They are blood elves, they can’t go backwards and become high elves again. If according to you they are high elves, then hey should re-join alliance where most high elves are.
Can you link a source that state otherwise? It is shown in-game we have 3 factions, blood , void, high. If they were same they would be under 1 name tag and one faction.
Well, they were no longer maghar orcs, but corrupted green orcs, and that’s why therre are two different factions maghar and orcs +fel orcs.
Yeah, how about the video where Ion said, “Blood Elves are High Elves, Void Elves are another flavour of High Elves.” I mean, you simply asking me, despite I asked you a question, and you can’t even link a source.
And no, they do not have to be under the one name tag and on the one faction. The names, are all just political. Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaimed the Blood Elves to honor there fallen, but they’re still High Elves, despite calling themselves something different. Alleria Windrunner established her group as Void Elves, but they are still High Elves, despite themselves calling themselves Void Elves.
You do know that being a Blood Elf is not a race, but a political stance before anything else? All High Elves took the name Blood Elves after the fall of Quel’thalas, but those who left to later join the Alliance took back the name High Elves.
Well speaking for myself. I think it should have been High elves that was released at the end of legion.
And we gotten later a race that would be more ideal that uses void power, that comes from the void galaxy. That have been using void magic for 10000 years or more. That have their own language, culture and an alien home/city etc.
Like Locus-walker’s people the ethereals that choosed void powers. I know there are 2 kinds of ethereals. The ones we saw in outland and the new ones on Argus or a K’thir race or a new race that is beautiful and yet have only tentacles hairstyles and looks alien, like draenai did. But they don’t have hooves or tail but more human body, hmm maybe like mystique from x men, her body but has tentacles hairstyle. It would been more fitting and logical than making blood elves to void elves, that is mixed between blood elves and ethereals and void. But don’t really have their own culture, language or tradition etc or a real home.
But blizzard choosed to make void elves because of rule of cool. Even if they make no sense to the world of Warcraft. Warcraft that is savage and medieval world. And void is just an invading force that don’t belong there.
They certainly can. If a Blood Elf individual notices that their blue eyes are back (Or golden now) then they can choose to go back and identify as a High Elf. Even better, a Blood Elf does not NEED blue eyes in order to go back to identify as a Helf, because it is not the physical appearance which determines what they are. Do you even know WHY they called themselves Blood Elves in the first place? It had nothing to do with the fel. They chose that name to remember their fallen brothers and sisters, and no longer CONSIDER themselves High Elven.
Identifying as a High Elf doesn’t mean that you are automatically alliance again. That logic doesn’t work, because being a Blood Elf, Void Elf, High Elf, w/e, is not to be an own race. They are all 3 the same species still if they are able to interbreed. Just look up what the definition of a “species” is.
As long as Blood Elves and High Elves and Void Elves can have children with each other, they are the same species.
Therefore, being a Blood Elf or High Elf has little to do with race and little to do with anything other than identity and a political stance, like Nedra pointed out.
That is why your example with the Orcs doesn’t work, either. If an Orc that imbibed the fel can have offspring with a Mag’har Orc, they are the same species. Hence why they are still called Orcs, I will presume.
1st generation Void Elves were Blood Elves. Blood Elves were High Elves. I say WERE because they no longer identify as that. However, as a SPECIES, all 3 of them are the same. The biggest outlier are the Void Elves, due to how they have been altered by their magic. But the void didn’t seem to transform them into a new race altogether, so…
The rule of cool had nothing to do with it. They wanted to give the Alliance the belf model but turns out they couldn’t just do it like that and had to invent a new race.
Whatever he said, does not mean it is a fact. His answer was stupid and insult to all alliance players. “Fair skinned, light haired, blue eyes, horde is waiting for you”, she should have been fired for this comment only.
So, if you want to play iconic alliance race you must go horde…whata?
and then void elves happened…with all these customizations. So your point exactly?
Your question was irrelevant. If orc drank blood he does not change into tauren. he is still orc but different, corrupted or fel orc but not like it was before.
yes they renamed BUT also they changed lifestyle, their eye, skin color, voice , faction different from the high elves. They are not same as they used to be.
Yes, appearance also.
By that logic then night elves, nightborne, highborne ect are, also can breed with void/blood/high elves and they still are SAME.
Well, why don’t you actually show an actual source to say that Void Elves and Blood Elves are not High Elves. I’ll be waiting.
Man, Mag’har Orc or Green Orcs… They’re still Orcs!
Except in the Warcraft Chronicles, it simply does state that the Nightborne are a different race. You can’t link an actual reference to where Blood Elves or Void Elves are a different race.
It is not logic. It is facts. However, interbreeding in World of Warcraft works oddly. I mean, they are elves. Regardless of whether they call themselves Night Elves or Void Elves, they are all, in the end, elves, and the “lesser” elven races, the Helves and beyond, did descend from the Kaldorei. The Kaldorei are the progenitors of all elven races on Azeroth, ultimately. And it’s not like a human and a Helf mating will produce a pure elf or human offspring. It is a half-and-half result, which basically creates an entirely new race.
“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day, we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!" - Kael’thas Sunstrider
Time to get your facts straight about the nature of Helves, Belves, and Velves. You can’t be more wrong than you’ve only been all along in these discussions.
In fact, that’s a very “High elf” thing to do, it makes total sense as Vereesa already stated about “recovering Quel’thalas”. It’s literally like Alliance players wanting Lordaeron back.
So… It is not such a bad thing as you portray it, because it literally shows that High elves fulfill certain fantasies.
But you do you. It’s not anyone’s problem that you don’t want to understand it.
facts are that blood elves chose different path. Consuming fel magic changed them. Their skin tone changed, voice changed eyes changed, their lore changed. Yet you still say they are same…come on.
Even considering regular lifespan about 4000 years for blood elves there are also newborns that are already affected by different blood elf lifestyle. Yet you think like everything happened yesterday and they all are same
It doesn’t matter if it changed their eye colour and skin tones, SLIGHTLY. The appearance DOESN’T MATTER. They are NOT blood elves because of their APPEARANCE! Is that so difficult to comprehend, man? The skin tone argument is so weak anyway. It’s not like they turned green, like the Orcs. They still have the skin color they had as High Elves. Stop kidding yourself.
… What? Again, you come with an argument that doesn’t make ANY sense.
Go read lore before you argue about this. You’re now only consistently making yourself look a bit stubborn and willfully ignorant, only because you ain’t getting what you want. You know what kind of people behaves this way, when they don’t get what they want?
You have no proof to counter us on this matter Keep trying to convince us that your comparisons in videos and pictures are proof, but the only reason why you can’t accept the fact that Belves are Belves because of their newfound identity rather than physiological differences is because that would render your own argument completely fallacious, and by extension, the subject of this thread entirely a waste of time because you already have High Elves. You’re only missing the labels that divides Velves from Helves. That’s all you need from Blizzard.
Adult children will forever remain children, I guess. Ignorance is bliss.
Blood elves with blue eyes and Void elves with blue eyes are not part of the the High elves faction.
They’re just void elves and blood elves who happen to still have the original blue eyes that their race always had until their circumstances changed. They fed off fel energies or touched changed by the void.
Even if we now have blue eyes in the Blood Elf and Void Elf factions - the High Elf faction is not playable.
They’re just added in customizations that could have been there from the beginning. Maybe not all Blood Elves had their eyes turn green. Maybe not all Void Elves had their skin turn purple. Different people were affected in different ways.
Of course these customizations allowing people to RP as if they were a part of the High Elf faction or as if they’re a High Elf who have now joined Blood Elves for some reason - But really they’re not. People will still say “greetings Blood Elf” or “greetings Void Elf”.
Both blood elves and void elves are just roleplaying the original High Elves. The game will still address you as a blood elf or void elf, regardless of what either side think they are.
Unless the starting narrative changes for either side when you choose a blue eyed pale skinned elf, then you’re still just the blood elf or void elf you’ve always been.