Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Since Shadowlands you can.

The Mag’har orcs that survived only look like 20 people or so. This race loves joining war too so the number might be lower.

That being said I’m glad the Void elves are inviting more members into their ranks. They need it to survive and strive .

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Well said! I couldn’t have said it better :open_mouth:

A very nice inspirational photo you posted btw, here are some more Void elf fortress / city ideas:


Even if the Void Elves are recruiting others into their ranks, that still likely makes them the lowest populated race of all the races in the game (the presence of mag’har in Outland means their numbers are fantastically malleable depending on criteria).

It’s debateable whether they even count as a race given such low numbers and the truth that they probably have no future. They can only exist by turning others and with the Blood Elves and High Elves feeding on a light based Sunwell getting a steady stream of converts is unlikely given the diametrically opposed nature of the void to the light.

It’s likely the vast majority of elves inclined to become Void Elves have already done so, either through the initial transformation or later conversion. Ironically they are probably likelier to recruit from the dwindling band of alliance high elves than from the blood elves, as the alliance high elves are already regarded as traitors to their homeland whereas blood elves would have to give up Silvermoon to embrace the void whereas the high elves have already lost everything. They thus cannibalise what Moontear would consider the ‘true’ high elves even further.

Beyond that, they probably can’t reproduce. Any child conceived by a void elf parent(s) would have no defense against the whispers and corrupting influence of the void. It either would not survive to birth or would come out as something unnatural.

The Void Elves only exist because a sect of Alliance players wanted the thalassian elf model. That’s it. There was never any grand plan for them beyond that, had there been Blizzard wouldn’t have gone back on the design intent for them by allowing them to be pretend high elves as they have done. Should the franchise move beyond WoW, the void elves will be left behind, likely to be written out as dying off from messing with powers they shouldn’t have.

LARPer used to weekend long events looks up “You what mate?, Think you’ll find they give all three, hence the fact that people still make bloody tents rather than kipping on the ground in the open!” (I know what you mean though, you can survive in them, and function in them, but sooner or later you find yourself going ‘this is a bit rubbish, I wish I was in a hotel room’! )

People keep forgetting that bit. Void Elves do not have a sustainable population. They are victims of a magical industrial accident in the workplace! I mean that literally is what happened to them. They don’t know how they became what they are, or why, nor does Umbric, and nor even does Alleria, because she became a Void Elf via a different method. (I don’t rightly care what the fanatic who knows no Elven Lore but just keeps screeching ‘Silver Covenant! Silver Covenant!’ thinks. Alleria is a Void Elf, as Blizzard have stated.)

Voidies are in the same place as ‘Forsaken’ as in we have no idea what their ‘natural’ life expectancy is, because they are so recently created. We can hazard guesses based on cosmology, for example, they have been horribly infused by a power of Entropy and Destruction. The Second Law is “In an Isolated System, Entropy can only Increase”
Which is pretty horrible but true. The individual Void Elf -is- the Isolated System, so what is -in- them, is only going to grow. Blizzard kind of reflect that by the fact that the Voidies constantly have to fight against it.

We do -NOT- know (No matter how often people keep quoting Locus Walker incorrectly or citing the Silvermoon Scholars and Quel’dorei Wayfarers as examples) whether it is even possible to make ‘new’ Void Elves. Given that no one knew how to do it in the first place, and the only entity who -did- is dead, and even he only did it because he botched the job mid attack by Alleria.

Nobody yet knows how to make new Void Elves. Which leaves the tried and tested method of ‘have kiddies’

Except no.
Just no. So much no.
Read any H.P Lovecraft Elder God stuff and then tell me that is a good idea.

Let’s assume, for a moment, that against all biological science, that a male Void Elf and a female Void Elf are capable of siring and bearing children (They’re not, this is impossible, but magic universe, who knows, but yeah, essentially neither is possible, I mean if they could, then by definition the Void is not the Void anymore, so something massive must have changed…)

Lets assume that happens. It won’t, but let’s go with it.

Elven gestation is the same as humans, 9 months, we know this. So that is 9 months where -something- that is a cellular growth, without consciousness, self awareness or free will, is exposed to horrific cosmic bombardment by a power of Entropy and Destruction. I mean, horrific to a degree that grown adults can’t handle it, and people think a -baby- could?!!

It would be horrible. Whatever came out at birth, assuming it even looked normal, which it almost certainly would not, would not be able to form thought processes (Yes, I think about this stuff horribly in terms of lore) It would have no concept of language, no reason for these two abstract entities that were not the voice they heard in the comfortable warm place they were in, until suddenly, savagely ejected into a horrific bright world, with the voices saying dark things, and not even understanding the words the two things are saying to them, but only listening to the one voice that has spoken to them since one cell split into two, and so on, and so on…

You know the scene from the remake of Day of the Dead, with the Zombie Baby? That. That Times 100. Just no…or if you’re a Brit, watch the last ten seconds of the TV Series ‘Threads’ . The sheer horror.

That is what, by current cosmology, would come from two Void Elf parents. I mean you’d have to be cataclysmically -Evil- to even consensually agree to try and have a child, knowing what you doomed it to -before- it was born, but that’s what you’re looking at. Two people who are so utterly -twisted and torn- that even the Alliance would go, “No, we can’t allow this” and it ending in blood. Void tainted blood.

So no. This Generation of Void Elves is -it- No more.

But does that matter?

I mean who of us is still going to be playing in a thousand years? Elves Y’know, so does it really matter?

Fact is, Blizzard have stated that both Void, and High Elves are a ‘race’ in name only. Neither has a viable population, or their own culture, or language. It is all Thalassian. And people need to get over their Legolas Fetish and just accept that Blizzard went more with mythological Elves, rather than Tolkien trash (Yes, he was a rubbish writer, great at world building, rubbish at storytelling)

So no, you only get the Aragon and Arwen fetish thing if you read any of the trash novels where all the Windrunners have the same genetic kink and are kinda derided for it, (I mean, let’s not forget that Vereesa never even -Existed- until Knaak needed another hot elven chick to hang off the arm of his human male self insert character of Rhonin. Let’s also gloss over the factor that Vereesa was Underage when she gave birth to twins. So…Rhonin was…yeah…yeah, he was one of them)

So Void Elves have one generation left in them, their current one. But who cares, that is going to be longer than any of us will live!

High Elves have three generations, Blizz have described them as Functionally Extinct, but that is different from Factually extinct. Three generations gives them at the -Very Least- 9,000 years. So hang on. Long enough for us to have invented the wheel, writing, making fire, forming religion, making laws, making metal, making boats, making aircraft, flying to the moon, and making a system whereby people across the world can communicate almost simultaneously!

That’s everything your Void Elf or High Elf would have experienced if they were real and in our world.

Doesn’t matter if they have only one generation left, because you’re not going to be playing in a hundred years are you!

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On the other hand, makes a wonderfull and dark RP opportunity, the fact you know you are the last of your line, and with the likes of you your race, culture and all dies, only Oblivion avaits could make nice stories (The Children of Men by P. D. James kind of stories)
Sure you will probably never see the end of those stories, or find a way to escape the inevitable doom of yourself or your species… but that doesn’t mean you can’t try at least. Desperation, dark path, hope…
A bit SCP-1281 level of hope and sadness
(If you are unfamiliar with it, SCP-1281 was a bio-mechanical ship/probe that arrived in the solar system, was apparently once capable of interstellar travel, but most of its systems were damaged by an unknown event that left it stranded. Dating methods suggest it to have been at least 1.3 billion years old, though much of that time was spent dormant. When found, it was dying but was capable to complate its/her mission, deliveriang a message:
""This is our harbinger. It brings good tidings.
"We will be dead when it reaches you. Our planet is dying. We do not have time to save ourselves. We only have time to ready ourselves, and to send a message.
"We have seen the signals from those who came before us. They were different, and we still don’t really understand them. But if there were those who came before, there may be those who come after. It is in this hope that our harbingers travel.
"One has found you and learned your language so it can relay this message. Please listen.
"The galaxy is dark, and empty, and cold. It spins inevitably toward death. You will die too, one day. Perhaps you will have longer than we have. We hope so. But one day you too must vanish.
"Before that time comes, you must light the darkness. You must make the night less empty. We are all small, and the universe is vast. But a universe with voices saying “I am here” is far greater than a universe silent. One voice is small, but the difference between zero and one is as great as one and infinity.
“We waited too long. Our voice is gone to echoes. Find others while there is still time. Make a chorus.
“And if this finds you too late, and your time is also passing, please send this message on, so the next voice can speak against the darkness.””

The heartwarming/tear-jerking part was the last “interview” with the ship:

SCP-1281: “Is it done?”
Dr. Bloom: “That was the message?”
SCP-1281: “Yes. Was it a good message?”
Dr. Bloom: “You don’t know? But you just translated it for us.”
SCP-1281: “I was made with the words, but I don’t know what they mean.”
Dr. Bloom: “It was a very important message.”
SCP-1281: “Good. Mission was important. Knew it. Getting tired. Almost done.”
Dr. Bloom: “Done?”
SCP-1281: “Mission is done. Brain too hot. Cooling broken.”
Dr. Bloom: “Harbinger, are you…”
SCP-1281: “Master?”
Dr. Bloom: “I… yes?”
SCP-1281: “Did I do well?”
Dr. Bloom: “…Yes, Harbinger. Well done.”
SCP-1281: “Then I am well.”)

Brigante I wouldn’t take lore too seriously. It keeps changing and having Plot holes.

I mean back then they said the argument against said race was population and now they are introducing races with even less population.

Don’t get me started on Elune. I wish they never introduced her to the players.

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Hotel room? …That is not what I meant.

You build a house with your own 2 hands to feel you have accomplished something in your life, a place you can call “Home”. To build a legacy. You build houses, then you build a community, then you build a village etc etc.

OK lets start with Blood elves. Why did the High/Blood elves build Silvermoon? What was the point? why did they build walls around Silvermoon?? I don’t know, maybe to keep out hostile attackers like forest trolls. Why did they build walls around the Sunwell? Maybe so trolls wouldn’t walk right in and smash the Sunwell to pieces…

Why did orcs build Orgrimmar…why did the humans build Stormwind, Lordaeron, Stromgarde. Why did Dwarves build Ironforge. Were they just bored or does it have a purpose behind it??

So why would the void elves build buildings? To have a home maybe? To have place were they can start a community/a society. Build walls to protect their people, their home and themselves against hostile forces. Like I don’t know …the “void lords”? When they actually find out that strangers are in their void space. They would send an army of void creatures to wipe them out before the void elves become a problem.

And also I did not say the void elves would die of old age. It be more logical they die from sword in the gut or axe in the head etc. And if Umbric and his follower want to make more elves into void elves. They have to explore the void space (without alerting the void lords). The answer is out there.

Also your 100% wrong that Umbric and his follower can’t have children. Void elves are exactly same situation as the green skin orcs. The green skin orcs were also altered by the fel blood they drank. They are still orcs but abit different. And no just because they were altered does not mean they were sterile or anything and can’t have children anymore. Thrall who also have fel in his blood (Its why he is green) He still was able to have children with Aggralan who is a Mag’har orc. (Yes Thrall got the fel in a different way than the other green skin orcs but he has fel in his blood and his children will carry it with them as well, it just might not be as apparent on them). So too can Umbric and his followers have children and their children with carry some of their void blood in them. So there still hope for Umbric and his followers. Their children wont be true void elves no, but close. But for them to become true void elves they need to find a way to be exposed the same way Umbric and his followers. And its all possible because Alleria stopped the ritual before it could completed the transformation. Sure their blood is purple and their skin is blue or purple and hair. But they are still blood elves thanks to Alleria.

And also do you really think Turalyon and Alleria won’t make out? Do you think they care about the cosmos thingy or what other people would say? Ofcourse not, that’s like telling people who are in love that they can’t be together because they belong to different tribe or race or etc etc. Also when they “allegedly” interrogated horde prisoners with both light and void magic? To find out more about Sylvanas whereabouts.

:thinking:…(Snapping fingers) It just hit me…I “know” who can help Umbric and his followers to make more elves into void elves.


Xal’atath would know and how, so she “can” help the void elves to make more elves into void elves in a more “safe” way. But if she agree to help will be the most difficult part. And She is “out there”, somewhere in void space.



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Using it for your own purposes would be like trying to beat mice to death with a rattlesnake… :eyes:

no no not the dagger, did you forget Thalaara, we helped her kill a evil blood elf and she took over the body and left through a void portal. As the picture shows.

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not really for me. Looks like dungeons or catacombs. Is the void about that?

I would prefer elvish city like Silvermoon, even copy paste, with flying option just more dark blue/ violet shimmering colors.

i have no idea why they exists, because people always wanted to play high elves that are already in the alliance.

high elves pretty much has everything and ready to be playable, like Sc elves.

What about Elune? Still we do not know much about her.

Weirdly a storyline I am having to explore in a TTRPG over zoom. “The last Broadsword”, not even the title of the game, just that the character is the last Combat Synthetic of that particular model. They’re illegal, they’re walking War Crimes (Think Replicant’s who go to Earth in ‘Bladerunner’) So having to explore being ‘The last of your kind’ is a pretty fascinating, and horribly macabre thing. What I more meant is that in our -real life- terms, it isn’t going to matter so much, because…Elves…None of the people playing them have the average life expectancy of an elf! I mean hells…I have three years left in real life (Fun news to get this week) but -Brigante- has thousands!

LARPer who writes lore and plot for a game with thousands of players, I can’t help it! :smiley:

That’s sure as hell what I want whenever I sleep in tents at LARP Fests… :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s remember, Quel’thalas’s buildings were not Bricks and Mortar, they were Will and Magic. That is -why- they started to decay when the Sunwell was defiled.

Why walls? Why not? It’s a fairly standard response to ‘Out there’ rather than ‘In Here’. I mean pretty much every real life civilisation had the same idea in the times when medieval warfare was a thing. The Exception being The Spartans “Hah, Sparta has no walls, it will be easily conquered” “No, Sparta has one Wall…”



No…they’re not. Don’t mistake ‘Alien cosmic powers’ as being the same.

Void Elves are completely not in the same position as Orcs. I mean by definition they are not.

Thrall, and every green skinned orc, was tainted by -Fel- Which is a cosmic power. Void however, is a -Different- cosmic power! They’re not the same, and have different effects! Like horribly so. That’s like saying Light and Void are the same. When…they kind of really blatantly aren’t…

Yeah but Blizz did actually -confirm- that was one of the differences between Elves and Orcs when it came to exposure. Ones skin turned green, ones eyes turned green (Which was a known thing anyway). Nothing to do with that is about the Void…

I mean unless Blizzard want to go “Yeah, Were you born in 1981 or so and hung around with this crowd? Yeah? Cool, you get tentacles” “But wait, what if I was born in 1990 and want tentacles?”
“Yeah, sorry, no can do kiddo…”

Which no one knows.

Literally no one knows that. The only entity who even knew was Nether Prince Durzaan, and you massively famously kill him alongside Alleria as the starting Void Elf character. He doesn’t even leave a notebook behind, because it isn’t even -HIS- notes you’ve been following! It is Dark’han Drathir, who has been dead since TBC was released!

She had no idea what she was interrupting or what she was doing, or even the notes the (soon to be) Ren’dorei were written by. She’s a Ranger-Captain. Not Merlin. She doesn’t know everything. She’s freakin’ Hawkeye, not Dr Strange! So no. No one knows how to make new Void Elves.

Because they physically cannot since her change, as like, y’know, described in the novels, or even the comics online. That’s a hand put to her face in ‘Three Sister’s’ It’s not an actual caress.

The idea of them being physically intimate is frankly absolutely so horrific as to what that would be that I would risk a ban for describing it.
But I shouldn’t have to. Blizz…You wrote this. You describe how absolutely mindbendingly horrible and awful it would be as the female recipient. You wrote it, you describe it.

Man, hope they are wrong and missed a 0 from behind that 3… at least!
I sincerely hope you get better!
Or some medical or technological advancement strech that 3 years
After all, the doctors gave Stephen Hawking a life expectancy of two years at age 21 and he lived 76!
So… please don’t give up hope
Its a nasty thing I know, cruell mistress, like the sea, but… just don’t okay?

are you dying?

Smooth. Reeeeeal smooth. Sensitive like a mossy rock :man_facepalming:
No. People usually say these things when they are fine and dandy :unamused:

This high elf discussion is seriously backwards.

I’m sure Blizzard has good reasons and knows what they’re doing. They threw in 9 races with BFA! They’re hardly out to restrict races.

Did you not play Warcraft 3? or do you only remember what you want to remember. Grommash Hellscream and his Warsong clan drank once “again” the fel blood and their skin turned red and red glowing eyes. The cinematic only showed the red glowing eyes and his skin turned back to green.

And also you proved my point. The fel is a Alien cosmic power too, the blood elves reacted differently sure (Since the blood elves did not drink it, but Keal’thas blood elves infused the fel making them into demons, as seen in the Sunwell Plateau) than the green skin orcs. whether you like it or not. the void elves and green skin orcs “are” in the same boat. Also the High Mountain Tauren, the Blood totem drank it and altered them as well. their horns deformed and green eyes and their skin started to glow green. Would probably turned red eventually. The Eredar drank the fel and their bodies altered as well.

Same thing if anyone would drink or infuse themselves too much of the Fel, they will start to transform into demons. Illidan found a way to control the Fel (with the help of Kil’jaeden) so it didn’t control him. Same thing for Alleria found a way (with the help of Locus-walker ofcourse) to control the void but she would have failed if it wasn’t for the champions of Azeroth!

Do check out how Xal’atath turned herself into a void elf (using a different method sure, although she wouldn’t call herself a void elf but the result is the same) and that queen Azshara later was going to use the dagger to trap N’zoth with it, but failed to do so (Oops). Or was BFA so long ago?

And do you believe every thing the Titans say/wrote, they could have been lying about everything because in truth they don’t really know. It comes down to who’s right and who’s wrong. The Titans have lived for a long time sure, but recently their knowledge of the cosmos is starting to be in questioning.

Oh my god, Turalyon touched Allerias face and she didn’t blow up…hmm odd isn’t it. And she was not in void form when she touched the Sunwell and did not blow up the cosmos hmm odd. Its more likely the Sunwell sensed danger and pushed Alleria away. Because…the Sunwell is “alive” (Which they don’t know about). And also another thing that is funny, to Ignite the Sunwell, Velen needed/used a dead Naaru that was “infused” with the void 100%. Did not blow up the cosmos…hmm odd isn’t it :thinking:.


‘She had no idea what she was interrupting or what she was doing, or even the notes the (soon to be) Ren’dorei were written by. She’s a Ranger-Captain. Not Merlin. She doesn’t know everything. She’s freakin’ Hawkeye, not Dr Strange! So no.’

The result was the same whether she knew or not. and besides she has studied the void for years with Locus-walker, so she had to know something or did you forget that little part.

But whatever.

:clown_face: , horde bias, that’s all.

Would be interested to know, what she knew that Titan constucts, Dragon Aspects and others before her didn’t…? :thinking:
You know all those demi-god level beings who were driven insane by the Void’s whispers…

Ask Locus-walker. He seems to know alot about the void. And he did not go insane. And But then again it was Blizzard decision to create the void elves as playable for the alliance (And twist and turn the lore and story about the void and its effect to other creatures, making the void elves besides the void lords and old gods. To be able to control the void with ease), than just let High elves be playable for the alliance and be using the same arcane powers as the blue dragons in northrend in the nexus. And expand the Windrunner’s Overlook (Turn it into a fort like Allerian stronghold and have ice caves). and in the character creation have dalaran in the background and Crystalsong Forest too but did blizzard do that? Nope.

I also believed the void was evil, but lately with Alleria and Umbric and the void elves and what Xal’atath have told us…something is not quite right but the answers is out there. in void space.


Brig, have interacted with you favourably with many a face on the forums over the years and one Englishman to another, my heart goes out to you.
This is the point where I’d buy you a beer (unless like me, you aren’t partial to drinking stuff that tastes like cat piss). Not for the drinking, but for the regaling of tales over a pint; as nobody captures the essence of the tavern Bard quite like you my man.

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