Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

We will get silver covenant high elves playable and will forget and leave everything behind.

You will get this and nothing more! You vile monster! * draws vulp sword * Your reign of terror is over! Moontear!

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Moonster… almost spelled right

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but… i thought Queldorei is the elven word for High Elf.

you basically said “High Elves High Elves as an alliance allied race”.

most Queldorei abandoned the “Queldorei” to become blood elves. whoever that decided to still refer to themselves as Queldorei, are very few in numbers. definatelly not enough to be a race (or even an allied race).

Well the blood elves are the survivors, they lost what? 90% of their population?
Then those blood elves went thrugh a very hard time, first in the Frozen Throne, where the Humans used them as meatshiled, then supported Illidan and his Naga and died left and right… then the whole Outland business and whats happened in the Burning Crusade… and basically dying off ever since, with every expansion, fewer and fewer Blood Elves around; they not really had the luxury of time to boost their population by any natural means (they are not Orcs, who started out as what? three ship worth of spiritually broken survivors, mostly magically aged kids from the Old Horde? ) so…
…and the Ren’dorei are a tiny portion of that. Umbric and co. who studied the Void and some frobidden scrolls and ended up exiled and victims of a botched ritual…
Not really prime candidates for "lets add these as a ‘Race’, if you get what I mean
And since then they were eager to prove themselves on the battlefield, pissed of Gonk (Loa of the friggin HUNT) and probably lots of them died because they are insane void corrupted abominations
Asking for real High Elves, like the Highvale elves of the Quel’Danil Lodge… is a bit more logical than the reason why they added the void elves…
Will not happen tho’… the fact they added the fair skin, the hair colours , the eye colours, the toggle off tentacles option why cool and I’m happy the alliance high elf fans have a chance to RP something that looks like a High Elf , the customizations basically killed any chance they will add a race, that looks like something you could play thanks to them. What Skullstalker said is true, the “war for High elves” is over, excatly for this reason.
I have higher chance to one day play a Worgen that have a tail or actually a Night Elf from Alpha Prime’s original pack, not a human/gilnean than them reciving High Elves as an Allied Race

Thing is though, he’s right. What’s on offer is not a high elf, it’s a void elf bastardised to resemble one.

On the other hand, while he is right, the remaining differences are so small that nobody believes a separate ‘high elf’ allied race will be added to placate those who think like him beyond those who think like him.

The onus is on those who play a Void Elf who looks like a high elf to do what they wish. Most of them can pretend they are a high elf and that’s probably good enough for Blizzard. Moontear I guess can’t suspend his disbelief. I don’t blame him, because he is correct in his analysis, I just don’t think he will get what he seeks.


well, it would be also kinda weird to see 2 races who look exactly the same (blood elves and queldorei/high elves)

Basically. Alleria is the proto-Void Elf, and even she usually cannot be distinguished from a High Elf.

To be honest, the Kaldorei and the Shal’dorei are very similar (well, maybe they will be a tiny bit different after the Nightborne recive their ccutomization options…) so it wouldn’t be the first

And the Theramore High elves
And the Stormwind high elves
And the 7th legion High elves
And the Allerian Stronghold High elves

It’s not just Highvale


There are less Void Elves, also I doubt that spaceship can hold much Lightforged so I would say with a rough guess that there are less Lightforged too.


Indeed Void elves are less, Umbric’s group at least. We are not sure if they are able to recruit more people into their ranks.

And we are not 100% sure that those “High elf wayfarers” are there to join the void elf race, although it does kinda look like it.

So until then, the Void elves are still a very low population group. Which means
The population thing can’t be used anymore to deny any race from being playable.

In our case however, we got them playable through customizations. Which is fine with me. :woman_shrugging:


That’s a fair enough way of putting it.

And if we look into the future, I am sure Yrel will be able to tell the Void Elves apart from the high elves when the moment is right.

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I think Distantpeak’s idea above will provide a great solution to our High elf problem. Place Blood elves and Void elves under a ‘‘Thalassians’’ category on the character creation screen. Then, add a 3rd choice under it called High elves, and a 4th called Darkfallen (for Dark rangers / San’layn). The name and faction alignment tooltips will change depending on which category you pick. So Alliance for Void elves and High elves, and Horde for Blood elves and Darkfallen :slight_smile: :ok_hand:

That gives Moontear and all the other fans official High elves, and Dark rangers to Blood elves as additional themes, without bothering any other races or consuming the Allied race slots of other races who could come in the future.


its not the same.
void elves were created as a last minute thing. they dont really have major part of the story.

high elves on the other hand are extremely critical to the story of several expansions (sylvanas).
they just recently had a major genocide. most of them are children.
if we compare it to jewish genocide, we are talking about 80 years, more than 6 million people were born since (maybe). the high elves are still on the first generation of genocide.

any high elf who is old enough to be an adventurer, should be extremely enraged and untrustworthy of anyone who is not high elf. sylvanas is the extremely enraged type without restraints and no one to arrest her.


these differences are not small or insignificant. People want high elves to be playable.

Like pandaren look the same? LGdraenei, mecha gnomes? Wow…definitely maghar orc are so much different then green orcs, TROLL! Yes, Zandalari trolls are very distinct from trolls.
If i met one i could not tell if one is tauren or troll.

Oh, yeah and almost literally a copy of blood elves, void elves. KINDA WEIRD.

If most people want to have high elves, there is not a single reason why this wish should not and could not be granted.

She look like a high elf, because she is one.

That could work, i guess.


No, they are small and insignificant. This is the kind of attitude that gives nerds a bad name, the kind of obsessive attention to the most petty details in fictional content that sees us lampooned in the mainstream.

Let’s face facts. You are right, what you have is a Void Elf, not a high elf. But the Void Elf is now so close to what a High Elf should look like that for the vast majority of players who wanted high elves, they have what was desired. The tiny, small differences remaining that prevent a tiny, small group of purists from suspending their disbelief and pretending that their void elf is a high elf is not going to result in an entirely separate allied race that is just perfect for you. Blizzard will just dump more customisations on Void Elves before they do that and they don’t care that for you the fundamental problem of it still being a Void Elf remains. It’s close enough they will say that you can look identical to a high elf.

And most people agree with them. That is a reasonable attitude. Holding out for 100% of what you want because you only got 99% of what you want and complaining about it is unreasonable.

And don’t say ‘people’ want this. That’s an old rhetorical trick to make your demand seem bigger than actually it is. Who are the people? Who chose them? Who selected them? Why is their voice more important than anyone else’s?

Yep they are flat out desperately trying to fix the game that sent crashing into the abyss over their failed design choices, they are certainly going to create a whole new architecture and new UI elements on the character creation screen to appease the final hold outs on the high elf issue. I could just easily as propose they sink money into developing a time machine so they could go back to WoW’s design phase and get high elves added in there.

It’s a solution to the issue you have, it’s not going to happen and it’s an incredibly wasteful use of resources, but so is the other idea. They both have equal chance of happening.


blood elves for e.g. were asking exclusively blue eye color for them, and it was just an eye color. VERY INSIGNIFICANT. Just an eye color.

And you feel urge to reply to such and in such topics.

? High elf is a high elf, there is no should look like high elf.

And this topic not about more customization options for void elves but about playable high elves as allied race, such as silver covenant high elves.

That a lie. Forums filled with request to alter more customization options for void elves to look more like high elves.

lol. Void elves are not what we want. Even if they get full Alleria customization option, which they should, still they are not what we ever asked or wanted.

But you can say this?


Yes I can say that, as that seems to be the overwhelming sentiment expressed generally. Look at the threads and responses across multiple websites. The majority are bored to tears of the high elf demand and wish it would just go away. Of those who wanted high elves are delighted at what they are getting, now that they are able to fool themselves into thinking they are playing a high elf rather than a bastardised void elf.

But you say ‘people want’ whereas generally this thread now seems to be driven mostly by, well, you and your desire for purity. I mean I do agree with you that what you got wasn’t a high elf, the closest thing to a playable high elf in this game is a blood elf, but I think it’s clear to anyone reasonable that if Blizzard now allows Void Elf players to pretend to be high elves to the degree that they have, that that is how this issue is being solved.

You are being unreasonable in expecting them to cater to your desire for 100% when they gave you 99%.

Nobody is demanding, but asking for 15 years same thing and wishes to get what we been asking. It’s different from “demanding”.

:confused: :man_shrugging: :man_in_motorized_wheelchair:

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