Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Ah, that’s easier to explain. We’ll set aside for a moment what Ayellin stated. They are right, in that in lore there has been no instance of a Half Elf siring or bearing a child, but whilst I too remember reading that they are sterile (In much the same way as mules in our world are), I cannot now find the Source.

Realistically only Alodi and Arator would be old enough to have sired children, though neither did/have, Vereesa’s boys are still children, early teens perhaps. This could just mean that No Half elf has had children yet, however, not that they -cannot-.

So it isn’t really the same as in the real world, as I pointed out in that humans of different ethnicities can and do have mixed race offspring, which is all fine and groovy in most developed nations. We’re talking two different -Species- here, which obviously isn’t a scenario we have in our real world.

Now, there is a difference between genetics and hereditary, so best to use the terms ‘Bloodline’ and ‘Line’ to differentiate the two.

Obviously Vereesa and Alleria’s Sons are of the Windrunner -Bloodline- as in genetically their parents were both Windrunners.

In terms of the Windrunner Line, so as in the hereditary dynasty, they would not.

The reason I made the distinction, is that the Windrunners -are- a Dynasty, having an associated rulership role in Quel’thalas. That being the position of Ranger-General. Quel’thalas however, a) Would not accept them, and b)have now moved on to the much more sensible system of choosing Ranger-General on merit, rather than Hereditary Lineage. (Source for the Lineage thing being the Thas’dorah Artefact knowledge in Legion)

So Alleria and then Vereesa in order, would, theoretically be the ones to carry on that Dynasty and have the ancestral role of Ranger-General. Their Sons could not further that Dynasty, that Line by virtue of not being Elves.

If you think of it like English Royal Line’s, There are almost certainly people knocking around now with Plantagenet blood in them, Tudor blood, and so on, however their Dynastic Line has ended. No one could crop up and go "I’m related distantly to Richard III (The last Plantagenet King of England) and expect anyone to take their claim to that dynasty seriously.

So that’s what I meant, that unless one of the living Windrunner sisters makes an interesting lifestyle choice, the Dynastic Line of Windrunner’s dies with them.

Their Genetic stock will of course carry on, -assuming- that their sons are fertile, however the likelihood is that it will become further and further ‘Humanised’.

That’s what I meant.

That plus Elves seem to be colossally racist towards Human-Elf hybrids, even Lor’themar Theron, who is otherwise a pretty chilled dude, loses his rag with Kalecgos in human form (Unaware he is a dragon in humanoid form) and grabs hold of him calling him a ‘Filthy Half-breed’

No idea why they are so racist towards Half Elves, it could be either the whole ‘Uncanny Valley’ thing, or it could be more psychological, that half elves -look- a bit like elves, but are a stark reminder that they too are mortal, given the half elf’s truncated lifespan.

Either way, the Hereditary Dynasty of the Windrunners dies with Alleria and Vereesa.

World War II began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland . Great Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3.

She got her half of soul back…so not sure was she ever was an undead?

Anything is possible :smiley:

That might happen with a new world tree and new blessings.

Sylvanas still there and she getting back her other half of soul for her returning as high elf.

You’re right about the dates there for Britain and France. Some historians also regard the invasion of Czechoslovakia (Initially an annexation, but turned violent) in 1938 as another contender for the start, as from that point there was a continual state of war going on in mainland Europe, basically the ‘dance partners’ changed. Personally I stick with the usual 1939 kickoff, as whilst there was conflict before that, it was one country against each other, which ain’t -really- a World War is it?

That doesn’t change anything though, you can be undead and still have all your own soul…

Well ,that is what I kind of meant by ‘lifestyle decisions’ yeah! :smiley:

Or it might not? We don’t know.

Fair enough. She’d still be an Undead High Elf, and without being too graphic about it, she therefore can’t have children…

Also, we know she has the Family Kink for Human boytoys, so she’s not going to remedy the situation even -If- (and we don’t know this is happening) she regains her mortality.

Still waiting for that citation on Alleria being a High Elf.


But if when she will her whole soul returned to her body she will be high elf, not undead?

I explained. In game she does look like a high elf using void powers despite in a book saying she is void elf. She was not changed like other void elves.

In game =/= books.

That line ends because these children are mostly human. Not elven.

So Sylvanas is not a banshee queen or ranger general but always a Windrunner. Ok, high elf, and she will be seeking to find Nathanos , undead.

If she fail to find him or he is dead forever she can still make Windrunner blood line to continue.

Nah, she’ll be like Koltira Deathweaver, an Undead High Elf. Fun fact about Koltira, It is -believed- That Koltira, like Sylvanas was a Farstrider ranger in life, and was killed by his later best buddy Thassarian, who was already a Death Knight. This was -during- the Scourge invasion, and he was promptly raised as a Death Knight. So he was never called a Blood Elf (That bit is definitely Correct, the Farstrider bit not confirmed, but his dialogue indicates it is likely).

Ironically Orbaz Bloodbane refers to him as a Blood Elf during the WotLK starting Death Knight zones, even though he never was! :slight_smile:

She -was-, she is something different now, quite what, has not yet been revealed.

She -was-, but isn’t anymore. There is only ever one Ranger-General of Quel’thalas, and that is currently Halduron Brightwing.

Blood line in terms of genetics, yes, Blood line in terms of Hereditary titles, No. Assuming she is alive and not Undead still. If she is, then she cannot carry on either Line.

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Sylvanas is undead. She is not able to make babies. Stop spreading nonsense.


Your argument is that the World of Warcraft novelizations are not canon lore.

Am I getting that right?

he is death knight not undead, not like horde undeads :smiley:

But Sylvanas is different, She already got her blue high elf eyes color back. When her soul will be completely whole again she will not be dead.

Well, we do not know that.

My argument that what was, is written in books were many times “retconned”.

If it is written in a book does not mean it’s 100% true. I don’t read books, my point of view based from in game experience.

The quoted sources of Alleria being a Void Elf are all from post-Legion publications. Whereas there are none calling her a High Elf since the events on Argus.

Until contradicted or retconned, that is precisely what that means.

Which would be a valid argument if the relevant citations hadn’t been provided to you several times over. Which they have. :woman_shrugging:

Ermm, He’s still Undead. Death Knights are…

Says who? Source?

Without getting biological, dead women cannot gestate a child, and dead men cannot sire a child. I mean Sylvanas -herself- says that!

Dear Azeroth, help fight the cross breeding of elfs as they become unhappy and edgy, thx.

Ok, but her body and appearance did not changed at all, yes she have void form when using void powers but that’s it.

Not until or retconned. You can use a common sense to tell which is more possible and true which is not.

Now i see in game Alleria as a high elf using void powers.

In cinematic her eyes are more like a high elvish, i would say even more like Allerias

Well but she will get her soul to her body maybe there’s some magic to make her alive?

:joy: :joy:

More Beautiful Art from LideminaCarter.

I think its Windrunner Spire in the background.

New Look for Vereesa Windrunner.


Wow , these are super cool! Thanks for sharing. I want to play high elf even more :partying_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yep, 3 high elves, Alleria , Sylvanas, Vareesa. Yeah.

Windrunner spire is wider than that, and the two towers on either side of the tower are taller, and it’s coastal, which admittedly you can’t see the sea from there. The anachronism being, if that is when the three Windrunners were alive, why is Vereesa wearing a Silver Covenant Tabard? The SC wasn’t formed until after TBC, and Sylvie had been Undead a long time by that point. Also it looks more like Eversong, whereas Windrunner Spire is in what is now called Ghostlands, prior to that ‘The Black Woods’ . I’d say it -could- be drawn as during the Second War before the Horde used Dragons to get past Ban’dinoriel (Which is a lore fudge, it stopped -everything- but narrative is narrative). Problem with that is that a) Vereesa should be a pre-teen and b) The Silver Cov didn’t exist.

Still, that aside, it is a beautiful piece of artwork, without a doubt! :slight_smile:

1 High Elf, 1 Undead Elf, 1 Void Elf. I don’t make these rules, Blizzard do.


in that picture 3 high elves. :slight_smile: You can see it, with your own eyes?

Need elven expansion for third faction. Sexy Windrunners.

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