Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Eagletalon Mythic Hunter set from Emerald Nightmare.

So that’s a 3rd elven race/sector we can RP as.

That’s coming in 9.1.5

Looks great with the blue skins too as well as the natural skins

Nope she is a Void elf. At least ten people are saying so. You are the only one here saying she is a High elf ignoring all lore claims.

Even the book claims she got her “light blue eyes” From the void. As it is clearly different from the blue eyes the High elf NPC’s have.

And that will be my last discussion with you.

Good day!

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I think she meant purely during the racial buff.


go to RP realm.
gather your friends, player X is wealthy max level who plans adventure. the rest are starting with level 1. all meet at a starting area where the X player decided. now go on. X creates events, renames whatever he wants, allow sales, creates npcs, creates dialogue etc… the rest are doing everything else

gratz, you just created your own adventure in your own world.

i had a friend who had maximum blacksmithing, he created a character in a mountain called “lord of the blacksmith” who can make everything.
he created guilds and brotherhoods for the party to join if they wanted. it was weird but that guy was REALLY into it.

these stuff isnt for everyone, definitely not for me. but some enjoy these stuff.

When are you planning to stop with this nightmare? A High Elf Allied Race won’t happen. Especially not after recent customizations. It’s like asking for a Wildhammer Dwarf AR while regular Dwarves have WH customization. Stop with the same answers. And for the record, even BLIZZARD agrees that Alleria is a VOID elf, not HIGH elf.

Long time ago this thread became something to feed the trolls with.


? It is obvious that Alleria is high elf you just disagree. Already explained, using frost powers does not make Jaina a frost human.

Horde can play blood elf, look like high elf, play nightborne
alliance can play night elves, that’s all. People want high elves.

It does not matter how many people will claim such false statement, it won’t make it as a true fact. She does look like a high elf, because she is one, using void elf powers.

Because you said so?

No, it;s like asking high elves playable like 15 years. It has nothing to do with other lesser races that are weak in numbers and not that popular like elves/

Alleria is leading void elves, they did not stated she is a void elf.

Alleria is not a void elf. The void elves are corrupted with void energy against their will, Alleria is just a high elf ranger using void magic. She does, however, have a void form from her encounter with the corrupted Naaru, but even that doesn’t make her a void elf.

Well I can agree with that, as the Void Elf is still a Void Elf, but does anyone really believe Blizzard is going to add a separate Alliance high elf race now based on those remaining differences?

no they do not. They look like an adults in real life .

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No we don’t. We are modeled after real life models.

If you don’t like it. Don’t play it. Lol

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Really? :eyes:

At this point… This thread has become the longest most sucsessful troll thead in WoW Eu’s history. Gotta give Moontear that much.

But if anyone still takes this seriously even after the recent changes. Oh loas…


the people v moontear



Change the saying “deer in the headlights” to “idiot in the headlights.”

this is not “troll” topic. It is our genuine plea for playable high elves we are eager to play since WCII.


I mean…you bumped it after 1 week.

I’m gonna let this speak for itself :woman_shrugging:

Which Void elves now have through customizations. Your original argument against them was the tentacles and now that’s optional with a toggle.

Alliance literally have High elves now aside from the name which can easily be ignored. And majority of the High elf fans accepted these High elves.

So…… yeah. :woman_shrugging:


They do not, i already posted differences, you just can not accept a fact that void elves can not look like high elves we are asking.

Yes we have them, they are not playable, like silver covenant high elves.

maybe minority.

WE have them, void elves are high elves. They are the same high elves as the silver covenant. the horde just yeeted them because horde be horde.


fel horde = clown horde. green orcs are already fel horde.

yes and more class /race premade ‘‘sets’’

yes please

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They are not?

That’s why they are called void elves not high elves.

Incorrect. They are not same, except Alleria she is still a high elf.

I already posted videos and screenshots, you can check them, there are 3 different elves groups, high, blood, void.

No, void elves can not look like high elves, but blood elves can, they are missing only 1 hair color to have identical appearance while void elves, for them nothing has changed just few new lighter hair colors.

And this topic not about more customization options for void elves, but about allied high elven race for alliance, such as silver covenant high elves.

Why they are called void or blood elves but not high elves? I already posted video what we want , welcome you to check.

what we want are here, high elves, silver covenant faction.

what we do not want, are void elves →

and blood elves

3 different elven factions. Facts. So explain where you see that void elves are high elves ?