Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

So if you picked High elf subrace it would say High Elf Warrior yeah

should be high elf - to void elf, not void elf to high elf, because this does not make sense otherwise?

But i like this idea.

umh, pretty much they do. For other allied races not really, but high elves have to be core race, then void elves as customization option.

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I like your thinking and as a progammer I’d rather work with you than with Blizzard people.
But let’s be honest, they’re not going to do that.
They’re doing just basic surface-level things if anything.


Thalassian Elf may make more sense in that regard.
Subset being blood elf and dark ranger for Horde.
Void elf and high elf for Alliance.

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It should have been High elves as our Allied Race from the beginning, but now what’s done is done. At least with this plan you can just toggle High elf at the barber and your tooltip will show as High elf instead of Void elf. You should equally be able to choose this on the character creation screen as well :slight_smile:

I am honored to hear these words. I really wish I could turn back time and learn programming instead of invest 7 years of my life studying law and being unable to find a job in that field.

Hmm, I don’t see why that could not work, as long as it is made clear that High / Void elf leads to Alliance and Blood elf / Dark ranger to Horde. Perhaps Moontear might like that idea as well?


That could actually work i guess. As long as i it’s different racial, appearance/customization, name tag, lore from void elves.

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If they’re still split in the same manner as they are now (red side and blue side) then why not? Put the void elf portrait on top for Alliance.

Another thought.
The Forsaken should be made up of undead members of the Alliance of Lordaeron, so adding undead dwarves and/or gnomes (plus lepers) would also fit in with this.

Oh yeah and undead night elves.

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Congratluations Moontear! After years of Forum war. Countless discussions! High elves are finally becoming a reality!

How do you feel now that this long campaign is over. Having discussed against my self. Briggs and Countless other would be opposers. It is at long last finally its happening!

Are you at long last satesfied? ‘‘Holds the mic up for Moontear EU interview’’

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Moontear: No.


Sh** I forgot to quote Moontear… We’re still hoping for a reply from the one and only General of the High elf Army Eu Here folks!

As a customization, yes
His problem is, the silver covnenat is not a playable race in the alliance
Since it is an organization, but that little fact never bothered Moontear, nor that, the Silver Covenant is not only an organization but not an Elven exclusive organization… or, you know, loyal to the Alliance; they are only loyal to themselves or at best, Dalaran, what is Natural
For some reason, everyone forgot, the only - really only - High Elves loyal to the Alliance are the “Highvale” Elves of Quel’Danil Lodge who are part of the Alliance and have ties of friendship with the Wildhammer dwarves.
Anyhow, his pointless war is not over, sadly, so like Erevien or Retributor will plague us forever and a day more, just for trolling
Brigante at least was convinced, like most of us, to stop replying him, so this insanity could finally fade in to obscurty

B-but the war is over… The high elves won! Entropic embrace be damned! We have other pirorities now!


[Insert mandatory " Sorry. I’m so sorry" 10th Doctor meme]



It’s not over because high elves are not playable , yet.

Blood elves can almost look identical to high elves, but void elves can not.

No, i explained earlier a lot of times. Silver covenant are most developed faction of high elves and will require least work and resources to make them playable, so players who are against won’t cry that blizzard spend recourses on them.

They have everything they need to be playable right away. That’s why it’s silver covenant because they are as faction since WoLK.

He said that countless times, he won’t reply in this topic since 2016.

…this age old thread?.. I mean…

  • Sighs *
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i asked for source? Where it is written about that?

You know the source! You’ve gotten fair skin. Natural hair colours. And your bonde!

you can not even prove your lies to be true. Can you stop lying?

Already showed

No, void elves can not look like high elves, but blood elves can, they are missing only 1 hair color to have identical appearance while void elves, for them nothing has changed just few new lighter hair colors.

And this topic not about more customization options for void elves, but about allied high elven race for alliance, such as silver covenant high elves.

Moontear will be our next raid tier forum boss I swear…

After this victory! After all of this! you still keep on trolling!

You vile! VILE! MONSTER!

I, for one, will proudly stand next to the Dust Scavangers to end this menace forever!
Deus Vulp!
:fox_face: :dagger: