Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Refugees are not only victims of war. Delving into the void is punishable in Quel’thalas.

Also, yes I am a fan. Architecture derived from tents is still architecture. I was suggesting Central Asian/nomadic architecture earlier in this thread.

Yes and they found a new home in Telogrus. Unlike Gilneans who are actual refugees living in tents in Stormwind.

If this is the “only” architecture the race would be boring.

Unlike the Nightborne who have a whole freakin city with amazing buildings.

Forgive me, but that’s a horrible idea. Void elves have nothing to do with Central Asia.

I get you want them to have unique styled architecture, but it hasn’t been that long for them to do it. They would still need Middle Eastern Styled architecture as they are still Thalassian elves. It could be Voidy and have a different design to give them that uniqueness.

But wanting them to only live in tents and nomadic huts is a joke to the race and their culture.

Nightborne had 10,000 years to change, which is why they speak a different language too. And to put the cherry on top of the cake Nightborne started to have better styled buildings compared to the Night elves.

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What. Just because they have a new home doesn’t stop them from being called refugees. Refugees living in the West have permanent homes but we still refer to them as refugees.

You can do a lot of things with tents if you use your imagination. Tauren have tent-derived architecture.

So what? That doesn’t mean that they can’t be inspired by it.

That’s not unique at all. That’s a recolour.

No it’s not a joke. There’s nothing wrong with tents and nomadic huts. I’m starting to think your position is coming from a place of prejudice now.

‘Better styled’ is your own subjective opinion.

Since they live on rocks, why not some tunnels? There’s no sun to miss.
A mixture of dwarvern and Thalassian design (not in the sense of large beard statues, more the use of geometric shapes) could be interesting.
Various void and arcane symbols on the floor/walls that light up when you walk past them.
Dark wells of energy (elves love magic wells).
A little menagerie of void touched animals and void entities.

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Pretty much Illidan Solo’d that weakling Guldan

There should be actual city like the Silvermoon, just for void elves, but phased into a void parallel. At this moment telogus rift is actually a complete joke.

There is when the Thalassians elves have nothing to do with huts and suddenly start living in them.

Again, they can take inspiration from middle eastern architecture and change a few of the design. That way it will be unique and different yet still remain Elven.

Blood elves have both architecture buildings and tents.

Void elves can have both, but the buildings be a new design. But not a hut

Just because I don’t agree with your idea of huts for elves, Doesn’t mean I’m
Prejudice I just like accuracy.

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For once I agree with you.
They should expand on the space, it’s a void in more ways than one right now.
How a people are supposed to live there is beyond me, it needs more homely comforts.

The fitting would be a dark reflection of Silvermoon, bizarre architecture likened to non-Euclidean geometry… :thinking:
But probably the Ren’dorei will never recive a real home, like how the Lightforged only have a tiny ship or the regular Draenei the ruined Exodar… :sob:


Exactly. They could even get some inspiration from the EThereals since they have good relations with them and live with them.

Ahem, Lunaera, I challenge you to hand-to-hand combat. The Shal’Dorei got nothing against the Void-blessed Ren’Dorei. May the strongest elf win!

For the right of the realm and if you know what’s good to you, you will meet me for our battle at the proving grounds of this thread The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

See you in the battlefield!

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should be elven architecture, just in the void. Future is promising, void elves will get new city, and we get playable silver covenant high elves

Please no. Silvermoon already exists if you want Thalassian architecture. The future of Void Elves can’t just be purple recolours of what Blood Elves have.

we are not saying it should be a recolor.

we are saying it should at least be somewhat elven. Not huts like orcs or trolls.

There are many posibillities of new elven designs. something unique, yet still elven. Look at the differences between Nighborne and Night elves, both buildings are different yet both still look elven.

Orgimmar already exists too for huts


If it is as different as Nightborne vs Night Elves, then I might be happy (although I still prefer a tent/camp style town as my number #1 preference and will keep pushing for it).

Orgrimmar isn’t comparable to what I’m asking for. If anything it’s Thunder Bluff, since Orgrimmar is mostly stone and TB is more canvas/fabric based. The influences are from a different origin as well so they would still be very unique. There are plenty of beautiful yurts (gers) in Mongolia. You could even have ‘elven’ patterns decorating the exterior.

It’s blood elven architecture, and void elves are blood elves that were changed by void magic. City like Silvermoon in a void rift would make sense


Not into that sorry :frowning: I don’t think Void elves and High elves as nomads who should be living in tents…


It would also be very boring because if you want to enjoy that aesthetic, it’s already there.

The Ren’dorei are currently sleeping under tents but to each their own. :slight_smile:

I know but I was hoping they’d upgrade to somethin a bit more grandeur ^^

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Tents are not permanent homes mate, Buildings are. Tents don’t give warmth, shelter or protection. There are no buildings in Telogrus Rift because blizzard never put any because void elves were last minute decision. And they are only 20 of them. Without the Alliance High elves and Silvermoon exiles, they will eventually cease to exist. Can’t make a race with only 20 people. which is one problem with void elves. Void elves have not existed long, they don’t have 10000 years backing them up, which is another problem with void elves because they are still blood elves, their culture, traditions and language etc is still Thalassian. For them to be unique and different race, they have to start from the ground-up. And they can only do that by working together with the Alliance High elves and Silvermoon exiles. Build houses, towers and walls. (Why do they need walls you say? Because they are deep inside Void lords territory, that’s why. The void lords may not know the void elves are there yet, but they will eventually). And the void elves don’t fully control Telogrus Rift, there are still hostile void creatures in Telogrus Rift. They are even being watch by another Ethereal, Shadreen the Ethereal Watcher.

They might learn some Ethereal culture, traditions and language from Locus-walker and some void lord language in time. But that’s the thing. It will take time but they are not going become their own race by sitting on their hands in a tent. I know you said that there is no weather so there is no need for buildings, well who says there is even oxygen there? Its in space after all.

And blizzard could always change the outlook of Telogrus Rift that there might a bigger rock island that can be used as a city for void elves. Sure it just be a fort like Allerian stronghold at first, but in time it can grow and eventually become a city. But as I said nothing will happen if they just sit on their hands.


And if the artists at blizzard are given the chance to come up with ideas, they can make void elf buildings that look little different from blood elves, Night elves, Nightborne etc but is still looking elvish. I mean have you looked at the buildings at Azuna at the broken island? those buildings look different from the other elves that are playable but they still look elvish.

The Draenei that lived on Exodar and Xenedar, when the two ships were in space. They had very little resources to grow plants. What they did, is that they used the light to make plants grow. So too can the void elves use the void to give the Telogrus Rift life. By using the void. We have seen on Argus that animals there have survived and been altered by the void. The panthera for example can go into void form just like the void elves. So by using the void they can create something new, we have seen Umbric and his followers in Zul’dazar bring something dead to Life. (Im sure that’s how they made their voidstrider mount). There are alot of dead trees in Telogrus Rift, so if they used the void on those trees. Maybe they come to life.

I know some people say the void can’t heal. But shadow/disc priests have a skill known as Shadow mend and it does heal but also take a small amount of you. The Void is powerful but also punishable. But maybe as they learn more about the void and with Locus-walker’s help, They might overcome that drawback.

I hope we get to see more of Alleria and her void elves with Vereesa and Silver Covenant in the next expansion working together and also Im curious what’s going to happen with Sylvanas, looking forward for the next story questline.