Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)



Elisande, my Queen once said.

“Quel’dore? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.”

“Sin’dorei, of all the elves I thought you might understand the choices I made to save my people. Instead you ally with Misfits and Monsters”

She has a point. The Horde isn’t exactly a place for “noble” races. Ogrimmar is the center city for the Horde, keep that in mind.

“So many….interesting smells” - Nightborne ambassador.

Poor nightborne, living with Smelly Orcs, zombies, cows, and trolls. How embarrassing


We are not living with them, we are visiting the new cities.

The Horde might not be noble, but they are open minded faction, unlike your bipolar priestess, who still hates us for leaving them 10,000 years ago kekw.

The Horde has 2 highborn races, which you Alliance scums will never have.

Deal with it.


Do I look like an Alliance? I recently faction changed and I’m happy. I’m just saying the truth when it comes to the lore.

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Easier to appreciate Suramar if you visit the dung huts.

I am a Nightborne, I can see any illusions! You may be hiding behind the Sin’dorei now, but soon you will turn to you void gods Ren’dorei filth!

Imagine living in the Arcane city for 10,000 years, you live seeing same things everyday.

Same trees, same lakes, same statues and same neighboors.

And then you go to Orgrimmarand be like, wow these spikes, wow these people.

It is for us like having a tour to Amazon jungle you know.

Too many…

Elisande is dead, Thalyssrais leader of Nightborne.

and she is DEAD.

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GURL sit down.

If you go to Suramar right now the Suramar citizens will tell you the same they tell me. To them, you are just another lowborne.

I been there on my Nightborne. I know

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Sadly, but without her help, you would have never defeated Gul’dan.

Do not tell me what to do lowborn scum!

So you admit. Blood elves are lowborne.

How dare you. :laughing:

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Everyone is lowborn compared to the SHAL’DOREI.

I think it would be cool if void elves just have tents and develop further in that line (more tents, bigger tents), maybe even yurts and a nomadic/central asian style. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

What I don’t want to eventually see is an arcane sanctum in Telogrus Rift. :weary:

The natural skin has basis because of Alleria, so I don’t see us losing it even if high elves were introduced. My character has blue hair, and I don’t have a very strong opinion on white/black hair - that’s fine I guess, but let’s just not copy every single option that blood elves have. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sanctum no, but a Thalassian building of some sort wouldn’t hurt. They can build with magic as is.
They can use the ambient void to put more buildings up!
But yeah, they should expand their camp, put up more tents, pavilions and things. Right now, they have nowhere visible to sleep.

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I personally like it, but a building wouldn’t hurt… I get that they are a small population group, but that doesn’t mean they can’t build a building lol. Or maybe have a few shishas here and there. Did they stop smoking after they became Alliance? Lol

Overall Telogrus gives me a Middle Eastern vibes with its music choice, tents, and carpets.

I mean… even people who like tents don’t live in tents 24/7. Unless you are homeless/refugee.

However, it’s still plain and requires some “oomph”. Purple style buildings perhaps.

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They could build a Thalassian building, yes, but why? It’s boring and uncool. Night elf architecture is different from Nightborne architecture is different from Blood elf architecture. Dalaran, which historically was a mixture of humans and high elves, also looks different from both human and elven architecture. Umbric doesn’t strike me as someone who might be a traditionalist.

At the moment we have rugs and cushions, which I’m fine with for sleeping, although tents that can be closed would make sense for privacy. :wink: There’s no evidence of weather in Telogrus Rift so there may not be a ‘need’ for traditional buildings, which is why I think developing further on tents makes more sense.

We are refugees. :slightly_smiling_face:

Because they are Thalassian.

Much larger degrees of separation between these people.


No. Night elves and Gilneans are refugees.

Void elves never experienced war, void elves simply found a new home to practice their magic abilities freely. Even Blood elves and High elves went to Telogrus to study the void.

I’m sorry but are you REALLY a void elf fan? Because I’m starting to doubt it with the fact you only want them to have tents as a home with no architecture at all. Lol


It’s only been 2 years since they were exiled.

They still speak the same language. They still have the same culture (aside from the Sunwell)

They still ride the same style mounts (only the void elf one is infused with the void)

They can easily add Thalassian buildings, but purple with some Voidy glow.

The same way they infused they’re mounts to make it unique they can infuse their buildings and paint it purple. It’s not that hard :woman_shrugging:

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