Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

i have said it in the past on topics like these but why the obssesion with high elves. Even the ones in game are literally just blood elves with a non fel green eye color. Just play a blood elf and roleplay like you are a high elf. If cross raiding leads turns into total crossplay in the future then you even can play your high elf with allies for your goldshire inn fantasies.

Playable gnolls would be great if they keep their chunky looks instead of just some humam and elf model made to have only their heads look look gnolls but the rest of the body looking far too human

thats literally just the case blood elves got green eyes from slurping fel juice so the only difference is the eye color. But despite being told that many times these elf fans wont accept it and they will keep bumping topics like these when they die out just so they can get copy pasted blood elfs on the alliance side because void elfs arent enough for them. Tho void elves were indeed a terrible allied race with lore pulled out of nowhere

I mean, I think “void elf” idea sucked really badly. But if you make in game male void elf, “Sorrow” haircut, white skin, blue eyes, blond-ish hair, that looks like a high elf to me. And a good looking one at that.

Maybe the most annoying is the racial covering your character in combat for few seconds, but you can easily make RP reasons for that. Maybe mana overflow for example?

Otherwise I don’t see any reason to have these kinds of posts, but if they insist on keep going strong, sure. They should understand that what they’re asking is bit beyond scope. It would look ridiculous to have void and high elves on alliance roster.

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yeah void elfs are horrible their lore got pulled out of nowhere their color schemes look horrible and their model isnt changed at all. But the truth is their horrible lore got forced into the game purely because of people like the OP of this topic wich constantly kept nagging for playable blood/high elfs on the alliance side, but with a few easy changes so it wouldnt annoy as many horde players for a horde race being given to the alliance.

Sadly the people wich caused the implementation of the void elfs with their alliance high elf obsession are not easy to please and they were not statisfied with what they wanted

Give void Elves the hair styles and tattoes Moontear are crying for and id be surpised if he still managed to keep this thread alive.

As thats basically more or less his entire High elf race case rests upon

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i’m sure he would manage to keep it alive. He just got to post something once a month to keep it from closing it down automaticly. thats why this topic still exists because of all the bumping over the years. Until het gets exactly what he wants. So the only way i can see this topic dissappear is if cross faction play becomes a proper thing

He already got …exactly what he wanted… His entire case rests on tatooes and hairstyles… And not turning proc purple…

exactly, these high elf fanboys/girls can’t be pleased. So no need to cater to them any more as there already are 50 shades of elf in game. These high elf fans even are the reason we got such horrible allied races like void elfs

thanks for bump :wink: too bad no sage in all fields exists here.

new patch new high elf hopes up!


i meant people were already talking after someone bumped it after nobody talking anymore in here for 17 days, i wouldnt bump it when its already dying for such a long time

You know guys, can we maybe please let this thread die?

It was created May 2020. 2 Years ago…

thats fine with me but blizz should just lock this topic because whenever this topic starts doing some low lvl alt comes to bump it with a single sentence posts. Pretty sure bumping like this is done by the OP or someone likeminded just to keep the topic from locking.

So blizz should just lock this topic entirely because i thought bumping like that was supposed to be against the rules these days


It is.

But we all know how well these forums are moderated.

Ie. They aren’t.


I mean I’d welcome it, but Moontear or totally unrelated and anonymous single-digit post alts resuscitate it whenever the thread is close to death.

Which makes it hilarious when Moontear gets up on his soapbox and loudly declares how popular his take is.


Yeah this topic pretty much is a eu wow forum meme at this point. Much like Ereviens topics named “kill [insert race or character here]”.

Excuse me, What??

Void elves was blizzard’s choice, not us high elf fans. Because of rule of “cool”. No body asked for void elves (Why?? because they didn’t exist), It was High elves we asked for, that has been In the alliance forever. In vanilla there was High elves Stormwind. In alliance outposts in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor like Theramore, there was high elves. In outland there was still remnants of lordaeron alliance with high elves still fighting for “The Alliance”. Then In WOTLK we met the Veeresa and her Silver Covenant. Those are the high elves we wanted, those high elves that choosed to stay and fight for the alliance.

Void elves however are former blood elves that “have to earn” their allegiances. The alliance high elves don’t have to, Why?? because they always been there. They might not be many but they can rebuild just like the blood elves.

And they don’t need Silvermoon (Which Umbric and Alleria keeps talking about taking back), they can just rebuild an Ancient Quel’dorai (The first ones that is) outpost or a Ancient Quel’dorai city (And there is alot of them ruins “out there” in Azeroth) And they could have made the Alliance High elves more paler than their cousins the blood elves due to their lack of mana over the years. Blood elves have more reddish skin due to the fel radiation and using fel magic and got the green eyes. But ofcourse now with their Sunwell relit it would be only natural and logic, they get more bronze color and the yellow/gold eyes. And blood elves could been more Imperial elvish race while the Alliance high elves were more traditional Kingdom Elves.

And another thing with void elves. they don’t have 10000 years backing them up. They have to start from the ground up. Create their own language and culture. As of now its just mixed. Blood elf culture and language but they playing with void magic instead of fel magic or Light magic and mixed in with Ethereal. So void elves is just a mess as a race and that’s due to that they were a last minute decision. No time to establish a point of origin for void elves which makes them a hollow race. Which why they feel so weird as a race. They should simple made High elves playable which has been asked since vanilla and they should have made a race that is more suited for using void magic. A race that “comes” from void space. That has been using void magic for 10000 years or more.

Yeah we can look close to a High elf as void elf but it lacks a soul, An origin. And also there are those who wants to destroy the void elves by looking like a freak show with tentecals all over the face and mouth. Like a faceless or k’thir which was never the point with void elves. They were just suppose to be an elf using void powers.

But we just want to have traditional alliance with Humans, Dwarves and Elves (With other races added later) which other RPG games have and always have for years and years. Blizzard are the only ones that have deviated from that. Sure other rpgs that had a horde faction that have had elves too but been more darker and sinister elves that either deviated from high elves or always existed as a darker elf. Also for a Light worshiping faction to accept a darker power goes against the idea of an Light worshiping Alliance.

But we all know why they made the void elves. It was more for the Horde blood elf players than the alliance high elf fans, so the blood elf players could move to alliance to balance the factions and still being a blood elf within the alliance (Why?? because the void elves are based of horde blood elves and not loyal alliance high elves) However did not work. Because barely any blood elves players moved over to the alliance side. And now their solution is to remove the faction barrier. So what’s the point with “For the Alliance and For the Horde” It will lose its meaning as well as “War…craft”.


come on man we all know void elves were added because of the " GIVE ALLIANCE HIGH ELFS PLOX"topics wich appeared from time to time on the forums. Just like how we all know how blood elves actually went to the horde side because they needed a pretty race.

I only read the first 2 sentences you typed btw. i didnt see any tldr

No it is not, daddy chill? This topic should be pinned. People still want playable high elves. I hope we get them next expansion as allied race.

I would say to justify giving blue alliance high elf eyes for blood elves, so they made “compromise”, which was not at that time at all. Still is not. void elves should remain as void elves, and the high elves should remain as the high elves we would like to play.


The thread wasn’t dying though, and our wishes are still not met.


All 24 of you?

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Man, I do not know what is wrong with you.

The thing is easy: High elves aren’t available; what’s available is something that almost resembles these.

You don’t have paladin class, the racials don’t match, the NPCs refer to you as a Void Elf, there’s no High elf cosmetics (Mount, Tabard, high res weapons, heritage armor, etc…) the emotes and basically the voice of the race is this modified voice that’s been made for a race that’s thematically of the void, there’s no new HUB that represents the High elves except a handful of old places where they appeared, etc etc etc…

Races aren’t purely cosmetic! They have depth to them!

And what the hell do you mean by “they aren’t easy to please”? It’s so damn easy as to add the damn High elves! How spiteful do you have to be about the thing that you talk like this?

And no, it is not anyone’s problem that Blizzard devs were so hard headed as not being able to simply add the race as an allied race so they invented this half-assed garbage, it is not any player’s “fault” that they did this, and frankly it really looks like you talk like this because you are resentful about the topic, which is not anyone’s problem but yours.

Now at least the players can have something that resembles what they asked for and was already in the Alliance faction for decades, but it is simply half-assed and painting it over is not enough as it lacks almost anything else that makes a playable race a playable race.

I hope this clarifies some of the uninformed complaints.