Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

You can roleplay as a high elf. You can get blue eyes on your toon.

Now you want to copy belfs/velfs just because you don’t like the in game race name? I guess we should also add water/air/rock/blossom/cruel/sun elves that are basically belfs based on their physical form.

Blossom elves could have a giant flower slapped on their forehead. Cruel elves could be little bit angrier elves, that got focus point on their angry looking eyebrows. Otherwise similar to the belves.

yeah if the topic is dying down OP and its elf obsessed buddies will bump the topic. Kind of annoying

honestly with all the crap ive been getting… Beyblade let it rip?.. Let it spin?

Why not more human and elf additional races… Lets see how many body types and coulours we can make a new race of the exact same race out off? Go wild.

More human/Elf races please and elves… Blizzard you dont actually need a new race.

Just make a new body type and call it a new race like you did Kul tirans!

I’m all in for another race.

Just not another disappointment like vulpera. I mean, goblins with fox heads and tails might’ve sound like a good idea while drunk, but bringing that into reality was little bit astonishing.

How about… another goblin race… BUT!! BUT DONT LEAVE BUT!

they are blue and have gills?! huh? huh?!

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atleast kulthirans look much different from the standard humans making them a nice "customisation"option for human players. But the 50 shades of elf always look pretty much the same.

honestly some weird furry race like vulpera would be a better option than yet another elf based race. Whats next? some elf like race wich looks like they just came out of a drag queen contest and is able to transform into a character from the spyro games?

Absolutely perfect!

How about another human race too?!.. This one is slender and skinny! But is from alterac!! totally different humans! But you get to play slender slim humans!!

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Worst is 90% of you reading this above wanna say yes but wont comment it -.- You absultue sucker units.


do ogres count as a human race?

Yes… yes they do… as really big ones born with two heads…
Also from a different world but still yes.

Ogres = Really big humans with two heads and ugly facotor.

then lets give ogres pointy ears so everyone is happy. People finally get their ogres. And the elf lovers will have their new elf as well

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Seriously… we’re getting Tuskar and Gnolls most likely this expansion. And you guys are still complaining about the lack of more Humans and Elvees added? How far do you want it to go serious question… How many elf races and humans do you want.

What we ask are playable high elves https://ibb.co/m5Hx65h not void elves or blood elves, even i play both of them.

Blood elves https://ibb.co/9t34Fsc can look like high elves.

Void elves https://ibb.co/3p3GqG6 can not look like high elves, fact.

even 3 videos, watch again they all look different.

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what you got was playable High elves… You just mad cause you proc pruple. And cant make tattoes…

Not enough to make an entire new race for though…

Nothing to create, the high elves are already in-game, already in the alliance, already have everything to be ready playable today. No resources required to make them playable.


God I hope so


All I can see that is different is the hair color and style? Like, I’m not joking here.