Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I just tend to check in now and then. Honestly Moontear is the one owing us cookies at this point, we’re essentially the only ones (except themselves) keeping this thread alive.

I’ll have chocolate chip by the way. :yum:


A Sin worthy for Revendreth at least
Or the Maw…
Just put that idiot on ingore, next to Erevien and Retributor and move on
For your own health!
At this point he is a cognitohazard

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I have already, but it was a slow work day.


no, if you turn off tentacles, get normal skin and hair colors you are a BLOOD elf, as you were before becoming void elf. Not a single high elf became void elf. So you are incorrect once again.

They’re the same people. It’s just a political split.
Learn your lore before asking for a race, it’d be less painful to engage with… slightly.


They are not, that’s why they are presented in 3 different factions.

I’m a void elf player. I’m not interested in playing as a high elf if they were made available. I still support the idea of a playable high elf race.

Why? So that void elves can develop their own independent aesthetic without being shackled to high elven aesthetic. I don’t want us to keep looking at customisations Blood Elves get with people thinking we should automatically have the same thing. I want us to have our own identity with unique hairstyles, and themes, and architecture, and I think that having players advocate for high elfism for void elves harms this. Have high elf advocates play as high elves, let void elves become their own thing.


You mean some tents and floating rocks isn’t enough?
Arguably it’d still be Thalassian architecture, but in purple.

by looking at your character it appears You are a Void elf player but use the natural skins? sooo in a way the natural skins benefit your void elf. Similar to how introduction of White and Black hair also made Void elf fans happy. So if they do seperate them, you would lose the skin color you are using right now and the Black/white hairs too, which would anger void elf players if anything.

But anyway I doubt Blizzard would seperate them, and according to a blue it appears they are thinking about adding voidy stuff for some “Oomph” as they described it.


if blood elves can look like high elves, almost, so void elves should be able to look like blood elves.

More customization options as “void” themed, but not related to ugly tentacles that everybody hates.

And high elves will make a lot of sense when Blizzard make them playable too.

They can look exactly the same.

Just going to leave this here.


I want those head pieces on my NB… You’ve made me sad.

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first we get the customization, then we get the weapon, then we will get the npc armours!

We will turn the Warcraft into World of Shal’dorei soon.


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They haven’t added that damned glaive back yet!

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War Stomp your way to Blizzard HQ and lay out our demands!

We’d do it, but it’s very uncouth for Shal’dorei to do such things. :wink:


Long live the Suramarian uprising!

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Nightborne love high elves, they were among ones who helped you to survive and reclaim city.


It’s true. Far better to annihilate a foe with a shred of elven superiority within them, than some stunted vrykul offspring or dwarven drunk. :smiling_imp:

True Night elves lead by Tyrande, High elves lead by Vereesa, and Blood elves lead by Liadrin all helped with the liberation of Suramar.

In fact, Elisande insults all three of them. But they win in the end.