elf fans lose their minds. “What? We only got a few changes in 9.1.5! This is Bias!”

Without stopping and realising that the Nightborne get so many, because they started way behind in this, at -10, so getting so many customisations actually makes them the same amount of customisations as other races got at start up!

A Starting Nightborne can now actually look like a Nightborne.

That’s not giving Nightborne more stuff than Void Elves as High Elves get, that is redressing a balance so that it is almost fair on Nightborne players. That’s why they’re happy that in 9.1.5, they’re actually getting enough stuff to bring them up to where the other Allied races were in 9.0!
No other Allied race has had any customisation since release, just three (now) waves of Void Elf as High Elf customisation. So Voidies as High Elves really don’t get to play the victim card here.

Welp, they never listened to Horde making the same requests for the same amount of time, about a race that matches exactly what they said there, so…I wouldn’t hold your breath…






True, because i did not looked at it, where is it?

i did not.

you always have an explanation how to defend horde bias.

why exactly horde received blood elves? because they asked.

It’s not a wrong idea to add them, just because YOU don’t like it.

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I did not state that, so it still is a strawman if not a lie.

No, it’s a strawman.

It’s selfish to make a condition that alliance can get allied race only if horde gets one too, when horde already is far superior as far customization goes.

I speak for myself and nobody else.
You (your strawman) does not speak for me.

You think wrong. So far you strawmaned me multiple times in a row.
But I’m an optimist. I don’t believe you have an ill intent. I just believe you have hard times comprehending text.


High elves for alliance with an OP racial might even help fix the faction imbalance


Just wait for Blizzard to lose 50% sub numbers again and we will get High Elves. :laughing:


so predictable. But very realistic scenario.


You may have heard of it, it was an expansion called “The Burning Crusade”. Before then, High Elves, even Sylvanas, used a weird Night Elf model.

They’re the same model…

Ermm, are you just going to keep saying ‘No’ to everything?

Right, do you want to include what I said with regards hairstyle, or just do your usual thing?

In this thread, not -that- far up. It’s the one you looked at and got it wrong as to which one was the Void Elf and which one was the High Elf…You’ll remember it when you see it.

Yes you did…it was pretty hilarious to be honest. “You Can clearly tell the difference! That is a Blood Elf player, that is a High Elf” “Err, no, it’s the other way around, and there’s no Blood Elf in that picture, just a Void Elf player and a High Elf NPC, which you got wrong…”

I think that is what we traditionally call ‘explaining’ things to people, yes. Or was there Alliance bias at 9.0 because Alliance got Allied Races and Horde got one that was a messed up pixelated freakshow?

Yes. That is certainly what happened. Blizzard definitely did a poll on forums that did not yet exist, and get feedback, for a game that did not, at the time (WC3) exist. That is completely why the Blood Elves left the Horde.

Later, Polls -May- have been done (Go on, quote the guy saying it was oriental stuff, I love ripping into it when people do that) So no, you’re wrong. No one here asked for Blood Elves as it happens. Try again sunshine.

Except that you did just state that. You did just state that it would be selfish of Horde to want an Allied race just because Alliance got an Allied Race. You directly said that.

I’m not so certain you understand what that term means…

There we Go! So you -Did- say it then, meaning it is not a Strawman argument, I’m glad we can have these little chats, where I help you understand terms you’re using incorrectly.

You do realise ‘Horde is far superior’ when it comes to customisation is a subjective term, don’t you? Or am I supposed to seriously regard body jewellery only visible if my character is naked as a customisation? That what we asked for is it? (I’ll give you a clue…It isn’t) Is that how it goes? “You get something that makes you look like a Goldshire Hooker only visible if your character is naked” is a customisation, is it? Grow up.

I would explain to you how the word ‘you’ can be used in plural as well as singular, but to be frank, I doubt you’d listen.

None, actually, my old china. I’d be doing that if I had made an assumption based on something you had not directly said, instead of reacting to something based on something you -had- directly said. That is what a Strawman is, sunshine. It’s not a Strawman argument, if you did actually say it, you see.

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Is there a source of your claims that in particularly it was designed for blood elves not high elves then given to blood elves because horde was dying and saving them from extinction??

Different facial customizations, haircuts, hair colors.

i did not guessed anything, but you may i remind you recognized Dalaran as Stormwind.

Keep lying, nobody believing you anyway.

There’s a reason why you don’t quote me.
You misrepresent what I say, because you simply cannot comprehend what I say, and then proceed to claim that your misrepresentation is what I said. It’s not.
I said what I said. Not your strawmans.

Don’t worry. I am.

I said what I said. Your incapability of finding differences between my claims and your strawman doesn’t make them same thing.
I agree with what I said. I don’t agree with what you pretend I said.

You do realize that Mathematics allows you to count combinations of customizations available and you can (maybe not you, but somebody can) literally count unique models that you can create with customization? And horde is dominating very very very very very hard to a point that one of their races & gender combination has far more than just twice as much unique combinations compared to ALL ALLIANCE RACES & GENDERS combined.

You’re supposed to take that seriously. If it’s presented for one race and not for another.

I would explain to you, how I understand, but I refuse your collectivistic mindset of portraying me as part of a group and then blaming me via being member of the group (aka blaming us) for something I didn’t do.
But I doubt you’d comprehend.

Then you’re doing it. Easy. Done.

True. But I didn’t say it therefore it’s strawman.
You can quote me you know? If you’d really believe so. Quote me on replying to one of your strawman being called out and then quote me where you based that of off.
And I’ll help you and teach you a little bit of logic, so you’d actually learn the difference between what you claim I said and what I actually said.

Your incapability of seeing difference between two different claims isn’t evidence of them being same thing.

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I think we’re done here. The pair of you are being intellectually (And I use that word advisedly) dishonest, and using incorrect statements, and it is not as if one of you is not below editing someone’s posts to try and prove points, and the other cannot understand methods of argument and turn them into 180 degree arguments.

We shall leave this here, for the pair of you to spam your echo chamber of two, and it to be reported for unnecessary bumping.

You have failed. You will not get what you want, and more cardinal of all sins is that I came up with more ideas for cool High Elf stuff than either of you did.


Everyone else, leave this thread to die, they don’t care about High Elves at all, having put no effort into it whatsoever, if it be bumped with no purpose, report it, and let this vanish into obscurity.

Well done Moontear, you have heralded the demise of the idea of playable High Elves.

I hope you are proud.


It always what you think. No real arguments, but what you think.

you failed to prove your lies to be true.

Yes , we will, high elves will be playable and you will be a testament of the best example of trolling.

you don’t care. We do, that’s why we are asking them to be playable.

Your lore knowledge ended with recognizing Dalaran as Stormwind. Learn something from this.

No matter what official sources somebody will provide you still deny it and try to prove because you know it.

Void elves can not look like high elves, i already posted screenshots. Accept and move on.

my dream expac would be “first contact” war between the mighty fel horde and brave alliance with fel orcs and high elves as new ( not allied, but available on launch ) races and no complicated systems, just talents, tier sets for each type of content and abilitites.



You repeatedly failed to show so.
While at the same time, you USED incorrect statements and strawmaned me positions which I stated I do not hold.

This is basically your low point of absolute solipsism.


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Isn’t this how it works nowadays?

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so you can go and kill them again? lmao no

#highelvessuchassilvercovenant 2022 confirmed.

This does not need to be the case. High elves do not need to be their own Allied Race to satisfy people like Moontear.


Merge some Allied races with their Core race counterparts.
Dwarf + DID
Orc + Mag’Har
Draenei + LFD
Troll + Zandalari
Human + KT
Tauren+ HMT

Then, make a Toggle for sub-categories, to include race themes in the main race.
Dwarf → Wildhammer Dwarf, DID
Orc → Mag’Har, Fel Orc
Void elf → High elf
Blood elf → Dark Ranger, San’Layn
Draenei → LFD, Eredar
Troll → Zandalari, Forest Troll
Human → KT, Skinny
Tauren → HMT

Those sub-categories will exist only for RP, customization and tidiness purposes, and will be available at the Barber, changing your char’s race tooltip depending on which one you pick. This will open up slots for new Allied races down the line, and will also allow for the creation of class skins later on, to spice classes up and make them available to more races.

Also, Void elves needed much more lore to begin with. This way they can freely expand on both Void elf and High elf lore, combining the two somehow, so they can give the more rigid High elf fans some solid lore on the current state of High elves in the Alliance.


Here, you mean your tooltip would say ‘High Elf Warrior’ or there’s a reference to your base race as well?