Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I want you to crack open Shadows Rising and find me a passage calling her a High Elf. Present tense.


Because she’s a faction leader.
Nobody can look like Sylvanas, Lor’themar, Gallywix or Genn either…
She’s a void elf.


Alleria is a high elf using void elf powers, none of void elves have hair color, hair cut, customization options to look like more alike her, like a high elf.

Nobody can have Jaina’s haircut, is she no longer human?
Nobody can have Sylvanas’s haircut, but she’s still leader of the Forsaken.
I can’t have Tyrande’s haircut… She’s still leader of the Night Elves.
Your logic is flawed.
Alleria is a void elf.

It says where in Shadows Rising it is stated on this page too. Stop being willfully ignorant.


you just mad because truth is Alleria does look like a high elf, ingame, that’s what i play and see everyday. She does not changed, she is a high elf using void elf powers. She actually consumed MOST void powers then any other elf and YET she did not changed.

game =/= books.

Consuming fel made high elves blood elves.
Consuming void made blood elves to void elves.

No, actually, it’s just a political split. High elves are those that refused to siphon mana/energy from living things to live. They were exiled as a result.

Alleria is a void elf, regardless of how she looks.
If you want to be a high elf that’s fine, but can you stop ignoring reality.

You realise it’s all the same lore and the books tie into the games, right?

For some reason, it doesn’t count to him…

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actually she doesnt. Notice her eye color is light blue almost passing as white, while the rest of the High elf NPC’s inlcuding her sister has deep blue eyes.

Why? because if you read the book it says she got her eye color from the void.

mic drop :microphone:

Pick that back up, he has said books don’t count.

Blizzard said she is a Void elf
wowhead said so
Ingame dialogue
Alleria herself said so too

so Moontear is wrong he just doesnt wanna admit it

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I know.
Even when given sources.
The reek of troll.

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Zandalari Trolls and Nightborne both use the Night Elf skeleton, the Alliance needs an extra one by that logic.


Don’t use the same animations. Or stand in the same way at all.
Void elves are exactly the same in all ways, is what I mean.

Aaaalso, skinny humans use Forsaken female rig, so I’ll happily take those.

actually Nightborne do use the same animations. Females only stand slightly different but thats about it. Dance, Casting, fighting, etc are all the same.

Night elves accepted the Highborne into their society in Cataclysm, which means Horde took an aesethetic that is mostly Alliance. I would argue they have more in common with Night elves than Blood elves do with Void elves. At least the Light/void theme seperates them.



Aren’t Zanadalari, Ameerah!

i couldve sworn you quated the Nightborne too, my bad

No, I have a NB warlock and I’m not that much of a boob.
But skinny humans on Alliance would balance out Forsaken dwarves and gnomes.

Incorrect. Consuming fel magic changed their eye color, voice tone, different skin tones.

Reality is, she is high elf using void elf powers. She is not like other void elves, who were changed by void magic.

Yes, but not 100%.

Yes, she does.

I’m giving each and every one of you who still argue with Moontear a cookie. Holy heck, I would not have endured for that long.


So if you turn off tentacles, use normal skin and hair colours, you are also a high elf!
Got it.

This is false. (Partially)

I’m no longer sane.