Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

As of Shadows Rising, it seems limited to her void form.

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Brigante, I’m speechless. :neutral_face:

I’m sending you all my support and sincere best wishes to you.

I’m hoping technology and medicine evolve rapidly enough to make you stay here, continuing to enjoy life for many many years.



I’m sorry to hear such news. Brig, make the best of it, don’t think about it, and make sure to make up with those you haven’t been in good terms with. But either way I hope they’re wrong with this diagnosis.

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Sadly, pretty sure they didn’t, would still make me be pushing 80, even if they had!

Thank you. Ain’t gonna happen though. It’s not even like Cancer, where you can get remission, got two friends who thankfully survived that, one throat cancer, the other breast cancer… this is “You have about this long, and that’s it, then we’re talking ‘Quality of Life’ on a hospital bed” “No you’re not” “What do you mean?” “I mean I am going straight to my GP and getting a DNR notice after we’re done here” “Are you sure you know what that means?” “I am -deadly- sure” Then did an evil grin. Probably nasty of me. The elder doctor just nodded “Both guns blazing then”

“Damned right I am!”

We all are.

If you mean imminently, then yes, I am, I found out this week, that I can try to stave things off, but I pretty much have three years left. Hey, I might get to ding 50 in real life!

I am strangely cool with this. More worried about the hurt it will cause to those around me.

S’ok. Like I say, I can take it. I’ll fight it, I’m more upset for my friends and family. After all, I don’t have to worry about myself when it comes. Because like, I won’t be able to worry or think about things anymore… I do have to worry about the impact it will have on them. It will destroy my mother, she lost her husband, my father, just ten years older than I am now. My Little brother is angry, and furious at the cosmos and looking for someone to fight over the matter, I mean good luck with whoever he finds, he’s an MMA cage fighter… It’s going to cripple my little niece, she’s only going to turn three next weekend, she doesn’t even understand the concept of ‘mortality’, and I’m going to be her first example. Not “Look in the cage, the hamster has stopped moving”. But one day I’m just going to vanish from her life, and it’s not even that. That’s not what hurts. What hurts is that she’ll think her Uncle doesn’t love her anymore and that’s why he isn’t there…

That’s pretty crushing. That’s horrible, something out of your control…against your will, will have such an impact on a tiny young person’s life…Now that. That I hate. The impact this will have on my tiny niece who has only just learned how pronounce my name properly and now fate is going to snatch me away from her?

No. I’m not having that.

Is what it is, old boy. Sometimes you just have to plaster on a smile and pretend all is well. I’m -very- good at that. Probably too good.

I never say no, Spitfire Lager for preference, but a proper Draught Guinness would hit the spot…

Bizarre thing… That -is- my ‘job’ at LARP fest systems with like, thousands of people. I -am- the storyteller sat in the tavern who might as well have an Exclamation mark over his head going “Talk to Me, I will give you a quest!”

Because if they talk to me, I will indeed give them a quest!

Don’t be, I never am, I never shut the heck up as previous girlfriends and an ex-wife have told me!

In fairness…I don’t think they are wrong. I can actually physically feel it. They ain’t wrong. So I have to be realistic. But equally, I regret heck all. I’m one of those weird people, who even my ex’s are like, still my friends on facebook and chatter all the time even though it’s like “We should hate each other!” and then other female friends are like “How did we never…?” “Because you just learned that I’m dying you muppet!” “OMG, I wasn’t going to use the D word” “Yeah, I did so that you didn’t have to!” “I Hate you so much right now…” “Yeah, that’s why we never did…”

Anyway, last on that topic, that’s a thing. That’s not what this topic is about…


It’s only you alone, can make it gone and you will live to whatever age you want. Everything depends of what you want.

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This topic was before you were even born, pup.

very popular topic and most popular request to have playable high elves such as silver covenant high elves.

but it is true, just because you do not have knowledge about things you do not know or understand, does not mean they does not exists. It’s up to every SOUL, what they wish for.

well acording to BMI calculution simulator blood elf are dangerously underwighted creature and pandarias are heavly overwighted :rofl:

doubt it, blood elves looking too fine, like other elves overall. I love them. Can not wait to get playable high elves such as silver covenant.

Don’t know if we ever see Silver Covenant as playable in the future. Even if it populations does not matter anymore considering small number the void elves and mag’har orcs or Lightforged Draenai are. But if they do, for me I like to see them build a home in the snowy peaks of Northrend, where we first met them back in WOTLK. That they made they way of life in the cold, studying more powerful ice magic. Maybe updated the Windrunner’s Overlook to a fort and with some ice caves that goes under the mountain. that is similar as the ice caves that the nexus have below. Made a pact with the blue dragon flight. to share their arcane power. The Silver Covenant feels more at home in Northrend, for me anyway.
Focusing on nature and ice magic.

Hair to be white, silver, grey or light blond or blond.
Skin to be pale. grey. with different glowing blue or purple Iris and with white Sciera. Well Vereesa Windrunner’s original blue eyes.

Maybe update their tabard, the unicorn mount, flying mount (altough I preferred it was a white eagle with silver armor with blue sapphire rubies than Hippogryphon). Perhaps Sylvanas Windrunner be the one to introduce them in to the Alliance in 10.0 as she might have changed to her high elf ranger general (even if she will be pale as white with blue eyes, im sure she will have new updated from when we next see her) and also could be redeemed. Similar to Grommash Hellscream was redeemed. Maybe as Zovaal will reset reality and we return to a new Azeroth in 10.0.
Where Sylvanas and Vereesa, Co lead the Silver Covenant.

Found these fan art pictures that look really good of Sylvanas Windrunner.

The icy caves under Windrunner overlook.

Maybe calling them.
The Silver Elves or the Pale Elves or Grey Elves or Maybe Sylvian Elves (Sylvanas Elves).

This is just an idea for Silver Covenant.

But as I said that I don’t know if we ever see Them as playable. But if we get a new reality of Azeroth, that we return home to a new Azeroth in 10.0, then maybe…we will see. The addition of the void elves did split the High elf fans. Myself… I am torn between of being a Silver covenant High elf or a Void elf. I do like the Telogrus Rift, there is something about the area. But then again I always wanted to play Silver Covenant since WOTLK, Even if I wanted High elves since wow beta back in 2004. The Silver Covenant is Special too as a group. But if the Silver Covenant became playable one day, I would race change all my void elves to them. For now I can just accept the customization’s that comes with the void elves.

We shall see what the future holds Moontear.

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it is time to add dark elves to the horde !!

Nice post.

Crystal Song forest could be area for high elves, but more warmer then frozen themed. Like Silvermoon style main city in that forest.

Sanlayn, Yes! Horde would love to get them playable

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So Night elves with the Dark skin, black eyes, and White hair. ?

Traditional Drow-ish, stark white hair, obsidian skin, red eyes like rubies… why not?
Every setting needs drows

Already got them (night elves)

I do Love the Crystal Song forest and its song theme. They could take over the area and Rebuild the old Highborne Ruins. The Sunreavers are not there in Northrend at the present time anymore since they were relocated to Silvermoon back in Mists of Pandaria, so why not.


Maybe they meant Nightborne, Since they are getting darker skin color in 9.1.5. I think one was black/grey color. Which I will use when 9.1.5 comes for all my Nightborne. Too bad the Nightborne don’t have alot of eye colors to choose from.

that forest would fit with their armor, appearance, mount they already have, would be nice.

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Would have loved if there was a Silver Covenant version of Thas’dorah legacy of the windrunners and Vindictive Gladiator’s Chain Armor (Alliance Recolor) in Silver Covenant colors. And Warmongering Gladiator’s Chain Helm with Silver Covenant colors. For My hunter.

If we just had a dye system in wow.

Yeah that Thas’dorah legacy of the windrunners looks amazing, and it’s ok for high elves to have options to look like Alleria too, since she is still a high elf.

I think that is also happening in future too.