Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Yeah I can’t actually argue with your reasoning.

I think your goal is out of reach, as they’ve clearly decided that allowing people to use Void Elves as a way to pretend to be high elves is the way to go.

But you are right. A Void Elf is not a high elf. You can pretend to be one, but that involves lying to yourself to keep the pretense up.

Sorry but Moontear is right. Take your void elf, engage a mob with a dagger (defias NPCs outside Stormwind gates are best) and check the colour of your blood when it spurts.

What Blizzard does is allow you to pretend to be a Silver Covenant high elf, but that’s you doing you. Objectively, you are still a Void Elf and a void elf is not a high elf. Close enough to be indistinguishable on the surface now due to the new options, but that is skin deep.

Void Elves are to high elves as fool’s gold is to gold.

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Actually they seem to have a good relationship.

For starter’s Alleria has no beef with her sister Vereesa.

In Stormwind, you see both Void elves and High elves walking together in the streets of Stormwind. I guess giving them a tour of the place.

In Telogrus you also see High elf wayfers talking a interest in the void elves and void magic.

So overall they seem to have a good friendship.

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No she’s not.
Because if she is, void elves with normal skin and no tentacles are also high elves.


But by discussing them having a relationship you are accepting they are two different groups.

Which is the point, you can pretend to be a high elf for roleplaying purposes while playing a void elf but you are in fact playing a void elf. Moontear wishes to play a high elf on an actual high elf. That’s not happening of course, but his complaint is correct.

You are correct here, Alleria is most definitely a Void Elf.

Thats what hoovering up a dark naaru does to ya.

i guess i can see his point, tho Moontear’s lore knowledge is terribly flawed if he is willing to accept Alleria as a High elf, but not blonde void elves. Considering they BOTH turn voidy during combat, and she is literally the Void elf leader along with Umbric.

That being said, i doubt Blizzard would add a THIRD thalassian race that is identical to two playable races.


Exactly, she was certainly transformed.

Which is where he is wrong. Moontear is holding out for purity, a high elf that the game acknoweldges as a high elf and we all know Blizzard isn’t going to add a third option when the changes demand are so miniscule. He is also wrong in saying Alleria is a high elf, when she is in fact a Void Elf (she just came by her powers a different way).

But he is right in his complaint. A Void Elf is not a High Elf. The new customisations are enough that Void Elf players can pretend to be a high elf, but that is a reality that will exist only in their own minds. They are not high elves, they are void elf mutants.

They are literally high elves corrupted by shadow…

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And Undead are humans corrupted by death and Night Elves are Trolls corrupted by Arcane. A point of division and transformation occurred, and once that happens they become different to what they were before. A Void Elf cannot be a High Elf in the same way an Undead is not a Human.

The thing is high elf is a species, all blood elves and void elves and silver covenant are high elves but not all high elves are blood elves. ext. They are literally asking to play a political group.

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Exactly, nobody ever asked void elves, and those who play them ask high elf customization options, why? Because people want to play high elf, not void elf. Nothing but real high elves can satisfy high elven fantasy, like silver covenant high elves.

there are also blood elves interested in void magic.

Yes she is, she just using void elf powers. Like i said, Jaina using frost spells does not make her a “frost” human. So High elf using void powers does not make him a void elf.

Void elves are void elves, Alleria is a high elf using void elf powers, she is the only one like this.

She is literally called a Void Elf in a recent WoW novel.


No. She’s a void elf who has normal skin. Just like some of the void elves can now have.
She, like the rest of her people, can shift into their entropic embrace dark state.
Calm your mental gymnastics.


She is high elf and looks exactly like one.

None can look like her and will not have that option after 9.1.5 either, so INCORRECT.

Blizzard disagrees. :woman_shrugging:


no they do not, she does look like a high elf, and she is presented as such in end game content.