Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Go and check post above, they are not same and does not look the same.

It’s a lie. You can filter most replied topics from highest to lowest, both high elves topics are first. So ?

they are also likely the longest running with the most amount of posts from the same users too.

I can confirm on this thread that 3920 of the posts were made by 24 people
The biggest user being moontear with 1018 of them

The other 2265 posts I’ve no clue on as that’s where the counter at the top of the thread stopped

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I have 125 void elves, no im not happy with void elves because they are not the high elves. I have like 6 blood elves but don’t like horde.

I can not visit Argent Tournament because every time i do, i see the high elves, The Silver Covenant and that pisses me off that they are still not playable.

I am happy for those who are like void elves but they are not what players ever asked.

If players want high elves and they have everything to be made playable tomorrow with no recourses needed to make them playable, why not let us have what we actually want, would like to play? :slight_smile:

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Yeah it’s what you wanted, or rather what most of you wanted. Eventually you got what what you wanted, blue eyed blonde elves in the Alliance which, as of now, makes High Elves pointless as a new race since it would be the clone of two existing ones. Let it go.

It would use up a race slot, because you can’t just give Alliance that and not give anything to Horde.

If they did introduce a feature to choose racial faction or something, then yes, that’d be good.

Kind of like how Mag’har Orcs have 4 subraces in one (which isn’t fair really). Really the black orcs should be titled ‘Blackrock Orc’. We can make Wildhammer Dwarves that start in Dun Morogh. We have Sand Trolls that start in Durotar.

One could argue they should have their own racial spells.

Void Elves should get a toggle to either remove or change the visual effect of the racial proc. Also a few new hairstyles would be nice-- maybe give them some of the Blood Elf hairs and in return give some of the Void Elf ones to Blood Elves (I know a lot of Blood Elves players are jealous of some).

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Nothing would or will happen if only alliance get “new” race the high elves and horde gets nothing.

We got exiled blood elves from horde, not actual high elves that are within alliance. Alliance always had blue eyed elves just not playable, pet faction as usual got alliance high elf customization.

This would honestly be pretty welcomed. I would happily trade the fairly useless teleport racial toggle in return as well.

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It’s the most distracting and excessive racial visual effect, and what’s more it procs frequently.

It’s the same reason why I don’t like playing Shadow Priests.

Shadow form is now ruined, it does look like a purple fart. It used to be much better.
That form is why i chose to play shadow priest and it is my main. Even when did ruined this spec since legion.

Void elf racial also is a unique thing for them, what makes void elves the void elves. They should focus on making more void themed customizations for them and make third elven race playable for high elf fans.

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Instead of the other exile elves that look identical to the exiled elves you prattle on about? Yeah, you got those.

But not like I expect guys like you to enjoy what you were given. Even if they gave you exactly what you wanted, to the last detail you’d still have something to complain about.

the high elves arent playable, void and blood elves , yes.

This topic about making Silver covenant the high elves playable. I did video to show differences high/void/blood elf. Scroll up.

We can still hope one day, it’ll happen. Maybe dragonflight?

Called blood elf and void elf.

Same thing. You’re not gonna get a third playable race that is identical to 2 others.

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Simply delete void elves from the game code, and add high elves in its place.

This isn’t exactly rocket science, and void elves literally only exist as a constant reminder that Blizzard spat in the face of the entirety of the Alliance side, and gave them something really bad out of spite.

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Giving Alliance HE’s would be spitting Horde players in the face, just like giving VE’s the BE model + skin colours were

And? The game has been 100% Horde biased and favored since forever, and it’s about time Blizzard does something for the other side.


You mean like how horde were given the nightbourne? Was like spitting in night elves face


It’s only ok when it’s for the Horde, because like I said, Horde favoritism and bias.

I don’t think that was an entirely good idea either. At least they gave them different looks + posture, even if animations are the same. If they did the same with VE’s (or HE’s) then it would be more fair. Carbon copy clones are definitely worse IMO.