Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Nobody ever wanted exiled blood elves that became void elves. Nobody.

And what alliance ever wanted and still want are the high elves. We need third elven race, then you can say we get what we wanted. :slight_smile:

I didnt know I wanted them but it turned out to be exactly what I wanted.

I love the dark edginess
I love their colours and their mount and their voices and their dialogue

As someone who was horde fully until they came out, playing a blood elf, they were an amazing gateway into the alliance.

I’m very glad they got added to the game.
Theyre one of my favourite wow races

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Still beating a dead horse? XDdd you already got blue eyed high elves lol

i have them, but they are just not i wanted. Especially when they are a lot of different then silver covenant high elves.

You mean horde got? No, not about blue eyes either. :slight_smile:

It really is going to far in my opinion.

It’s obvious that the remnants of the High Elves are now signing up as Void Elves. It makes sense, and it explains how Void Elves can now look like their uncorrupted cousins.

As far as I’m concerned High Elves are now playable on Alliance. It’d be nice to have a few more hairstyles though, but that is small fish.


I’d be satisfied with a toggle for the racial proc effect, as in just the visual element of course. It’s pretty excessive and like Shadow Form with Priests I wish it could be disabled because I want to see my character clearly.

Can just talk to an NPC in the rift to toggle it.

The latter puts me off playing Shadow Priests because that is on all the time. There should be a proper glyph which removes the visual entirely.

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Yes we did, and in forms of customizations. But it isn’t why we wanted them. Let me put it this way, the Alliance High Elves have something that the Void Elves don’t have. LORE! And it is the reason why I wanted High Elves on the Alliance and not Void Elves initially.


the high elves are not playable, blood and void elves , yes they are.

This, and also customization options.


You and the majority of players. This thread’s “survival” comes down to the usual suspect bumping it whenever its expiration date is about to come due.

Definitely in agreement there as well. Despite having a less glyph reducing the shadow effects somewhat, shadow priests really do have it rough when playing the transmog game.

I should state that I very much requested High Elf customisation options for Void Elves, for the reasons I describe below.

Lore evolves.

What if it is the case that pretty much all the High Elves on Alliance have joined up with the Void Elves? They are all the same race in fact. It makes sense doesn’t it really, because a lot of them most certainly will follow Alleria.

It would make a huge amount of sense considering there are High Elves in the Telegos Rift. It makes further sense when one considers all the High Elf customisations added.

As far as the name ‘Void Elf’, well that’s as meaningless as just having ‘Dwarf’ when the full description should be Bronzebeard or the other types of which the names currently escape me-- and why do all they start in Dun Morogh? Why don’t Sand Trolls start in Tanaris?

My Void Elves are recent recruits. They called themselves ‘High Elves’ before, and they look like High Elves. As far as I see it they have all that lovely Lore you spreak of, and it’s progressed into what we have now because Alleria has made her mark-- with her influence turning some Blood Elves from Horde.

I did actually have a list of wishes to satisfy, and they have been at this point. Except for a toggle to hide the racial proc.

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That’s how I saw it when void elves first came out.
People kept saying they had no lore, but I couldn’t understand why all the lore of the blood elves no longer applied to them.

Up until their transformation they were literally blood elves.

Sure their lore hasn’t been developed a whole lot since, but there is still a lot of history to the race.

Even more if you consider high elves to have joined the ranks.

Lack of lore as an argument will never make sense to me.

The nice thing is we can choose if we were an original Void Elf from Silvermoon. A recent Blood Elf; or a recent High Elf.

It seems to me the blue skinned Void Elves are the originals, who hadn’t mastered the technique of the Void so it corrupted their appearance at all times.

I certainly would like to have had High Elves straight in from Alliance with no Void, but at this point it seems so many of the boxes are ticked it kind of silly to ask for them. We have for all intents got them now, and adding them as an Allied Race makes little sense with the High Elf appearance options they added recently.

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I think it would be a total waste of resources as well. The alliance could get something new and cool instead of just void elves without void options.

But I also wouldn’t be against high elves as a race if it did not mean we lost out on something the game does not already have twice over.

I used to be very against it.
But then void elves got all the skin and hair colours and so blood elves have nothing left to steal. So why the Heck not.
(Not that I’m fully begrudging the options being given to void elves. My void elf looks hella cool as a ginger)

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High elf/Void elf should be decided on the character creation screen as a sub-race.


I think they would look like same to the blood elves,Void and Blood elves have the same skin color,including unique skin color for void elves that are bound to void

Best thing Blizzard can do is put a little footnote in the lore stating that the 12 or so remaining true high elves were all killed off during the 4th war.

the amount of views this thread has compared to the amount of posts… speaks for how popular this idea is …

sry to break it to you dedicated few.

I would say the easiest way would just say vereesa sent the Silver Covenant to train under aleria and harness the powers of the void.

That would work too.

Where will be their start zone?