Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Not only me, a lot of people still want to play high elves. Not blood or void elves, but the high elves.

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In a sea of posts it’s natural for suggestions to kind of dissipate, so I’d like to point out again the possibilities of enabling race name toggles, such as:

Trolls: Zandalari, Amani, Forest Trolls etc

Dwarves: Ironforged, Wildhammer, Dark Iron

Thalassians: High elves (Alliance), Blood elves (Horde), Void elves (Alliance), Dark rangers (Horde)

Humans: Stormwind, Kul’Tiran

Undead: Forsaken, Darkfallen (mix of vampiric and undead features?)

Draenei: Exodar, Lightforged, Eredar

Orcs: Orcs, Fel orcs, Mag’har orcs

Night elves: Night elves, Highborne

Nightborne: Nightborne, Highborne

Gnome: Gnome, Leper Gnome, Mechagnome

Tauren: Tauren, Highmountain tauren

Perhaps not all of these suggestions will be added, but they do refer mostly to TITLES / TOGGLES and NOTHING more. Perhaps some additional customizations or class/race combos may become available due to them, but is by no means required. They should be there merely for the purposes of proper roleplay.


This thread is still alive… Amazing.

Umm…The Zandalari already have that race name… The Amani are not playable, as they hate both Horde and Alliance and are pretty much kill on sight by both Blood and High Elves. Probably Void Elves too, unless they have gone -full on- traitor mode. Forest Trolls, so like the Reventusk, who -are- in the Horde, yeah, you can do that with TRP or MRP, no problem.

Ummm…Right, I’m assuming you meant Bronzebeard? That’s the default Dwarf setting. Wildhammer can be done by giving them the customisation warpaints, Dark Iron already have their own racial tag, like Zandalari.

TRP/MRP allows the first, for those who really must have their Tolkien fetish indulged, Blood Elves is already the racial tag for…well, the most dominant 90% of the species, Void Elves is -already- the tag for the Alliance race called ‘Void Elves’ and Dark Rangers are not (and pray Gods never will be) a playable race, but even if someone did want that, TRP or MRP is their friend.

Human default is Stormwind, Kul’Tirans already have a separate racial tag.

Forsaken/Undead already have their racial name tag, Darkfallen do not exist and would add nothing to the game.

Err…what? Right, Draenei is -already- the nametag of the main body of the Draenei and the Lightforged Draenei (Who frankly I don’t know what the point of them is, they’re basically like Vindicator types who used ‘cheat mode’ ) and Eredar, whilst being the correct name for the entire Species, assuming you just mean the red ones, are not playable, and would make no sense in either Faction.

Orcs have a racial name. Mag’'har already have their racial name. Fel Orcs are not in the Horde.

But why? I mean if someone -is- that desperate to be special, then TRP/MRP is there for them! Highborne is a -caste- of Night Elves, it does not need a separate race tag, because it is -not- a separate race!

Right, are you sure about this? OK, Gnomes are playable, and have their own race tag. Mechagnomes are also playable, and already have their own race tag too. Leper Gnomes, are not playable. However if someone really wanted to be different, guess what, MRP/TRP is there for them!

But they already exist! They are the racial tags! They literally already exist, what change are you wanting, for someone to be able to untag as a Highmountain Tauren and then retag as a Highmountain Tauren?

That…is…why…these…tools…-Already Exist!-

If you’re a Roleplayer, simplest thing in the world, get the add on MRP or TRP (They’re even compatible), people have literally been doing this for years now, years and years.

You can do -everything- you suggested there, apart from play the impossible races, because that would just be bad roleplay. Everything else, we’ve had those options for more than ten years! :slight_smile:


When it’s basically kept on life support after weeks of neglect, it’s more sad than amazing.

Nice post. Agree, great ideas.


Darkfallen should be like high elf option for elves, horde/alliance. No only for undead. If i understand your idea correctly.

Except it was created in 2016. Now we are in 2022? :star_struck:


I think it is about time Blizzard actually gives the Alliance the High Elves that we have within the Alliance instead of compromise after compromise that they keep doing with the Void Elves. After all, we see it every single expansion except for Warlords of Draenor. And well, we see the Silver Covenant once again, fighting for the Alliance in the Shadowlands Prepatch, even an Arcanist opening a portal to Stormwind.

Let’s face it Blizzard, you keep teasing the Alliance with the High Elves, even though you given us the customizations to allow us to play almost like as a High Elf through the Void Elf allied race, but you know what? They’re still Void Elves. They are still a group with a lore that goes for 1 sentence long. People have been requesting for the High Elves since Vanilla, and well, I’m only going to speak for myself on this part, but I still want to see the High Elves as a separate playable race for the Alliance. Not the Void Rejects from Silvermoon which you seem to only want to compromise for the Alliance. I want to play an Alliance High Elf because of the strong lore that they have still to this day.

It is time to give the Alliance the playable Alliance High Elves! Not the Void Rejects from Silvermoon, and not the Blood Rejects within Silvermoon.


well, we finally got High elves complete with customizations. The only thing unique about them is the racial which i dont mind personally, it only lasts 12 seconds. But it is during the most unpopular expansion ever. Sigh…

Yeah, they’re not going to add a third version of blood elves, sorry bro.

people stormed capitol hill due to their bad convictions, I’m not surprised some similar illminded fellows thought that stomping feet on the forums would make sense as well.

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Alliance do not have playable high elves. In video i see blood elves, - now void elves with a failed attempt to look like real high elves. Do comparison video, how real Silver covenant high elves look, void elves, and blood elves.

Who knows? Anything possible since a lot of people still would prefer playing high elf not void or blood elf.

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Hmm odd picture from hearthstone card.

Or could just be Blizzard mocking the High elf fans again.

It looks more Void elf but it says High elf.

Hmm or maybe its “Undead” High elves to the Alliance, From Sylvanas? Considering the background from the picture, it gives undead atmosphere in the background like forsaken. Or…I don’t know…its odd. If it was forsaken, why would it say Alliance Mage, High elf?



I would say frost themed mage but a high elf. Like Frost Jaina.

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That’s just the colour of the spell affecting how it looks. It very probably is just a ‘regular high elf mage’.

And I doubt they’re mocking anyone.

Yeah apparently it a cryomancer mage so ice mage but the the way her skin is, the background. if you zoom in you can see buildings in the background too.

I wonder what city it is in the background? And whats up with the green atmosphere.

Wait…could it be…Lordaeron? in the background? Lordaeron was hit with the plague in BFA by Sylvanas. So Lordaeron “should” have the green atmosphere, can’t figure out any other place that would have a green atmosphere. But would it not be dangerous, although fire could kill the plague (As we seen at wrathgate) but the Ice can encase it. Hmm more and more puzzles.

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Blizzard have in the past to keep players stay subbed. Like when the horde stole the bell from dalaran. Varian says to Jaina that he has been trying to bring the Sin’dorai back into the Alliance. The Silver Covenant, giving hints here and there that Alliance High elves will be playable but never did so the High elf fans would believe that next expansion or the next expansion after that the High elves would be playable just to give a false hope. They also added more and more Named High elf Npcs in the Alliance just to keep up the false hope.

But when it came to the Allied races and blizzard made the choice to give Nightborne to the horde (Which have alot of night elf history) they knew there would be backlash from the Alliance side so they made a quick decision to give the Alliance high elves (Which they was never going to do… at the time)…only… they did not want to give us what we high elf fans been asking for years. Because of fear from the backlash from horde players (Which terrifies blizzard the most since most of them play horde themselves) they gave alliance instead a compromise…yet again instead what was been asked since vanilla wow.

But we will see once we get more story about Sylvanas. But the hearthstone card does raise an eyebrow, what they are up to.


I really don’t understand how people believe High elves will still be a thing when you have literal blonde elves on both factions now: Void elves and Blood elves.

I even got tons of compliments on my new “High elf” look.

At this point, the only person stopping you from playing a High elf is yourself. And that’s all I will say. Farewell

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At the same time it’s not an excuse for Blood elf and Horde fans to attack anyone who mentions they want something for Void elves and believe themselves to also be High elves. I feel very ostracized on these heavily Horde populated forums as a Void / High elf fan.


I know what you mean. High elves are probably the most attacked groups on the forums and Reddit. and the subject has always been controversial. This mostly comes from the stereotypes that High elf fans are the people that ask for customizations the most, out of any other race. But that’s not true for everyone.

But the truth of the matter is, High elves have now been added as customizations for Void elves. So…nobody can tell you not to “become” one if you wanted to. That’s what Roleplay is for. That’s why sand troll skin was given to Darkspear trolls and Wildhammer tattoos was given to Bronzebeard dwarves.

We have always been a group that struggled the most with playing our favorite race. First we had to Roleplay them as Humans, then we had to Roleplay them as blueberry elves, then we had to Roleplay them as elves wearing ugly hats, and now we can finally Roleplay them in peace.

Suggest whatever you want, and don’t let any negativity stop you. Just keep it to one thread.

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